Home remedies prove to be a boon when it comes to preventing or minimizing the symptoms of allergies. An allergy is a hypersensitive reaction by the body’s immune system towards harmless substances which are commonly referred to as allergens. This issue arises due to excessive activation of mast cells and basophils by immunoglobulin. Allergies cannot be eliminated but can be reduced using various methods; the mildest being the natural, herbal or homeopathic remedies. Mostly all allergy remedies aim at reducing the histamine level in the circulatory system. See the list of home remedies for treatment of allergies further down this page.
A lot of people suffer from pollen allergy, but most of them do not even know that what they are exhibiting are pollen allergy symptoms. More often than not, they confuse these symptoms with those of common cold. The most effective way of treating these symptoms is by using natural allergy remedies as they are safer with no known side effects.
Many people in the United States struggle with at least one type of allergy related symptom or asthma. In fact, the numbers equal out to be 1 in 5 Americans suffer with allergies or asthma symptoms.
There are several factors responsible for asthma and allergies, including genetics, pet dander, and indoor air pollution. In families with one parent with allergies, children are more likely to develop allergies as well. If both parents have allergies, children are 70 percent more likely to have an allergy.
Americans typically spend almost their whole lives inside, and with air pollution levels being greater inside, this can be a big factor in the development of allergies. Being inside more often means there is more exposure to pet dander, as trace levels of dander are found in almost every home, whether or not there is a pet present. Also, normal household items, like pesticides, can contribute to indoor air pollution and allergies.
Children account for almost half of all asthma related hospitalizations, and almost 2 million Emergency Room visits are due to problems with asthma. These high numbers of allergy and asthma related conditions and hospital visits have taken a toll on health care and business costs. One estimate shows that allergies cost health care systems and businesses $7.9 billion every year. This works out to be 10.5 million missed school days and 4 million missed work days every year.
Below is an infographic showing the breakdown of allergies in America.
Onions for Allergies:
girl with allergy sneezes
Allergies are caused by allergens which result in production of histamine by the immune system which affects various parts of the body such as the skin, nose, throat and digestive duct. The various allergens include food, insect bites, dander, medicine, pollen, grass, mold, yeast smoke etc.
The different parts of the body respond to histamine in various ways which indicates allergy symptoms such as hives, skin rashes, difficulty in swallowing, respiratory problems, itching sensation in throat and nose, sore and red eyes and diarrhea or vomiting caused by indigestion that is triggered due to an allergy induced by consumption of certain foods.
Normally, the body releases antibodies to destroy the allergens. The antibodies that are released for allergic reactions are known as histamine. The action of the antibodies results in the inflammatory response or reactions such hives, asthma, hay fever, eczema among others which vary depending on the allergen. There are some allergies that may be severe and even fatal such as anaphylaxis.
Homeopathic Allergy Remedies:
Pollen Allergy Symptoms: A person suffering from pollen allergy will persistently sneeze while at the same time having a congested runny nose. (See our runny nose remedies article.) He will also experience itching of the the throat, palate ears and eyes. In worse cases, pollen allergies may trigger asthma or infections of the sinuses and ears.
Another symptom is what is commonly referred to as hay fever although its correct name is seasonal allergic rhinitis. This is the chronic inflammation of the eyes and nasal cavities.
There are various different allergy treatments ranging from anti-histamines to steroids and other medication all of which involves the usage and intake of a variety of artificial or processed drugs that are not used by many people even though it solves the problems in question because of its delayed results. For this reason natural home remedies are preferred over conventional treatments for an allergy. Other effective remedies include avoiding the allergens all together.
There are various types of home remedies for the treatment of allergies; these include natural remedies, homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies.
Natural remedies for allergies involve the use of natural products and resources that are meant to fight the allergies or to prevent allergic reactions.
Some herbs also have an antihistamine result in the body thus they can help to prevent allergies. Few herbs also build up a resistance against the allergens.
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Most of these remedies are simple and have the ability to help the body in avoiding allergic reactions.
To conclude, nature provides us with a wide variety of natural allergy remedies and foods to cure ailments and allergic reactions and we ought to make use of these gifts of nature to heal various problems that are associated with allergy. They are safe and will not lead to other health complications.
Allergies are caused by the immune system being run down. Discover some more natural remedies to treat an allergic reaction using herbal supplements by watching this quick video from a registered dietitian.
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Good stuff Sam! This is one of the best articles I have read on home remedies for allergies, thanks again!