Basil – A Star Among Herbal Home Remedies
October 21, 2012 Medicinal Plants and Herbs



I love Italian food; I grow basil in my garden and use it, along with pine nuts and parmesan cheese to make the greatest pesto. I do not like processed foods, for myself and my family; our day is not complete without either rice or pasta. With an herb that does so much to our cooking, it’s hard to believe it has properties often found in traditional home remedies. Basil contains health protecting and enhancing properties, the flavonoids and volatile oils are thought to be why it is promoted as a one of the best herbal remedies available from nature.

Active Ingredients

Basil has a very active array of flavonoids, which reside at the cellular level. Two of these flavonoids are orientin and Vicenin; both are water soluble and have a positive effect on the human white blood cells, protecting them from radiation and damage from over oxygenating. As far as it herbal remedies properties go, it is well known that it protects against unwanted bacterial growth. This property is thanks to the volatile oils contained in the herb. As far as home remedies go, basil has long been known by Moms all over the world to put a halt to E Coli and staph infections.

The essence of basil, gathered from the oils contained in its leaves has a tendency to combat bacteria that has one way or another, grown resistant to antibiotic drugs. Perhaps this is also the reason why basil also is found to be an effective treatment for staph infections, which now have become wide spread and resistant to conventional treatment. Basil is a common herb; another interesting use for home remedies is to make a tepid solution of 1% basil oil to wash vegetables prior to eating. Vegetables cleaned in this manner have shown a sharp reduction in the bacteria that cause one to have diarrhea, which in turn, if left unchecked, can cause intestinal problems.


Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Normally one takes ibuprofen or common aspirin as an anti-inflammatory drug. Basil contains COX, cyclooxygenase, which the common denominator of over the counter medicines. This is one more reason why it is considered to have excellent properties as both home remedies and herbal remedies.

The properties of basil are very helpful to those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or inflamed bowels. Perhaps one of the reasons I am so healthy and fit is that I eat a lot of pasta, all of which is accompanied with pesto. Basil is known to be “pro A”, simply meaning that it can be immediately converted into Vitamin A, a well known beta=carotene, which protects the body, especially the vascular system from free radicals. It also impedes the development of cholesterol in the blood, which, if left untreated can result in serious heart damage.


Physical Characteristics

Basil was first cultivated in India, parts of Africa and throughout Asia. It is one of the key ingredients in Italian and food from Indo China. The name derives from the Greek, Royal. This tends to reinforce the ancient cultural belief as both herbal remedies and home remedies for so many inflictions.

As a noble herb, it has found its way into western cultures where it is seen as an icon of hospitality, or a love symbol. You will certainly know basil when you run across it. It has rounded leaves that are rather pointed towards the tip. Although the freshest leaves are green in color, as the leaf ages, it will turn a reddish hue, perhaps even purple. It has an uncanny resemblance to peppermint, not surprising; it is from the same family.

The most distinctive feature of basil is its fragrance. Basil has been cultivated into many different varieties, often each displaying its own unique characteristic. The taste of the basil that is generally available is pungent, but other variations taste like lemon, anise or cinnamon. Regardless of the taste, Basil carries a common scientific name, Ocimum basilicum.

When you purchase basil, choose the freshest you can find. The taste is far superior to dried basil which is found in the spice section of all supermarkets. Regardless of whether you get fresh or dried, make every effort to purchase organically grown basil, it is free from harmful chemicals, the very thing that reduces the effect as a home remedies and an herbal remedies. Organic products, when available are always the first choice for health conscious people; it is your assurance that the herb or vegetable has not been subjected to harmful irradiation to increase its shelf life.


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