Passion flower, what an extraordinary beautiful flower, don’t you think?
If you will visit Central, North and South America, you will easily spot a passionflower growing along fence lines, thickets and edges of woodlands. It is a native of such territories however there are also places in Europe where it is cultivated. It is a climbing vine and its flowers are large with violet and white colors.
The flower was so named because of the influence of Spanish missionaries. When they first spotted it, they were reminded by the passion of Christ because of the flower’s crowns, nails, thorns and other rudiments involved during the crucifixion. However, Cherokee Indians believed in the healing properties of the plant and therefore used it as a one of their herbal remedies for healing wounds, bruises and as a sedative for those who need to calm their nerves.
The herb has been used for the same purpose until 1985 wherein it was acknowledged by Commission E of Germany as an effective treatment for “nervous unrest”. It was also used as a sedative in the UK. However, in the US, it was given the Category II listing back in 1978 since the Food and Drug Administration was not convinced of the herb’s efficacy for curing anything.
Alternative Antidepressant
There is no question that the passion flower has been used for thousands of years because of its efficacy in treating certain ailments. Until now, many home remedies include passion flower. However, it has been found that it does not really cure depression. Rather, it treats several symptoms that are consistent with the disease. If you are thinking of using it for some of your symptoms, you have to take a closer look at it first since there are precautions in the administration of the herb.
Those who suffer from depression are enfeebled and many aspects of their lives are crippled because of their disease. In order to deal with it, they rely on antidepressants. The downside of such treatment is that several chemicals that may be harmful are introduced to the body. There are those who end up with liver diseases and too much drug dependency.
The passionflower is certainly all natural and in contrast to synthetic drug is not addicting so long as it is ingested in proper dosages. It naturally grows in areas that are conducive to its development and does not need a lot of pesticides and chemicals in order to thrive. It is free from any type of artificial chemicals that could end up harming the body.
Aside from being an effective remedy for the symptoms of depression, the herb has also been used for other ailments such as insomnia. It has been found to contain chemicals that suppress anxiety therefore it can effectively calm you down – something that not all antidepressants can achieve. It also mixed with various strong herbal remedies in order to counteract the drastic effects of other herbs in order to not get the patient too worked up.
Side Effects
Like all herbal remedies, passion flowers have their own share of side effects that those who are taking it should be weary of. The main thing that you have to remember is to never take the herb in large doses since it might make you drowsy. The right amount to take is anywhere between 200 to 300 milligrams twice a day. Moreover, if you are already taking other forms of medication or home remedies for your depression, you should refrain from taking passionflower. Your anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants and sleep aids might go against the efficacy of the herb. You should only consider the herb as an alternative and not as an addition to your medication.
Other Ailments That Can Be Soothed With Passion Flower
There are many illnesses that can be soothed by passion flower. Although there is no promise that the disease will go away, you will certainly feel comfort. Below are some of the other diseases that can be addressed by passion flower:
- Insomnia
- Anxiety or nervous stress
- Neuralgia and other forms of nerve pain
- Sciatica
- Shingles
- Parkinson’s disease
- Nervous digestion
- Exhaustion
- Hysteria and seizures
- Low sex drive
- Hyperactivity in children
- High blood pressure
- Nervous gastrointestinal ailments such as those in children
- Restless leg syndrome