Vitamin D, a group of fat-soluble prohormones, is an integral substance for bone formation and bone growth in human.
Unfortunately, it is one of those very few vitamins which body can’t produce naturally. Therefore, the body requires the support of the sun and other supplements to wipe out the demand and supply gap.

children get vitamin D from the sun
How it Produced?
Basically, production of vitamin D comprise of three stage process. In the first stage, human body takes particular type of cholesterols available through specific food sources. In the second phase, sun’s radiation helps to convert the precursor cholesterols into vitamin D. And lastly, liver and kidneys convert vitamin D into vitamin D3, the most appropriate form to use by human body.
According to research reports, vitamin D supplements may have anti-aging properties. Scientists believe that increased consumption of vitamin D may have anti-aging effects and can help prevent loss of vision and blindness in older people.
How it Works?
After converting into vitamin D3, it is then carried to the intestinal mucosal cells, bones, skeletal muscles. It helps in absorption of calcium from intestinal tract by stimulating the synthesis of calcium-binding protein in the intestinal mucous membrane.
To fulfill the requirement of vitamin D, a person needs to devour edible sources like – milk, eggs, butter, cod liver oil, oysters, mackerel and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardine etc.. Apart from getting exposed to sunlight to convert the food sources into usable form of vitamin D, people need to take dietary supplements, as most of these food sources do not contain sufficient amount of this vitamin.
Importance of Vitamin D
- It is very beneficial for joint and bone health.
- Helps to regulate insulin and blood sugar.
- Reduces excessive inflammation.
- Helps to prevent bladder, colon, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer.
- It provides cold and flu protection.
Side Effects
Vitamin D does not have any side effects. But unsupervised consumption of vitamin D may upsurge calcium level which increases the risk of hardening of arteries and developing kidney stones.
Vitamin D Deficiency
In absence of sufficient amount of Vitamin D, people may suffer muscle aches, bone pain, low energy and fatigue, depression, lowered immunity etc.
Home Remedy
Adult women, who are in postmenopausal, should consume calcium rich foods to prevent osteoporosis.
Click here for a list of natural vitamin supplements for sale
October 31, 2012
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