Secret To Flawless Skin – Post Workout Skin Care


There are many minute details to effective skincare which we forget, often. Cleaning, exfoliating and toning are great, but what about sweat induced breakouts that accompany workouts. It is a common notion that staying active, exercising and sweating makes skin glow. And surely it does, but only after you follow appropriate post workout skin care.

Sweat induced breakouts are prominent among sports enthusiasts and people who participate in regular workout and exercising sessions. A good workout generates intense heat and helps the oxygenated blood reach tissues. This however activates the body’s cooling mechanism causing profuse sweating. Sweat from a workout along with dirt, oil and bacteria make a deadly combination causing stress to the skin. But the right skincare routine which takes the following 5 tips into consideration will help to bring relief to your skin, getting you an attractive radiant and fresh look.


5/ Outdoor Workouts

A whiff of fresh air is delightful and gleaming sun rays amazing, but outdoor workouts have its sets of negative points. Wearing sunscreen and protective clothes is important. This will keep you protected against harmful sun rays. Outdoor workouts should be done in clean and pollution free environments. Maintaining the body’s fluid levels is another important point because sun and sweating cause the body to become deficient in minerals and vitamins. Therefore keeping water and liquid intake at an optimum before and after a workout is paramount.


4/ Don’t Forget Skin Type

The chances of a skincare routine failing increases when it’s done ignoring skin type. The requirements of dry skin differ from that of normal, mixed or sensitive skin types. It is important that you identify your skin type first. Here are some quick tips…

  • Oily skin requires cleansing before a workout to reduce excessive pore clogging post workout.
  • A shower and moisturizer after workouts for dry skin do the trick.
  • Skin should be completely dried after a workout whether immediate showering is or is not taken. Experts have found that more moisture escapes from the body when water from a moisture laden body starts evaporating. This leads to an unpleasant and tight feeling on the skin.
  • People going for a swimming workout should apply lotion before taking a dive, because chlorine in the water dries the skin. A mild shower after a swim is also recommended.
  • Sensitive skin is one of the most affected types, which requires special care.




3/ Showering Post Workout

Showering is a must after a workout, but there are some points to consider. Using too hot water should be avoided because it depletes the skin from important nutrients. In addition a mild bath soap or gel should be used with a pH value not more than 5.5.


2/ A Way to Wipe Sweat

There is definitely a way to wipe streams of sweat coming on your face, rather than rubbing the skin. A better and safer way is to go for Antibacterial body wipes or tea tree oil cleansing wipes. They are soft on the skin and protect it against germs. If you are using a towel, it is advisable to pat dry the skin and avoid intensive rubbing of pores that can lead to zit breakouts and inflammations.


1/ Cleanse & Rehydrate Skin

Workouts can lead to settling of dirt, grime and sweat all over the face. A nice, but mild cleansing after completing a workout is a good practice. If cleansing is not possible and a shower is not accessible then washing your face is the least you should do.

Re-hydration should be your next step after oils get removed. Lotions and moisturizers are appropriate for this. Use products which come packed with soothing antioxidants such as Vitamin A & E.


Author Bio: Evie Dawson is a fitness coach and health writer based in Boston, MA. Her passion is to encourage others to rediscover their lifestyle and get inspired for organic living.

Author: Sam Billings

Sammy is the owner of this website and major contributor. Sam's work is also often published in other leading natural health and home remedies websites as well. The content Sam writes about is always thoroughly researched and based on real medical professionals opinions and users testimonials. Sam lives in the Sth Is. of New Zealand.

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