Looking at Herbal Remedies

Looking at Herbal Remedies

  Herbal remedies are very widely used to cure many ailments and disorders with the use of herbal and natural ingredients. These remedies are very effective in treating and preventing from mild issues like bee sting, headache or toothache to severe health issues like liver disease, kidney disease or even cancer. These remedies are often used as ‘home remedies’ or ‘alternative treatment’ to cure an illness...

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Herbal Medicine – Use of Herbs in Daily Life

Herbal Medicine – Use of Herbs in Daily Life

    A Recipe for a Good Health Herbs have been around since thousands of years, and have been used successfully by our ancestors for treating various ailments. In those days, they were referred to as rejuvenators and restoratives. They were used successfully as blood purifiers, and for restoring balance (homeostasis), supporting the natural body processes, and helping it to adapt to stress. Often referred to as aromatics,...

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How Herbs Help to Boost Your Immune System

How Herbs Help to Boost Your Immune System

  There are many reasons that you may want to look into herbal supplements.  It could be that you want them to help you lose weight, or maybe you need them to help boost your vitamin levels.  Or maybe you simply want them to help improve your immune system. Herbs have been used as medicine for many thousands of years, and we in the West are again starting to wake up to how powerful they can be.  Did you know that over 90% of our...

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