Ginseng – A Super Herb With Numerous Health Benefits

ginseng root

You have probably heard of Ginseng once or more in your life because of its growing popularity over the past few years. Ginseng root is one of the most nutritious herbs that have been utilized for centuries to aid in fixing and preventing many health problems. To this day, ginseng tea is still being used because of its many benefits.


Ginseng Plant


Health Benefits of Ginseng


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Benefit 1: Lowers Cholesterol Level

Many people all over the world suffer from diseases related to high cholesterol. Many people die from these diseases as well. That is why it is highly important that you have a daily intake, like ginseng, to lower your cholesterol. You can make ginseng tea easily by boiling 5 thin slices of ginseng in water and letting it sip for 5 minutes.


Benefit 2: Natural Cure for Cancer

Cancer, just like diseases related to high cholesterol, is also one of the top reasons of death. Ginseng has substances called ginsenosides which are chemical compounds that prevent cancer. There is a cycle that you need to follow. Take one capsule of ginseng 5 days a week for two months straight and then take three weeks off from this habit and then proceed again.


Benefit 3: Reduces Mental and Physical Stress

Stress attacks everyone. It is very difficult to avoid most especially if you live a very busy and unhealthy lifestyle. An unhealthy diet, lack of sleep and too much work load can indeed cause stress.

One of the top ginseng benefits is reducing both physical and mental stress. Ginseng will aid in eliminating fatigue, stress and even the premenstrual syndrome that ladies experience. Athletes are also advised to take ginseng to aid in reducing physical stress.


Benefit 4: Improves Mental Performance

Sometimes you might feel like you can’t think or you don’t function mentally in an appropriate manner. Ginseng has been proven to aid in improving cognitive processes. However, mind that you must consult a doctor before taking ginseng for this cause.


Benefit 5: Aids in Weight Loss

Losing weight is one of the most challenging tasks one could go through. Ginseng berry extract is effective in fighting obesity. It is a natural appetite suppressant so it is advised that it should be taken before meals instead of after meals.


Are there any side effects of ginseng?

Ginseng is considered a non-toxic herb and has no serious and adverse side effects that could harm the body big time. However, it is strongly advised to take this herb in moderation because too much consumption of ginseng tea or ginseng capsules can cause insomnia or hypertension. Thus, it is of high important to follow the cycles suggested by health professionals just like the 2 month cycle mentioned above.

Continuous use of ginseng for three months straight could already trigger the side effects to appear. Pregnant women and people who are experiencing any medical condition should consult a professional before taking ginseng. Also, ginseng should not be taken in combination with other herbs that increase alertness because it is proven to be unhealthy as well and can speed up the side effects.


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Author: Sam Billings

Sammy is the owner of this website and major contributor. Sam's work is also often published in other leading natural health and home remedies websites as well. The content Sam writes about is always thoroughly researched and based on real medical professionals opinions and users testimonials. Sam lives in the Sth Is. of New Zealand.

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