Free Natural Health Ebooks Gallery

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After purchasing the ebook you will be issued with a password to enter the members area where you can download all or any of these ebooks for free. There are over 415 ebooks in total. These ebooks come with a PLR license which means you can resell them. These are all high quality professional books with exceptional content and information. You can keep them for your own personal reading or if you want to you can sell them. Recommended resell prices are between $5 – $37. And I am practically giving them to you for free! (even if you sell them for one dollar each you can make over $400 profit but more realistically you should sell them for at least $5 each and the bigger ones for around $17 to $27… think about it, pretty good deal I am offering you, right?)

Why am I doing this? Because Sarah and I put a lot of time and effort into writing The Big Book of Home Remedies and we really want you to buy it, so adding this ridiculously generous incentive should help you decide to buy it. So that’s why… I’m pretty sure you are going to be very pleased with my book and the crazy bonus, well if you aren’t happy with that I’ll eat my hat. :)

Update: This deal will be ending soon so get it now while you can… I will be creating an ebook store soon to sell these ebooks individually so get them now while they are practically free.


Home Remedies Big BookThe Big Book of Home Remedies
Buy mine and Sarah's personal ebook "The Big Book of Home Remedies" right now and this will get you a personal password to enter the members area where you can download all of the ebooks in our entire library as below...
Massive Ebook Collection Massive Natural Health Ebooks Collection
Download All These Ebooks in One bundle. Buy my "Big Book of Home Remedies" to get your access password and come back to download this massive file. This file contains all the ebooks listed below bundled into one big zip file.


Preventing-AcneAdvanced Acne Elimination
As someone who had suffered from severe acne for many years, I’m happy to inform you that your search for an AFFORDABLE, EFFECTIVE treatment is over and best of all? You never have to watch another acne infomercial again because you will know exactly how to treat your acne yourself – all in the privacy of your own home!
Acne TreatmentsAcne Treatments Handbook
Maybe you've already tried treating your acne without success, but don't feel's not your fault! Did you know there are different kinds of Acne, and therefore different treatments?
Natural Acne CuresAcne Cures
This booklet contains general information about acne. It describes what acne is and how it develops, the causes of acne, and the treatment options for various forms of acne. Information is also provided on caring for the skin. If you have further questions after reading this booklet, you may wish to discuss them with your doctor.
Relieving Acne Ebook coverFREE DOWNLOAD

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Relieving Your Life of Acne
Relieving Your Life of Acne
Are you going to let Acne rule your life? Discover how you can enjoy vibrant, healthy and pimple free skin… (…and it doesn’t involve magical potions, products, lotions or gimmicks).
Win the War Against AcneHow To Win the War Against Acne
Acne is one of the biggest killers of self-esteem. It destroys not only looks, but also your self-confidence. However, eliminating acne is an achievable goal, and you can easily do it with the help of the eBook “How To Win Your War Against Acne.” Its 115 pages are full of tips on battling acne and getting rid of it for life. This book will surely help you achieve that lovely, flawless complexion.
The truth about acneAcne Myths and Misconceptions
This short ebook tells some real truths about Acne myths and misconception. Read this book and you'll get a clear understanding about acne.
The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Your AcneNatural Ways to Get Rid of Acne
Let us begin our investigation into how you can best treat your acne problem in a natural way by looking at the importance of your body’s single largest organ – the skin.
acne relief guide - ebook coverUltimate Acne Relief
This ebook includes information based upon research about acne. It strives to help clear up myths from facts and present an overview of the issues surrounding acne along with possible solutions available to help with the prevention and treatment of acne, all based upon the most recent studies, reports, articles and findings available, so that you can learn more acne health care.


Natural Anti-AgingNatural Anti-Aging Tips
Here are some ways that you can do this listed below. We will go into detail about these further into this report.
• Diet.
• Exercise.
• Emotions and Mental Outlook.
• Supplements.
• Alternative Therapies.
how to lose 10 yearsLOSING 10 YEARS!
How to take great care of eldersHow to take Care of Elders
This an 80 page ebook covering everything you need to know when caring for the elderly.
Accelerated Health LessonsAccelerated Health Lessons
Day-after-day we keep ourselves engaged with those things that matter the most to us. A lot of times, it may be just to survive and make a living. In doing so we occasionally disregard or forget about the additional matters that are necessary to balance our lives. They’re even more crucial to provide real meaning to our world.
You have to pay attention to your health.
Exercise is where it's at, along with a low-fat, high-fiber diet and a wish to move towards good health.
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Anti–Aging And Skincare Made Easy
Ant-Aging And-Skincare-Made-Easy
When it comes to reducing wrinkles, you really have to take your needs seriously. There are a number of factors that play a role in the health and well being of your skin. It is often hard to understand how products work and why they may not work even if they promise to do so. If you are considering wrinkle creams and a regimen of facelifts, you may go broke in the process. Before you do all of that, consider going through a process of determine the very best solution for your needs.
Retirement Planning Ebook coverRetirement Planning for The Golden Years
Learning the ins and outs of the investment process in addition to the options that are available to you through the course of your own financial retirement planning is like going to war with the proper weapons and armor rather than a slingshot and a rock.
All About Baby Boomers-ebook coverAll About Baby Boomers
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the average life expectancy in the United States was that of just 42 years of age! Today, that number has nearly doubled its size and that’s no short feet to accomplish. The fact is that people are living longer because of the benefits of modern medicine and the benefits that technology offer.


51 Ways to Reduce Allergies51 Ways to Reduce Allergies
Do you hate the spring?
Do you run at the site of a dog or cat? Do you carry around tissues wherever you go?
You’re not alone. 51 Ways to Reduce Allergies can help!
The Allergy Relief Source BookThe Allergy Relief Sourcebook!
Everything you need to know about allergy relief is included in this special report:
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Food Allergies
Approximately 60 million Americans are affected by an allergy, which means one in every five adults or children suffer from them. Allergies are common in men as well as in women. Thirty-five million people have upper respiratory symptoms, which are allergic reactions to airborne pollen.
Win the War Against AllergiesWin the War Against Allergies
Everyone of us love to eat a variety of food items ranging from fried, grilled, toasted, deep fried, etc. Is your mouth watering when I talk about food items? Hmmm....however, for some people, certain food items would create allergy and they should avoid eating such food items. What is food allergy? It is the immunologic effect that is caused by the existence of food proteins.

Animals and Pets

Home Remedies for DogsHome Remedies for Dogs
This awesome ebook has home remedies for everything that your dog may come across from bad breath all the way to fleas, constipation, eating other dog poop, car sickness and heaps more!
Natural Cures for PetsNatural Cures for Pets
Some of the illnesses and remedies will be covered include arthritis, asthma, diabetes, ringworms, urinary and kidney infections, fleas, ticks, heartworms and more. Some of the remedies include apple cider and vinegar, canned pumpkin, boiled chicken, hamburger and cooked rice, and more. To learn more about home remedy cures for pets, continue reading.
Natural Remedies for CatsNatural Remedies for Cats
This awesome report covers home remedies for many health conditions likely to afflict your cat. Vomiting, mites, ringworm etc...
The Secrets Of Pet Odor Removal!The Secrets of Pet Odor removal
In this guide, we’ll give you lots of ideas on how to remove and control those pet odors in your home. We’ll include both commercially available products and things you can make at home. No, you’re not going to have to get rid of the cat.
bird-houses-ebook-coverBird House Plans
A small PDF with some plans and instructions for building your own bird houses.
101 ways to change the world for animals101 Ways to Change The World for Animals
This book is dedicated to animals – wild and domesticated. Our lives are richer because of them. They deserve our respect and protection. We barely scratch the surface in this little book. Even so, we hope it will inspire your awareness and support of those organizations who are working tirelessly on behalf of the animals in our world.
chowchow ebook coverChow Chows Revealed
Over 2000 or 3,000 years ago, the Chow Chow dog breed first came into
existence. It is recognized as the most ancient breed in the world, dating farther
back than the 11th century in China.
The Dog owners Handbook - ebook coverThe Dog Owners Handbook
Everything you need to know about choosing the right dog for you and how to look after it. From choosing a breed to curing an allergy, training tips and much more!
All About KangaroosEverything You Always Wanted to Know About K A N G A R O O S
A collection of fact and lore, in two dozen easy lessons.
Pet IguanaHow to Look After Your Pet Iguana
Even before you consider purchasing an iguana, you must consider its needs for a proper home. Since the iguana’s health is dependant on the actual environment that he lives in, it is essential that this part of the process happen first, before anything else.
Dog Diet - The Right Food for Your DogDog Diet - The Right Food
The fact that you love your dog speaks for itself, and of course he deserves to be loved, after all he's humanity's best friend. There is no doubt that you want to keep him in the best of health. Many ways exist for you to achieve that goal and providing a nutritious and well balanced diet is just one of them, doing this will ensure that your pet's longevity and good health is guaranteed.
How to Take Care of Your Dogs HealthFREE DOWNLOAD
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How to Take Care of Your Dogs Health
How to Take Care of Your Dogs Health
Some of the many things covered in this delightful manual for taking care of your pooch are dog food tips and advice, dog facts, dog illnesses, training your dog, grooming your dog, specific breeds advice, famous dogs and plenty more!
The Journey of Caring for Your Pet - Ebook CoverThe Journey of Caring for Your Pet
We have tried to elaborate some easy to follow tips which you can use to take care of your pet. The information is the result of analysis, facts and extensive study about the behaviors of pets and animals. We hope that the information provided here will help you select, raise and care for your pets.


Quit Smoking TodayQuit Smoking Today!
If you really want to feel and stay healthy you really have to stop smoking. You will end up spending fortune in buying medicine, and, paying hospital bills.
Natural Alcoholism Remedies 1Natural alcoholism Remedies
Alcoholism is something that cannot be defined in simple terms. Alcoholism in general refers to the condition whereby t here is a compulsion in man to keep consuming beverages with alcohol content which is harmful to health.
quit smoking reportFREE DOWNLOAD
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The Top 10 Ways To Quit Smoking
The Top 10 Ways To Quit Smoking
If you're one of the millions looking for effective methods to quit smoking, then you've certainly come to the right place. Nicotine addiction affects millions of people around the globe, and each year thousands look for new methods to quit smoking. With that in mind, we've brought you a list of the most popular different methods to quit smoking that you can use to once and for all break free from the hold that cigarettes have over you and your health.
Kicking Bad Habits ebook coverHow to Kick Bad Habits Out of Your Life
You can rid yourself of your bad habits when you are studying or preparing to study. Some people choose not to. However, you might find it beneficial.

Anxiety and Stress

Natural Stress CuresNatural stress cures
Anxiety, tension and stress are immutable facts of modern life. As the pace at which we fly through every day seems to become increasingly hectic, it becomes ever more difficult to find the time and space to relax, to take things easy every once in a while.
Dealing With Anxiety Naturally!!Dealing with Anxiety Naturally
You can’t breathe, your heart’s pounding and you feel faint. Terror holds you firmly in its grip and you know there’s nothing you can do about it.
Anxiety & Panic AttacksAnxiety and Panic Attacks
Suffering from Anxiety or Panic Attacks? Here are the Secrets to Stop Attacks in Their Tracks! Your heart is pounding fast and you are feeling dizzy. It seems as though you have to sit down in order for you not to fall. You are having trouble catching your breath. You are experiencing a numbing feeling in your hands and feet...
Dealing With Stress NaturallyFREE DOWNLOAD
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Dealing With Stress Naturally
Dealing With Stress Naturally
You do not have to take over-the-counter or drugs with terrible side effects to manage nervous conditions such as anxiety, tension and stress! Learn long term strategies, new perspectives on life and every day healthful practices that can help you transcend these insidious threats to your health and sanity to become a happy, healthy proactive individual once again!
Eliminate Stress And AnxietyEliminate Stress And Anxiety From Your Life
"Are You Feeling Stressed, Overwhelmed And Full Of Anxiety? If So Then We Have The E-Book That Gives Help On Getting Rid Of Your Stresses And Helps You Get On With The Rest Your Life!" Stress Is The Number One Cause of Medical Problems In The United States Today. Anxiety Just Adds To Those Problems. But You Don’t Have To Suffer Anymore! We Have The Answers You’re Looking For!
Stress ManagementStress Management
If you are one of the millions of people who are feeling stressed out, this book is for you. Identify the stress that affects your daily life, eliminate unnecessary stress, and learn to deal with stressful situations in a healthy way.
Stress SurvivalStress Survival Super Strategies
In this book, you will learn all about:
* Is It Possible To Live Without Stress.
* Three Primary Reasons.
* Know Hows to Cope With Stress.
* Physical Activity Can Reduce Stress.
* Other Ways to Alleviate Stress.
* And Much MORE!
Natural Remedies for In-flight AilmentsNatural Remedies for In-flight Ailments
If you have a problem getting on a plane, this manual is going to show you how to overcome that fear. If motion or travel sickness is a malady that you are susceptible to, you are going to learn how to overcome that difficulty too.
Emergency Panic RemediesEmergency Panic Remedies
There’s very little in this world that is as frightening and uncomfortable as a panic attack. Once they start, panic attacks can send you spiraling out of control. Many people who suffer from panic attacks already have several treatment options that they are using. Sometimes these treatments work very well, and sometimes they hardly work at all. Some panic sufferers have to try many different options before finding one that works reasonably well for them.
How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-Anxiety-DisordersFREE DOWNLOAD
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Win the War Against Anxiety Disorders
How To Win Your War Against Anxiety Disorders
The 76-page eBook is a must read not only for people suffering from anxiety disorders, but also for those who know such people. It provides simple explanations about the symptoms and treatment of anxiety disorder, various therapies, and the different types of medication available. Also, there are tips on caring for sufferers of anxiety disorders.
Easing Your Stress With YogaEasing Your Stress With Yoga
Time and again we hear the word yoga. Often people think it is some sort of exercise with funny poses, right? The left leg stretches upwards and the hand goes behind the body to hold the leg, no? But yoga is not just about stretching, maintaining a posture, breathing or even merely a form of exercise. It is much more than just that.
How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-StressHow To Win Your War Against Stress
Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Are You Losing The Enthusiasm You Once Exuded? And Have You Completely Forgotten The Meaning Of Happiness? Stress Corrodes You Slowly... Let Not This Silent Killer Snatch Away From You The Life You Deserve! Finally! You Can Now Instantly Demystify Stress And Lead A Normal De-stressed Life!
getting to know anxiety ebook coverGetting to Know Anxiety and Panic Disorder
Hopefully by sharing the information I have found will help you in even the tiniest measure to get control back of your life and live with Anxiety and Panic Disorder.


Natural Arthritis Pain ReliefNatural Arthritis Pain Relief
Treating Arthritis with Herbs, Spices and RootsTreating Rheumatoid Arthritis With Herbs, Spices, & Roots
The following list of herbs, spices & roots are a combination of tried and tested tips used by thousands of RA sufferers to relieve their condition.
Natural Arthritis ReliefNatural Arthritis Relief
I intend to show you the same little known self treatment methods which currently help thousands of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers live normal pain free lives.
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Natural Arthritis Pain Remedies
Natural Arthritis Pain Remedies
There are over a 150 different types of Arthritis, with the two most common types being 'Osteoarthritis', and the other, 'Rheumatoid Arthritis'. Once the disease develops, it tends to be one of those chronic illnesses that will persist, for the rest of the patient's life.
Natural Treatments For Psoriasis And Psoriatic ArthritisNatural Treatments For Psoriasis And Psoriatic Arthritis
Do You Suffer From the Itching and Scaling of Psoriasis? Or the Chronic Agony of Psoriatic Arthritis? If so you are not ALONE! A whopping three percent of the world’s populations suffer from either condition! An incredible 56 million working hours are lost every year by psoriasis sufferers according to the National Psoriasis Foundation.
arthritis-report-smallArthritis Joint Pain
Arthritis is a general term which is commonly associated with a number of painful conditions affecting the joints and bones. The term "arthritis" literally translates to "joint inflammation." There are approximately 100 different forms of this condition, and it affects millions of people throughout the world.
Cure Gout Pain Now
What we are trying to achieve with this e-book is to introduce the main natural treatment modalities. From there we strongly suggest that you pick just one of the methods and seek further information on that method alone.
Studies on the Effect of Probenecid in Gout
The discovery by Wollaston (1797) of uric acid in a gouty tophus, and the demonstration by Garrod (1848) that uric acid existed in excess amounts in the blood of gouty subjects, have not been followed as yet by any clear understanding of the precise relationship between this substance and the disease.


Natural Asthma RemediesNatural Asthma Remedies
In this book I’m going to answer as many asthma related questions as possible. Then, I will introduce a variety of natural treatments that have been shown to be effective to treat asthma.

Athletes Foot

how to cure athletes footHow To Cure Athlete’s Foot in Seconds!
This ‘Special Report’ was written to cure your athlete’s foot and prevent re-occurring fungus growth.

Alternative Medicines and Home Remedies

The Power of YOGAHow to Maximize the Power of Yoga
Yoga as a concept was introduced in the West a long time ago. It is only now that more and more Americans are taking it more seriously than they ever did before.
Massage TherapyMassage Therapy For Complete Body Relaxation
There may be many remedies for relieving stress and tension, which are hard to avoid in the complexities of modern life for any age - group, but among the most enjoyable and peaceable ones is opting for massage therapy.
EternalLifeandYouSoftbackSmlEternal Life and You
The heart and soul with all its joy, satisfaction, peace, love, and wisdom isn't simply something you may experience more totally; it's what you've always been and always will be. In realizing your true nature as this fullness of existence, you may ultimately rest from worry about worldly possessions.
Yoga for Healthy Life
Yoga for Healthy Life
Yoga is not just about stretching, maintaining a posture, breathing or even merely a form of exercise. It is much more than just that. It is a spiritual practice but not a religious one that helps you to maintain a fine balance between work and a healthy mind!
Ultimate Guide to Alternative MedicineUltimate Guide to
Alternative Medicine

This guide will explore the many different components of alternative medicine, and how it can help you. Consider using the ideas captured here next time you feel ill to begin feeling better naturally.
The following pages will guide you through the field of Massage Therapy. It will examine the purposes, benefits, training, types and terminology. It will consider the various approaches and techniques they use.
AromatherapyAmbiance_CoverWebAromatherapy Ambiance
Theoretically aromatherapy has been encouraged to be looked upon as an alternative to more invasive type of treatments. Besides being much more pleasant as a treatment option it can sometimes even be touted as a prevention element to certain diseases.
Aromatherapy - Natural Scents That Help And HealAromatherapy First Aid Kit
In this brief report you’re going to learn more in depth about the specific essential oils and how they’re used within the context of aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy - Natural Scents That Help And HealAromatherapy – Natural Scents that Help & Heal
Aromatherapy can be used by itself or in conjunction with typical medical treatments. For example, you may use aromatherapy to ease pain after a surgical procedure. You still get the benefit of the surgery but do not have to take the powerful and often dangerous pain medications that a doctor prescribes.
BinauralBeatsHealing_BookWebBinaural Beats Healing For Everyone
Binaural beats may alter your mood, help you abide by a diet or quit smoking, get you pumped up for a contest, calm you down, put you to sleep, heighten your memory, act as an aphrodisiac, heal headaches, and even balance your chakra. Let’s have a look.
CrystalHealingPower_BookWebCrystal Healing
Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a sort of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy necessitates the application of crystals or gemstones to help healing.
HarmonicHypnotherapy_Book_WebHarmonic Hypnotherapy
I will also demonstrate some true and most effective hypnosis techniques which you can learn and apply them to get very good and surprising results.
Healing Inside Out And Outside InHealing: Inside Out And Outside In
Practicing spiritual wellness is the key to living a life of fulfillment, success, peace, love, prosperity, and joy.
HealingPropertiesTaiChi_BookWebHealing Properties Of Tai Chi
Tai Chi, as it's practiced in the west nowadays, may perhaps best be thought of as a moving class of yoga and meditation blended. There are a number of supposed forms (occasionally likewise called 'sets') which consist of a succession of movements. A lot of these movements are originally deduced from the martial arts (and maybe even more ancestrally than that, from the innate movements of creatures and birds) while the way they're performed in Tai Chi is slowly, gently and gracefully with fluid and even transitions between them.
spiritual techniques for healing the bodyHealing – Spiritual Techniques for Healing the Body
Spiritual healing is the ability of your mind and soul to repair your ailments. These ailments are not limited mere physical wounds, but can also relate to mental illness and self esteem issues. Many modern day physicians invoke the idea of spiritual healing along with western medicine as a means to promote the health of their patients.
HealingEarCandling_BookWebHealing Through Ear Candling
Ear candling, likewise called ear coning or thermal - auricular therapy, and is an alternative medicine procedure claimed to better general health and well - being by lighting one end of a hollow candle and putting the other end in the ear canal.
Healing With Positive AffirmationsHealing With Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations cover a group of affirmations aimed at achieving inner peace, living optimally and building solid confidence to face hardships in life. Instead of just telling yourself what you wish to have in life, through practice, affirmations lay a much stronger impact because when you affirm yourself consistently, you continuously build strong subconscious beliefs in your mind which will then reflect in your outer world.
Heal Yourself With Qi GongFREE DOWNLOAD
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Heal Yourself With Qi Gong
Heal Yourself With Qi Gong
Qigong (also spelled Ch'i Kung) is a potent system of healing and energy medicine from China. It's the art and science of utilizing breathing methods, gentle movement, and meditation to clean, fortify, and circulate the life energy (qi).
Hologram TherapyHeal Yourself Through Hologram Therapy
Holographic healing is a system that helps us to identify the unconscious patterns and power constrictions that underlie any issues that we might have in our lives.
Polarity TherapyHeal Yourself Through Polarity Therapy
Once energy is unbalanced, barricaded or fixed due to tension or additional factors, pain and disease develop. Obstructions commonly manifest in sequence from the subtle to the dense layers of the field. Polarity Therapy tries to discover the blockages and free energy to go to normal flow patterns, and to uphold the energy field in an open, flexible condition.
Heal Yourself With PsychotherapyHeal Yourself With Psychotherapy
This guide to Psychotherapy will give you some insights as to the different types of Psychotherapies used to help people improve their lives.
Heal Yourself With Tui NaHeal Yourself With Tui Na
This ready form of physical healing is sought after by many – from the elderly and their aching backs to young athletes and body builders who need their muscles loosen up after a long day of working out at the gym or in competitive sports. It is also inexpensive in many places of the world and definitely in demand whether poor or affluent. Welcome to the art of Tui Na.
Herbal Healing For EveryoneHerbal Healing For Everyone
Herbal healing is fast gaining popularity in the past decade. Though practiced in many ancient cultures as the first recourse to healing, it is just becoming a sought after style of healing for the modern world.
HypnotherapyHealing_BookWebHypnotherapy Healing
Engaging in hypnosis whilst your body is mending itself will:
* Supply regular, deep, rejuvenating relaxation to refresh your mind and body.
* Supply optimum conditions for your immune system to work with efficiency.
* Provide you positive suggestions and healing mental imagery.
* Provide you a break from the stress of illness.
* Make you feel better if you feel sick, tired or run-down.
The Amazing Art Of AcupunctureLearn About The Amazing Art Of Acupuncture
The classic Chinese explanation of acupuncture is that channels of energy run in even patterns through the body and across its surface. These energy channels, named meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nutrify the tissues. A blockage in the movement of these energy rivers is like a dyke that backs up in others.
Learn To Heal Through Magnetic TherapyLearn To Heal Through Magnetic Therapy
Physical impairment, like spinal cord injury (SCI), multiple sclerosis (MS), and post polio syndrome, frequently aggravates a lot of ailments that are amenable to magnetic therapy, a progressively popular alternative medicine mode.
LucidDreamingLucid Dreaming And It's Benefits For Your Life
The domain of lucid dreams supplies a more immense stage than average life for almost anything conceivable, from the frivolous to the sublime. You may, if you chose, enjoy an unworldly festival, zoom to the stars, or visit mystical lands. You may join those who are trying out lucid dreaming as a tool for problem resolution, self-healing, and personal maturation. Or you may research the implications of teachings from ancient customs and accounts from modern psychologists that indicate that lucid dreams may help you discover your deepest identity-who you truly are.
Lucid Dreaming For HealingLucid Dreaming For Healing
In the lucid dream scenario the individual is completely aware of the dream taking place. Meaning that in a lucid dream the dreamer can actually take part in and manipulate imaginary experiences in the dream. These dreams can be so realistic that it becomes really believable.
Reiki101 ebook coverReiki 101
Looked upon as a mysterious practice, reiki originated from Japan, around 1922. Started by a Japanese Buddhist, this practice of purported healing basically uses the palm of an individual to emit positive healing energy unto the patient. Sometimes reiki is referred to as oriental style treatment by professional medical bodies.
Rest And Relax With ReflexologyRest And Relax With Reflexology
This is a popular form of detecting and addressing any possible ailments, illnesses, or diseases the body may be undergoing. In ancient times this method was used to ensure that any possible negative problems in the body are arrested before it progresses to a point where it would be difficult to treat.
Say Goodbye To Your Bad Health Through CuppingSay Goodbye To Your Bad Health Through Cupping
This book will reveal to you one of the most highly sought after traditional Chinese treatment methods besides acupuncture, known as Cupping.
The Miracle Healing Power Of Therapeutic TouchThe Miracle Healing Power Of Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic Touch is fairly like the practice of Reiki. It likewise shares a few common similarities with the "laying on of hands" as a way of transporting healing energy to somebody who requires it.
The Miracle Healing Properties Of Transfer FactorThe Miracle Healing Properties Of Transfer Factor
In order to live healthy and live well, one must recognize that the immune system must be ‘trained’ – in other words, regulated in order to do the right thing. Transfer factor accomplishes this effectively with a two - fold effect. First of all, it trains the immune system by sending ‘system’ data over to teach the immune system to properly build up its defenses against the bad guys.
The Power Of Native American HealingThe Power Of Native American Healing
The word "medicine" in Native American use and in the tradition of animal medicine concerns the healing facets that a certain animal brings to our consciousness. This would imply anything that defends, strengthens, restores, empowers, or repairs the spiritual body, in addition to the physical body.
10 Minutes Self Massage Before SleepTen-Minute Self-Massage Before Sleep
A ten-minute self-massage before sleep based on traditional Chinese medical theory is a kind of health protecting method to improve the constitution and prevent disease.
101 Alternative Medicine Tips101 Alternative Medicine Tips
1. General Holistic Health Tips
2. Vitamins and Herbs
3. Natural Food Choices
4. Skin Remedies
A Comprehensive Guide to Music TherapyA Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapy
Music therapy is for anyone. Although it can be used therapeutically for people who have physical, emotional, social, or cognitive deficits, even those who are healthy can use music to relax, reduce stress, improve the mood, or to accompany exercise. There are no potentially harmful or toxic effects.
AbsoluteBeginnersGuideToAlternativeMedicineAbsolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine systems say that health isn’t mere absence of disease. Life ought to be lived with enthusiasm, and absence of enthusiasm too is a sign of ill health. Every individual is different and has a unique purpose in life. Alternative medicine tries to ensure that this purpose of life is maintained, as a person without a purpose in life cannot function to the fullest of his abilities. One needs to be inspired and motivated to be able to live life fully.
Acupuncture For CynicsAcupuncture For Cynics
More than 10,000 studies have been conducted into the scientific basis of the effectiveness of acupuncture. It should, therefore, be no surprise that the science of acupuncture is evolving as scientists are taking a renewed interest in this centuries old science. Because of this, it is now a highly respected, yet intriguing mode of healing.
A Guide to Essential OilsA Guide to Essential Oils
Essential oils are distilled from flowers, plant leaves, seeds, roots, resins, barks, or are extracted from the rinds of citrus fruits. To make one pound of essential oil, it takes almost 50 pound of plant material, but to make a single pound of oil, it takes 2,300 pounds of rose flowers.
All About Magnetic TherapyAll About Magnetic Therapy
Magnets are a source of natural energy. Magnet Therapy, through the use of different types of magnets helps maintain balanced energy levels and also increases the curative power of an individual.
100 + Aromatherapy Recipes100 +Secrets Aromatherapy Recipes
Aromatherapy recipes to help with everything from acne to vaginal infections are covered in this awesome ebook.
ABC of AromatherapyFREE DOWNLOAD
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ABC of Aromatherapy
ABC of Aromatherapy
The word aroma therapy means 'treatment using scents'. It refers to the use of essential oils in Holistic Healing to improve health and emotional well-being and in restoring balance to the body.
Advanced AromatherapyAdvanced Aromatherapy
In general, aromatherapy is a form of therapy that is meant to help someone relax or to reduce stress. Aromatherapy is practiced using essential oils and volatile plant oils to create psychological and physical sensations. It usually requires scented compounds created through volatile plant materials, essential oils, or similar herbal products and it is used as a form of alternative medicine for positively affecting a person's health or mood.
Aromatherapy 101Aromatherapy 101
The practice of aromatherapy involves embracing nature at its best. Using essential oils in your every day life, not only to heal, but to maintain good health in both body and spirit.
The Little Known Secrets about Essential OilsThe Little Known Secrets About Essential Oils
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in the art and science of aromatherapy. Legendary Chinese ruler Shen Nung is credited with discovering the medicinal properties of plants and writing the first herbal text, 'Pen Tsao' (c. 2700-3000 BC), a catalog of more than 200 botanicals.
Basic Guide To Acupuncture3Basic Guide To Acupuncture
All organs of the body are governed by one of these meridians. By carrying out the accupuncture procedure on that particular meridian, the disease associated with that point is cured.
Complete Herbal Medicine GuideComplete Herbal Medicine Guide
Herbal medicines are now immensely popular and there are many qualified herbalists that you can consult if you are interested in this form of treatment. Most herbal medicines are available to buy as capsules, oils, or creams depending on their application.
Comprehensive Guide to the SaunaComprehensive Guide to the SAUNA
The various benefits of relaxing in a sauna have not been fully proven in any medical research but there are lots of people who will advise you to try this simple way to relax and enjoy life. The main benefit that can be found with a sauna is that your body will sweat out the various poisonous toxins that have become stored in your body.
Hypnosis For Health & WellnessHypnosis For Health & Wellness
In this book, we will discuss HOW and when it is appropriate to use hypnosis to address issues of health. We will also help you decide whether hypnosis is right for YOU, and if so, how to incorporate hypnosis into your wellness plan, and how to find a professional.
herbal curesNatural Herbal Cures and Remedies
This ebook covers all the necessary details on natural cures, mainly herbal natural cure. Whatever you want to know on the subject, you will get all the information in this ebook. After you finish reading the ebook, you will discover so many facts on herbs and herbal cures, which you were unaware of, until you read this ebook and also a lot of wrong notions you might have had, will be eradicated. Also, read the ebook carefully as it contains a lot of valuable information, which you can apply in your everyday life.
Advantages of being a vegetarian ebook coverThe Advantages Of Being A Vegetarian
There are three basic reasons why you should become a vegetarian. Firstly, a vegetarian diet is good for your health. Secondly, it is a contribution to the welfare of animals. Thirdly, becoming a vegetarian is good for the environment.
Your Guide To The Best Home RemediesYour Guide To The Best Home Remedies
This book begins with the basics, an introduction to the pros and cons, benefits and side effects of using home remedies. It starts with a definition of the subject as well as a brief overview of its history
Your Raw Food Life StyleYour Raw Food Life Style
As you work through this eBook, you’ll learn how to change your health and your life with the raw foods diet. However, you need to be in the right frame of mind. This eBook will help you decide if making the switch is right for you and then walk you through it step by step.
Your Guide to HerbsYour Guide to Herbs
First, it is possible to grow almost all of the world’s herbs, as long as you have, or can create, the right conditions. Second, maybe there is a little bit of the white witch in each of us, and the desire to make our own potions is deep inside even the most committed supermarket shopper.
Your Guide to Green Living
Your Guide to Green Living
Green living is living your life in an environmentally responsible and eco-friendly way in an attempt to decrease the ecological impact you’ll make on our planet.
The Complete Idiots Guide to Spices and HerbsThe Complete Guide to Herbs and Spices
Do you every wander down the herb and spice aisle at your grocery store and wonder what people do with all those powders and seeds? When you dine out, do you ever wonder what makes a particular dish taste the way it does? If so, you’re in luck! This book unlocks those mysteries and emboldens you to experiment with spices, herbs, tastes, and flavors like you never have before.
The Complete Guide to Natural CuresThe Complete Guide to Natural Cures
There is a general belief that the ageing process automatically results in poor health, loss of functions, slower mental faculties and development of such frightening diseases as arthritis, cataract and heart attacks. This has been disproved by recent researches on ageing. These findings have shown that longevity with more vigorous living can be achieved through nutritional practice and other natural methods.
Natural Herbal RemediesNatural Herbal Remedies
This ebook covers all the necessary details on natural cures, mainly herbal natural cure. Whatever you want to know on the subject, you will get all the information in this ebook. After you finish reading the ebook, you will discover so many facts on herbs and herbal cures, which you were unaware of, until you read this ebook and also a lot of wrong notions you might have had, will be eradicated. Also, read the ebook carefully as it contains a lot of valuable information, which you can apply in your everyday life.
101 Steps To Better Health101 Steps To Better Health
In 101 Steps To Better Health, you will find tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, discover ways to maintain a better healthier lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!
Aromatheray For Cynics
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Aroma therapy for Cynics
Aromatheray For Cynics
As you explore the 36 pages of this eBook, you will discover more about how aromatherapy can be extremely useful in helping heal complicated emotional and medical problems. You will learn about how aromatherapy has helped many to promote a positive emotional state of being and how it has been proven to help deal with problems ranging from grief and anger issues to asthma, migraines and even chicken pox.
You Can Heal YourselfYou Can Heal Yourself
Operativeness development is essential for self-assurance-faith healing. The reason is scarcely you compose your metabolic conformity you are mending your pilgrimage sustaining. To build a combination however you must learn a few energy development practices in self-healing.
Be Your Own DoctorBe Your Own Doctor
Have you reached a point in your life when you started feeling unhealthy? Here are some useful information on how to become your own personal physician!
Eating Healthy
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Eating Healthy
Eating Healthy
Most American and European adults face obesity and health related problems. With changing lifestyles, adults fail to pay attention to their nutritional needs. We eat either too much or too little. We are malnourished. A majority of us loses that perfect balance of diet and proper eating habits in the competitive world, where our focus is towards greater earnings. This has affected our lives...
Healthier YouA Healthier You
There is nothing more important in the world than your health. Sometimes that's all we have. Are you as healthy as you could be? With this eBook, you will be able to have a healthier lifestyle and live longer!
A Healthy YouA Better and Healthier You
The secret to achieving happiness and a healthier you is to balance your body and mind in harmony, it is only when we are balanced in physical health, mental and spiritual that we are truly healthy.
The Natural Remedy Handbook
A detailed guide to treating common illnesses with nutritional supplements, herbs, and holistic medicine, this 273-page FREE eBook doubles as a natural health encyclopedia. It covers everything from aches to yeast infections, and includes hyperlinks that direct the reader to additional information and treatment product sources. Download it today!
herbal curesFREE DOWNLOAD
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Natural Herbal Cures
Natural Herbal Cures & Remedies
Discover the Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies Used to Treat Illness and Disease for Hundreds of Years...STOP Using Unnecessary Drugs and Pills, and Learn the Natural Cures Doctors Never Informed You About!
Holistic and Alternative MedicineHolistic and Alternative Medicine
Get your FREE copy of this content-packed ebook giving you 101 natural health tips for a healthier lifestyle.

* Helpful everyday holistic health.
* Essential vitamins & herbs along with how they benefit your health.
* Sensible & Natural food choices to maintain a healthy functioning body & physique.
ultimate-herbal-remediesUltimate Herbal Remedies
This helpful ebook has 47 Simple Herbal Remedies and you can learn:

* How to recognize many plants.
* Popular herbs and their uses.
* How to treat a sore throat.
* How to prepare a blood purifier.
* What to take for arthritis.
Home Remedies with VinegarHome Remedies with Vinegar
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" (the dentist too!) - is an oft quotation which should not be considered as just an obsolete "Old Wives Tale", as there is more than meets the eye in these axioms of yore. Apples are among the most health-giving fruits available as they contain a host of nutritious properties via: Phosphorous, Chlorine, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur, Iron, Fluorine, Silicon, plus many trace elements ... and all of these are found in PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.
Grow Your Own FruitGrow Your Own Fruit
There are many compelling reasons why you might want to grow a fruit tree or trees in your front or back yard. Ideally, it is because you want to taste fruit fresh from the tree. There is nothing like the experience of biting into a freshly picked apple, cherry, peach or pear. You cannot beat a backyard fruit tree for freshness, availability and quality.
mary-francis-first-aid - ebook coverTHE MARY FRANCES FIRST AID BOOK
THIS book is more than a story to inspire children with a desire to relieve suffering; it is a simplified and handy reference book, telling what to do in cases of accident or illness.
100 health tips ebook cover100 Health Tips
no 10. Supplement your body with iron nutrition. Iron can only be taken from food sources such as red meats, fish, poultry, cereals, leafy vegetables and raisins. It serves as a fuel to energize our body by helping in red blood cells production. Take iron-rich foods with Vitamin C for an effective iron absorption.
mothers home remedies ebook coverMothers Remedies
Some of the suggestions in this book may be helpful or at least have a placebo effect. Beware of the many recipes that include kerosene (coal oil), turpentine, ammonium chloride, lead, lye (sodium hydroxide), strychnine, arsenic, mercury, creosote, sodium phosphate, opium, cocaine and other illegal, poisonous or corrosive items.
Giant Book Of Herbal Tea RemediesGiant Book Of Herbal Tea Remedies
This awesome ebook has herbal tea recipes to cure everything; from high blood pressure to blood in the urine and everything in-between.
The Natural Strengthening Properties Of Organic HealingThe Natural Strengthening Properties Of Organic Healing
The term organic is derived from the process used by farmers who diligently avoid using any bio-persistent chemical pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. They are very cautious in the methods they used when tending to the quality and quantity of their productions.
Natural Remedies ebook cover

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Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies
Alternative medicine has become more popular recently with people who are looking to play a more active role in maintaining good health. Gone are the days where an apple a day was the only way to stay healthy. Those who have started to enjoy the benefits of holistic medical care will tell you that there is much to be said for preventative care that keeps the mind, body and spirit in excellent condition. This report will guide you to what you can do and use to create a more healthier lifestyle for yourself through holistic and alternative medicine.
The Handbook Of Relaxation
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The Handbook Of Relaxation
We have many items in the world, such as videos, books, audios and so on that guide us to relaxation. The systematic instructions tell us how to pull up our inner capacities combined with external tools to reach relaxation. Every one needs to use their own inner abilities to relax, yet if you use external resources that guide you to relax you will double your strength and power to reach your goal. External and inner beings are the best solution for guided relaxation.
Pilates ebook coverPilates and Complete Body Health
In this ebook, I am basically incorporating the Winsor Pilates results to the Winsor Pilates reviews made by most people. Aside from that, I will particularly present some of those Winsor Pilates results or reviews online that amazingly pull and win Winsor Pilates fans.
5 Leo...The Lion...Fire sign...Fixed...Ownership, pride, ego, power, children, passionate, works well alone, part of body is the 'heart and spine.
hypnosis for beginners-ebook coverFREE DOWNLOAD
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Hypnosis for Beginners
Hypnosis for Beginners
In this short practical course you should have gained quite a lot of practical understanding of how to change the activity of a wide range of internal systems of the human being. This should be more than just having learned a cookery-book list of recipes, but be an understanding which means knowing why you are doing something, what should happen and how to adapt your approach if it does not happen.
Alternaltive Health ReportAlternative Health Report
This is like a little newspaper full of tips and revelations regarding many aspects of alternative health. Very interesting and helpful little PDF report.
Herbal Remedy SecretsHerbal Remedy Secrets
If You Have Ever Wanted to Know About Herbal Medicines & The Correct Way Of Using Herbs To Build A Healthier Life, Then This Guide Is EXACTLY what you were looking for!
Complete Illustrated Book to HerbsThe Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs
This beautifully illustrated, complete guide to herbs unlocks the secrets of these wonder plants-from planting and harvesting to cooking and storing- including their health benefits. Now you can discover the joy and pleasure of growing your own herbs-for spicing up meals, creating crafts, treating ailments, and more.


How-To-Take-Care-Of-Your-Babys-HealthHow to Take Care of Your Baby's Health
One of the most difficult things for new parents to deal with is a newborn's sleeping habits. Most of us are familiar with the circles around the eyes of new parents and their complaints about lack of sleep. Here are 5 baby sleep tips, which will hopefully help both your newborn and you to get a solid night's rest.
Understanding-And-Treating-Baby-ColicFREE DOWNLOAD
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Understanding and Treating Baby Colic
Understanding And Treating Baby Colic
No Question about it. The all-new “Understanding And Treating Baby Colic eBook” is one of the most comprehensive and useful resources on this planet. It’s fun and exciting, easy to use and packed with all the information .
Baby Showers ebook coverThe Quick and Easy Guide to Baby Showers
Within the following pages, you’ll learn everything that you need to know to throw a perfect baby shower. You’ll learn about the elements of:
 * Planning from the Ground Up
 * Managing a Shower from Start to End
 * Other Tips, Strategies, and Suggestions
BabyShower-ebook-coverHow To Have A Roaringly Successful Baby Shower
There's an ongoing debate - that can actually become quite emotional and vocal - that tried to determine whether or not a relative should throw the baby shower. Traditionally, the view has been that a relative should not throw a baby shower, because it can appear that the relative is requesting gifts. Yet traditions change, and there are times when a sibling, or a cousin, or an aunt might be the ideal and somewhat convenient choice.

Bad Breath

Bad Breath RemediesBad Breath Remedies
Awesome book which explains what it is, how it is caused and how to get rid of bad breath. also has chapters on how to tell someone they have it plus other interesting factors.
How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-Bad-BreathFREE DOWNLOAD
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Win the War Against Bad Breath
Win the War Against Bad Breath
There are not too many people who prefer to be alone-unless you are one of those people, then get on the bandwagon immediately! The knowledge in this ebook will provide you with what you need to know about bad breath. Filled with informative information and practical methods, you will finally learn how to deal with halitosis and how get rid of it.

Bladder & Urinary Tract Infections

What I need to know about My Childs Urinary Tract InfectionMy Child’s Urinary TractInfection
Many children get urinary tract infections (UTIs). Girls get UTIs more often than boys. Most of the time, a UTI will go away after a child takes a bacteria-fighting medicine called an antibiotic. If a child keeps getting UTIs, another problem may need to be looked into.

Blood Pressure

Reducing Blood Pressure NaturallyNatural High Blood Pressure Cures
This report is going to give you the lowdown on high blood pressure and how to deal with it entirely naturally. It will also highlight many of the most common medical treatments for high blood pressure and why you should consider dealing with any high blood pressure problem naturally before you turn to potentially harmful pharmaceutical solutions.
high blood pressure graphicHigh Blood Pressure
High blood pressure (also called hypertension) is a serious illness that affects nearly 65 million adults in the United States. High blood pressure is often called a “silent killer” because many people have it but don’t know it.
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blood pressure health
Blood Pressure Health
Your heart pumps blood throughout your body using a network of tubing called arteries and capillaries which return the blood back to your heart via your veins. Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart beats.

Body Detox and Cleansing

In this book you will learn just how to detox safely, with minimum discomfort, so that your body becomes clean, pure and is returned as near as possible, to its optimum state of well being.
Body-Detox-Made-Easy - ebookBody Detox Made Easy
Health conscious people welcome the concept of body detoxification, a process that can solve several health-related problems and make you feel younger, healthier, and happier. To learn more about this amazing process, read the eBook, “Body Detox Made Easy,” where everything you need to know about body detoxification is beautifully explained. Each of its 70 pages offers guidance to better health.
colon-report-smallColon cleanse - What You Need to Know
Colon cleansing is considered to be very helpful in alleviating a number of diseases and it has even been said to prevent the development of some cancers.


Natural Body Building GuideNatural Body Building Guide
In short, bodybuilding is the process of adding extra muscle mass to the body by extensive working out and control of diet. It is something that is done either for personal achievement, recreation or as a competitive ‘sport’.
Ulitmate Bodybuilding and FitnessUltimate Body-Building And Fitness
There are really two different ways of beginning a bodybuilding regime; the easy way and the hard way. Which one of the two you choose for yourself will determine the extent to which you will stick to the regime and thereby prove a success.
Bigger Is Better If Done NaturallyBigger Is Better If Done Naturally
No matter the reason that people gain weight, bulk up, and build muscle, the methods should always be natural. To use unnatural methods to achieve the same result can result in life threatening consequences, poor self esteem, and limited control on the muscles and behaviors.
8 Things To Build Max Muscle8 Things Your Must Do to Build Maximum Muscle
You can have all of the inner drive and motivation in the world, but without an intelligently structured plan and a blueprint for success, you’re most likely not going to get anywhere.
Free Muscle Building ReportNo-Nonsense Muscle Building - Skinny Guy Secrets
Growing up as an awkward, skinny, endurance athlete, he earned the nick-name Skinny Vinny and believed he had no muscle friendly genes whatsoever. After a tragic event in his life, Vince went on to gaining 41 lbs of rockhard muscle in less then six months, which lead to his transformation being featured all over the Internet as well as the International fitness magazine, Maximum Fitness.
WeightTrainingForDummiesWeight Training for Dummies
In Weight Training For Dummies, we tell you about safe weight lifting techniques, steer you toward equipment bargains, entertain you with stories about fellow lifters, and inspire you to keep pumping iron when you’d rather pump a keg and fire up the backyard grill. In fact, we take care of just about everything except lifting the weights. We saved that job for you.


Natural Beauty SecretsNatural Beauty Secrets
Natural skin care products may be the answer if you are concerned about the chemicals in most commercial cosmetic products. Some of these chemicals may be toxic enough to actually accelerate the aging process, which is the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish with your skin care. Even in these days of increased regulation and consumer watchdog groups, there are a number of new products introduced each year that still contain damaging chemicals.
Natural Beauty SecretsNatural Beauty Secrets – Special Report
Let’s accept the fact: many of us are skin conscious. As much as possible, we wanted to have a fresh, good looking skin. However, many of us failed to recognize that simple steps are the best ways to attain it. We just tend to ignore what is actually right or wrong for our skin. We tend to buy some beauty products that just worsen whatever skin imperfections we have as it turns out in the end. So, now is the time for change. We must do something to beat up all those bothering skin conditions we have.
Bath and Beauty Recipes504 Relaxing Bath and Beauty Recipes
Big book of 198 pages packed full of wonderful beauty recipes to relax and beautify yourself in the bath. Organic and herbal delights to make you look beautiful and smell divine.


How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-BronchitisHow To Win Your War Against Bronchitis
Recurring bronchitis can be more than annoying, it can affect your overall health in many ways. This eBook has some tips and tricks for dealing with the coughing, tightness, and shortness of breath that often comes alongside Bronchitis.


Handling the Sun and Sunburn NaturallyNatural Sunburn Cures
In this guide, I am therefore going to look at three things. Firstly, I am going to expand upon exactly why the ‘posh’ ladies got it right whereas for most of the second half of the 20th century, we were all getting it very wrong as far as the sun and its potential ‘benefits’ were concerned.


Backyard Ideas for Fun and FrolicBackyard Ideas for Fun and Frolic
When we think of backyard activities, sports often come to mind. While sports are a great way to spend your time outdoors, they are not all that backyard activities include. In fact, while you may not necessarily think so, backyard activities also involve the completion of projects. If you are a home improvement lover, it is quite possible that your next backyard activity could involve the building or the remodeling of a structure.
teach your child to read ebook coverFREE DOWNLOAD
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Child Reading
Teach Your Child to Read
Helping Your Child Learn to Read is intended to help you make the most of your child's natural curiosity. Teaching and learning are not mysteries that can only happen in school. They also happen when parents and children do simple things together.
Natural Remedies for Children 1Natural Remedies for Children
This brilliant ebook has 166 pages and covers many common health conditions suffered by children. It outlines and explains natural remedies for each condition. A very well put together and helpful guide.
Confidences ebook coverConfidences-Talks with a Young Girl Concerning Herself
With the desire to aid mothers in giving the necessary instruction to their daughters, this little book has been written. The author has tried to tell in suitable language the facts that should be known by every girl from eight to fourteen years of age. The book is of such a character that it may be placed in the hands of the young girl, but better still it may be read aloud by the mother to her daughter. It is hoped this book will form the basis of a closer intimacy between mother and daughter.
101 tips to stop your child bedwetting101 Tips to Stop Your Child Bedwetting
When bed-wetting becomes a problem in your home, what do you do? Often times when a child is wetting his or her bed, the reason is due either to an undiagnosed medical condition or due to psychological effects. As a parent, you will want to find out what is happening with your child so that you can stop bedwetting.
Fairy Tales Every Child Should KnowFairy Tales Every Child Should Know
A fantastic book of every fairytale your children should read. The true classics. Tom Thumb, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel etc…
Palm Healing for CHILDREN- ShinePalm Healing for Children
Palm healing methods to alleviate all sorts of child health conditions. A delightful little alternative health guide for spiritually inclined loving mothers.
getting your child ready for school ebook coverHelping Your Child Get Ready for School
This book:
· Describes the qualities and skills that youngsters need to get a good start in kindergarten;
· Tells what to expect from preschoolers each year from birth to age 5;
· Suggests easy activities that help children grow and develop; and
· Explains how to encourage enthusiasm toward school and teachers and make it easier for children to adjust to kindergarten.
Childhood Obesity ebook coverChildhood Obesity
Today, one in five children are considered overweight, and this increase is seen in
children and teenagers, in both genders, and in among all age and ethnic groups.
RainyDayActivitiesforKids smallRainy Day Activities for Kids
There‟s nothing worse than an idle child with nothing to do, so why not give them some simple and easy to do crafts? If you‟re not a crafty-person (and a lot of us aren‟t) it might seem a bit daunting to you. Perhaps the last craft you created was when you pressed your hand into some clay in grade school to make a gift for your mother or father. If that‟s so, don‟t panic. All it takes for you to be able to do this is a little ingenuity—and some planning ahead.
magic-tricks-ebook-coverEzy Magic-Magic Tricks for Kids
Simple tricks and stunts help any social occasion. But the best part is being the guy or girl with the wand! Now you can with "Ezy Magic"! You can be the center of attention, life of the party or the mysterious wonder worker. That's up to you.
Understanding Daycare Inside OutUnderstanding Daycare Inside Out
There’s a lot to understand about daycare from choosing a good centre to rules and regulations, effects on the children and a lot more. This book provides a wealth of information and tips which will give you a great overall understanding of daycare.


How-To-Lower-Your-CholesterolFREE DOWNLOAD
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How to Lower Cholesterol
How To Lower Your Cholesterol
Learn how to lower your Cholesterol safely in this free book. It’s important to know the risk factors and how your lifestyle can cause bad Cholesterol and possibly lead to heart disease. This book could just save your life or the life of someone that you love.
lower-cholesterol-in-33-days-10-1Lower your Cholesterol in 33 Days
For most of us, worrying about cholesterol starts with a diagnosis and some treatment suggestions by our physicians. For others, wanting to live healthy lives, lowering their cholesterol is an important well-being and health-conscious priority. Secrets to Effectively Lower Your Cholesterol. In fact, many experts now think that high cholesterol levels are among the greatest health problems that face us today. In this book, you will learn how to take control of your health.


Vinegar Cleaning RemediesVinegar Cleaning Remedies
All sorts of things can be cleaned using vinegar. This amazing ebook explains it all.
Natural Home Cleaning Remedies2Natural Home Cleaning Remedies
The house is the center of good family relations. Being creative with certain problems in a natural way helps us to appreciate the home even more. Part of that appreciation means finding ways to keep busy and happy. There are many jobs around the house that we all have to do. Here are a few hints on how to do them in a more natural way.

Cold Sores

Lip balm ebook cover30 Lip Gloss Recipes
This eBook is jam packed with 30 great recipes for making your own lip balm/lip gloss using natural ingredients such as beeswax, carrier oils and essential oils. Consider this your bible as it contains all the recipes you'll ever need for do-it-yourself lip balms and lip gloss products.


The Constipation Cure Action PlanThe Constipation Cure Action Plan
Did you ever think feeling angry and irritable could be a symptom of constipation? A horrible fullness and pressing sharp pains against the bladders can’t help but affect your mood. Follow the steps in this guide to alleviate constipation and lead a happier healthy life.
constipation and allied intestinal disordersCONSTIPATION AND ALLIED INTESTINAL DISORDERS
A very concise and detailed 468 page study from 1919.
non-surgical-treatment-of intestinal stasis and constipationTHE NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT OF INTESTINAL STASIS AND CONSTIPATION
This handbook is intended to set forth, in the briefest manner possible, the consensus of opinion of the medical profession concerning the non-surgical aspect of the treatment of intestinal stasis and constipation. It advances no novel ideas, but brings together statements of representative physicians and surgeons.
A Series of Articles on the Use and Abuse of Cathartics with Suggestive Formulas and Recipes. CATHARSIS AND CONSTIPATION


Anxiety and DepressionAnxiety and Depression 101
Here you will learn in one manual what are the causes of depression as they are determined today, what are the various treatments available as well as the symptoms. You will learn the same for anxiety.
Defeat DepressionDefeat Depression
"Learning About How To Defeat Depression Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success! Discover ways to cope with depression and melancholic tendencies!"
Understanding-And-Treating-Bipolar-DisorderUnderstanding And Treating Bipolar Disorders
Most individuals that suffer from bipolar have one goal. That goal is to live a life that is as normal as can be. To get through today without having any emotional problems, to make it through the big meeting at work without having people wonder what is wrong with you and to simply be able to enjoy your daughter's graduation are all additional goals that you may have.
How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-DepressionFREE DOWNLOAD
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Win the War Against Depression
How To Win Your War Against Depression
Low serotonin levels are a prime cause of depression. Getting good nights sleep is essential. Sleep and mood are closely linked. Take a multi vitamin everyday. Also, you may want to try getting more exercise. This doesn't mean marathon training. Start out slow and build up if you feel the need.
Poems about DepressionA Collection of Poems about Depression
These poems are based upon poems and diary entries I made in the early 1990s while suffering from severe depression. The poems are in chronological order, spanning a period of about ten months.
By Peter Stone 2010.
Natural Depression CuresNatural Depression Cures
In this book, you will read of many of these methods of banishing depression entirely naturally, but before beginning to consider what these natural remedies for this debilitating illness are.
Suicide Ideation - ebook coverSuicide Ideation
This booklet might induce hurt feelings but as they say “No Pain - No Gain”. Just as athletes train their physical bodies, pushing them and discovering through the pain of exercise and exertion the limits of their abilities and how they can obtain the best results and performance by it. We too need to understand our own mental and emotional limits. We need to know ourselves and we need to have a sense of identity. We need to develop our own self esteem and how to respond to other people in a way that draws the best advantages to ourselves.


Understanding-Diabetes-And-Glycemic-IndexUnderstanding Diabetes and Glycemic Index
I am proud to tell you about one of the MOST AMAZING eBooks ever created! So AMAZING, you’ve got to see it to believe it. My BRAND NEW software product called “Understanding Diabetes and Glycemic Index eBook” will answer all your toughest questions.
delicious diabetic recipes-ebook coverDelicious Diabetic Recipes
Nearly 240 pages with hundreds of delicious recipes for people with diabetes. If you have diabetes then this book is a must have.
diabetes-report-cover-largeDiabetes 2 - Report
Diabetes is a disease that affects the way your body uses food. Normally, your body converts sugars, starches and other foods into a form of sugar called glucose. Your body uses glucose for fuel. The cells receive the glucose through the bloodstream. They then use insulin (a hormone made by the pancreas) to absorb the glucose, convert it into energy, and either use it or store it for later
use. In diabetes, something goes wrong with this process…


natural help for diarrhea-ebook coverNatural Help for Diarrhea
Small ebook explaining diarrhea and natural ways for treating it. Includes natural products and expert advice.


Natural Vertigo & Dizziness Relief ebook coverNatural Vertigo & Dizziness Relief
This report is designed to help those who suffer with acute and re-curing Labrinthitis, Ménière's disease, Unspecified Vertigo & Unspecified Balance Disorders. Plus a section devoted to those suffering with re-curing Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).
Vertigo Report - coverVertigo Report
Medical report on vertigo. Small but concise.


Dealing With Eczema the Natural Way!Dealing With Eczema the Natural Way!
Because we are looking for a way of dealing with eczema totally naturally, many of the solutions you will read of in this book adopt a far more holistic approach to getting rid of or at least minimizing the worst effects of eczema.
EczemaAndPsoriasis-ebook-coverThe Complete Guide to Eczema and Psoriasis
Eczema and Psoriasis are allergic skin conditions that display itchy, scaly and red skin. These inflammatory skin conditions can occur at any time of your life. Often, eczema and psoriasis begin in your childhood and continue throughout your growing years and adult life too.

Exercise and Fitness

Exercise-Tips-For-The-ElderlyFREE DOWNLOAD
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Exercise Tips
Exercise Tips For The Elderly
Surefire Ways To Master Exercise If You Are Older! Many People Are Not Aware Of How Important Exercise Is For Older People And How To Deal With It. This Book Will Show You Exactly What You Need To Do To Be A Success!
Generating The Proper Mindset For Health And FitnessGenerating The Proper Mindset For Health And Fitness
It happens so very often – we resolve to go on with a health and fitness program with gusto and probably much fanfare too, but in the first week of entering the program, everything fizzles out. Why is it that we don’t stick to the diet plans, the morning jogging plans, the workout plans that we make?
Complete body fitnessComplete Body Fitness
Fitness is a term that is used to help define the ability to stay in the best physical shape. You may ask, then, “What am I staying in shape for?” To each person, this will be something different.
how to burn calories and stay fitHow To Burn Calories And Stay Fit ... Forever
For anyone trying to lose weight, this question is bound to raise a lot of excitement. Surely losing weight cannot be such a simple issue, can it? Well, the answer is YES!
navyseal physical fitnessThe Navy Seal Physical Fitness Guide
This up-to-date guide to physical fitness was researched and prepared by specialists to provide information on attaining the physical strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness demanded of Navy SEALs. The author guarantees that if you can take it to the max, you'll be in tip top excellent condition in just 12 weeks. There's no reason to dispute that. All you'll need is the willpower. So can you hack it?

Food, Drink and Cooking Recipes

Traditional amish Recipes - ebook cover65 True and Tried Traditional Amish Recipes
Amish cooking has become ingrained into traditional American cooking. Chances are, growing up your grandmother or your mother prepared a dish or two that was based on a traditional Amish recipe and you didn't even know it.
AtkinsDietRecipes1000 plus Atkins Diet Recipes
Learn great and tasty recipes for salad and dressing, cakes and pies, desserts, fish meals, beef, lamb and veal meals and much more inside the 1000 Atkins Diet Recipes ebook. Most of the products in this awesome guide can be found in your local produce store.
brew your own beerBrew Your Own Beer
“Impress your friends and colleagues with your new-found beer making knowledge, Over 640 Thirst Quenching Beer Recipes!”
No-Cook Bodybuilding Diet ebook coverThe sample meals listed here have been designed for a 200-pound male and 130-pound female, and the overall combination uses the same basic formula: 30%-40% of calories from protein, 45%-55% from carbohydrate and 15%-20% from fat. Simple sugars are kept to a minimum with the exception of the all-important post-workout meal. Read on--you'll soon find that talent in the kitchen isn't a prerequisite to following a true bodybuilding diet.
bread recipes ebook coverFREE DOWNLOAD
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500 Yummy Bread Recipes
This delicious eBook has over 500 bread recipes to share with your friends and family! Bon appetite!
delicious candy recipes ebookDelicious Candy Recipes
Candy is the ultimate indulgence and Delicious Candy Recipes is the ultimate candy cookbook. Delicious Candy Recipes delivers more than 300 of the best recipes from Chocolate and Fudge to Peanut Butter and Truffles, this eBook is pure candy satisfaction for candy lovers everywhere.
Chocolate Recipes ebookChocolate Recipes For Chocolate Lovers
Chocolate is the ultimate indulgence and Chocolate Recipes For Chocolate Lovers is the ultimate chocolate cookbook. 247 pages of awesome chocolate recipes.
150 Cocktail Recipes150 Great Cocktail Recipes
Fabulous collection of eight eBooks crammed with over 100 brilliant recipes for the best cocktails on earth!
Thousands of cocktail RecipesThousands of Cocktail Recipes
1001 Cocktails offers the ultimate collection of your favorite cocktails and hundreds of new tastes for you to try. Recipes feature color photos of finished drinks along with easy to follow instructions. Making cocktails is great fun, both for you and for your appreciative guests. This comprehensive collection even offers recipes for non-alcoholic drinks.
Coffee Recipes Ebook89 Great Coffee Recipes
Now you can put some spice into your morning cup of coffee with 89 Coffee Recipes. Whether you like to drink it black, with milk, with cream, as an espresso, or any other variation, you can now make it happen with this ebook. You can use 89 Coffee Recipes for a rainy day, when you fancy a different brew, or even to impress your family and friends.
big cookie bookThe Big Book of Cookie Recipes
233 pages with hundreds of delicious cookie recipes. With all of these yummy recipes you will never need to buy biscuits ever again, simply make your own and they are always better when you make them yourself.
Cooking mastery ebook coverCooking Mastery - Selected Tips
Everybody with the slightest interest in cooking and eating will be delighted with the eBook, Cooking Mastery Guide. It comprises 84 delightful pages, loaded with excellent culinary tips guaranteed to make you a master cook in no time.
Recipes for Depp Frying101 Recipes for the Deep Fryer
Throw aside that diet book and join the hot craze that is deep-frying! 101 Recipes For The Deep Fryer will acquaint you with great recipes for cooking in a deep fryer.
111-Egg-Recipes111 Superb Egg Recipes
Author of Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book, Philadelphia Cook Book, Bread and Bread-Making, Many Ways for Cooking Egg etc.
Fondue Recipes - ebook coverBest Fondue Recipes Cookbook
Five years ago, The Absolute Top Chefs of America Culinary Institute was given a challenge, a really big challenge! Create the absolutely most delicious, delectable, heavenly, luscious, mouthwateringly, scrumptious, succulent, tasty and yummy Fondue Recipes ever! A Fondue Recipe that, upon first bite, there’s a, “Wow, this is the Absolute Best Fondue I ever tasted! I gotta have the recipe!” The Best Fondue Recipes Cookbook is a result of that challenge.
Fruit Smoothies ebook cover200 Delicious Fruit Recipes
Getting bored with the same old Smoothie recipes? Check out this book of 200 recipes so you never get bored again! Lots of great tasting recipes that may even get your imagination going to come up with more! Don't forget to share with the kids and maybe turn some of these recipes in to popsicles?? There's an idea!
green smoothies ebook coverGREEN SMOOTHIES
Grill Master Barbecue RecipesGrill Master Barbecue Recipes
This Book provides Recipes to 25 of the best kept secrets of the BBQ World. Impress your Friends & keep them begging for more, with this compilation of mouthwatering Glazes, Marinades & other Recipes.
Frozen Dessert and Ice Cream RecipesFrozen Dessert and Ice Cream Recipes
Anyone can make a homemade ice cream to suit their need. Ice cream fills a useful place in homes throughout the country. It is a favourite for desserts or snacks incorporating an array of many flavour variations. With the recipes provided, everyone will be able to enjoy some type of this taste tempting food. So let's mix up a batch of ice cream for anyone and everyone to enjoy!
jam recipes120 Lip-Smacking Good Jam Recipes
Jam Cooking Tips eBook about 120 Lip-Smacking Good Jam Recipes - Enjoy these delicious jams on toast, in sandwiches or to top off your favorite ice cream.
kids fun recipesFREE DOWNLOAD
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Kids Fun Recipes

Make fun and delicious recipes with your family! Do you want to spend more time with your kids? Then let them join you in the kitchen, creating fun foods that they will love. Kids Fun Recipes is a collection of simple and easy to follow recipes that kids of all ages will enjoy.
Your Raw Food Life StyleYour Raw Food Lifestyle
Read and discover how consuming raw foods positively affects your longevity and optimal health. Featuring nutritious and wholesome recipes that you can prepare at home!
great salad recipesGreat Salad Recipes
A delicious salad can be the perfect compliment to a meal or a meal by itself. Why settle for the same old boring salad, when you can enjoy a vast array of flavors and seasonings? With this collection, you could have a different salad every night for a month, and still have plenty more amazing salads to try. If you love salad, this is the recipe book for you.
Fish and Game RecipesFish and Game Recipes
Whether you're fishing or hunting deer, elk, rabbit, duck, pheasant or dove, you'll find recipes and helpful tips in this Fish & Game Cookbook to make your game or fish the centerpiece of a memorable meal. These recipes are easy to prepare and use ingredients you can find right on your pantry shelves or at a nearby store.
Seafood Delights ebook coverSeafood Delights
And with over 1600 seafood recipes in all, you are sure to find some that will delight your taste buds and make you a healthier person. FISH~Seafood~Recipes~TROUT~BASS~CRAB
Insiders' Cookbook Master EditionInsiders' Cookbook: Master Edition (Recipes from restaurants!!)
Included are recipes from Chili's, Applebee's, Marie Callendar's, Black Angus, Ben & Jerry's, Macaroni Grill, Red Lobster, Cheesecake Factory, Arby's, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's, etc. There's even recipes for snack items like Oreos, Girl Scout cookies, Little Debbie, and candy bars like Butterfinger, Snickers, York Peppermint Patties!
Smoothies for AthletesSmoothies for Athletes
This collection of recipes is perfect for all athletes. Whether you’re looking for a quick nutritious breakfast or a powerful post‐workout shake, you’ll find the recipe you’re looking for.
Vegetable recipes - ebook coverDelectable VEGETABLE DISHES
Compilation of easy vegetable recipes that your family will love. All of the ingredients are whole foods, natural, nutritious ingredients. These healthy vegetable recipes aren't loaded down with unhealthy saturated fats or other unhealthy ingredients. Instead, they are good recipes that include only the highest quality ingredients.
how to make wine and spirits from homeHow To Make Perfect Wines & Spirits From Home
“How To Make Perfect Wines & Spirits From Home” is one of the most detailed & useful instructional books for wine & drink enthusiasts everywhere. It is crammed with step by step instructions to make just about any wine type from your own home. Creating your own fine tasting wines is one of the most pleasurable and rewarding things in the world – it is enjoyable, relaxing and once perfected you can share with family and friends who will admire you for your talents. And of course, with the raw ingredients costs being so very low it is also a way of saving a lot of money.
Wines and Spirits Inside OutWines And Spirits Inside Out!
Making wine is something that you can and should be doing. If you enjoy wines you’ll enjoy making them yourself. Accomplishing this process is one that will please anyone who has a bit of creative energy and anyone that wants to really experience the process.

Hair Related

Hair Loss Prevention
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Hair Loss Prevention
Hair Loss Prevention
You notice your hair “might” be thinning. Maybe someone said something to you about your looking different or (gasp) balding. Maybe someone looked at you differently, or you think they did because of your hair loss. Maybe it was because of one or both parents? Maybe it was because of your shampoo? Your diet?
Natural Treatments for DandruffNatural Treatments for Dandruff
The primary purpose of this book is to examine many of these natural treatments or cures for dandruff. However, before doing so, we will first examine exactly what dandruff is, why people suffer from the problem and the solutions that most people use to deal with the problem.


40 Cures For Hangovers40 Cures for Hangovers
This Brand New 61-page info product reveals why we get hangovers, the symptoms, the direct effects of alcohol, plus 40 different ways to remedy a cranium crushing hangover, (there are actually slightly more than 40)


101 Tips For Preventing Headaches101 Tips For Preventing Headaches
I've tracked down 101 Power Tips to help you get through each day without a headache. "101 Power Tips on How to Prevent Headaches," is a thoroughly researched guide. If you are experiencing headache pain, chances are I've put a finger on the cause in my new report.
Naturally Cure Your Headaches
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Naturally Cure your Headaches
Naturally Cure Your Headaches
What is a tension headache?, What does the trigeminal nerve have to do with persistent headaches?, The exact difference between a primary and secondary headache, The differences between the symptoms of episodic and chronic headaches, The role that eye or ear problems can play in chronic headaches.

Heartburn & Acid Reflux

Natural Heartburn CuresNatural Heartburn Cures
For heartburn sufferers, I hope that by the end of this book you will no longer despair of ever leading a normal life in the future. Instead I hope you will begin to dream of a new life with less pain and suffering. It may take some time before you find a remedy suitable for you, but one is there, believe me.
herbal remedies for acid refluxHerbal Remedies For Acid Reflux
The more you know about a disease, the more you can minimize its effects on your health. Acid reflux is present in at least thirty five percent of all overweight people and is also a problem for a vast demographic. The more you know about acid reflux, the better chance you have at not triggering its effects.
Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn-Ebook CoverNatural Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn
Here is a list of natural remedies that you can use when you have acid reflux or heartburn. No need to use antacids, which have unwanted side effects and contain aluminum, which has been associated with senility and Alzheimer’s disease.


Hemorrhoids curesHemorrhoids Cures Home Remedies
Author has tried to give a broad picture of the current state of hemorrhoid
treatment and the best methods of coping with their effects. He has also included information about some natural methods but emphasizes that no-one should self-medicate without first consulting their doctor.
Hemorrhoids PDF CoverHemorrhoids Report
About 75 percent of people will have hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.1 Hemorrhoids are most common among adults ages 45 to 65.2 Hemorrhoids are also common in pregnant women.

House and Garden

how to grow orchidsGrowing Orchids in the Home
Orchids are becoming increasingly popular as flowering houseplants due to improved cultivars and affordability. Once considered a rich person’s hobby, orchids are now more affordable, thanks to recent advances in propagation techniques.
Grow Your Own FruitGrow Your Own Fruit
"Fruit Trees – How To Grow Delicious Fruit In Your Garden" contains everything you need to know about growing your own fruit at home. Growing your own fruit is a wonderful treat and a huge money saver. Home grown food of any kind tastes delicious and being able to go outside and pick fresh fruit from the tree is something everyone should experience…
The bondai Book -ebook coverGrowing Bonsai
Bonsai are miniature trees grown in pots. The aim of bonsai culture is to develop a tiny tree that has all the elements of a large tree growing in a natural setting. This look is achieved, principally, by branch and root pruning and shaping, but other factors are also important. The texture of the trunk, its look of age, the moss and the under plantings in the container — all contribute to the illusion of a miniature tree as it is seen in nature.
How To Decorate Your House Like A ProHow To Decorate Your House Like A Pro
Before starting out on any home improvement project make sure that you have the basics covered; you know what you want done! You can afford to have it done! And it’s going to be done in a set amount of time!
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Gardening Made Easy!
Gardening Made Easy!
Here’s a coffee tip. Humans are not the only ones to get a boost from espresso. Plants do too! Caffeine and theophylline, two ingredients of coffee are popular ingredients in expensive skin care products, and key ingredients in asthma medications, but also make excellent fertilizer for plants. You can get it by the big bagful and for free just by contacting your local coffee shop. Just mix the espresso in with your existing soil every few months and watch your plants grow.
Greenhouse MaintenanceGreenhouse Maintenance
The hobby of taking care of plants requires that you spend quite some time with you plants, watering them, preventing pests from harming them and removing weeds from your plants' vicinity. However, these activities could expose you to the sun for extended periods, causing sunburns. An alternative option that will protect you from over dose of sunlight, without compromising on your hobby is to have a greenhouse.
How to Create a Garden PondHow To Build A Beautiful Backyard Pond
I must tell you, building a pond is a great experience that you will love for years and years, and since it is a creative endeavor, you really can put your own signature on it. This e-book will give you the steps to take as you plan, and many pointers along the way. Use your imagination and try different things to make it just the way you want it and you’ll end up with a project you’ll be proud of and a wonderful pond to boot!
101 Tips for Growing a Rose Garden101 Tips for Growing and Enjoying Your Own Great Rose Garden
Anyone can purchase roses in a gift shop or florist, but it takes a special person to want to grow their own roses. There are too many types of roses to list them all here, but this manual will be your comprehensive guide to planting and caring for your very own roses.
Secrets of vegetable gardeningSecrets of The Vegetable Garden
In his own experience the author has found that garden books, while seldom lacking in information, often do not present it in the clearest possible way. It has been his aim to make the present volume first of all practical, and in addition to that, though comprehensive, yet simple and concise. If it helps to make the way of the home gardener more clear and definite, its purpose will have been accomplished.
Your Garden – Neighbor’s Envy, Owner’s Pride!Your Garden – Neighbor’s Envy, Owner’s Pride!
Home gardening is an enjoyable, relaxing and most of all an inexpensive hobby. It sets your mood, keeps you alive and stress free. A lot of people nowadays have been into gardening. They started turning their front and back yards into a sight to behold with bountiful colored flowers and blossoms or greenery. The process is easy and can be done in just few steps. By having the right tools; knowing what, where, when and how to plant, you can now indulge yourself in gardening and have fun without leaving your home.

Hyperhidrosis - Excessive Sweating

HyperhidrosisStop Sweating and Start Living
This e-book provides sweat-troubled people with an instant solution to end their underarm sweating problems. Unlike the other sweating solutions such as antiperspirant creams, lotions, roll-ons, drugs, pills, and cosmetic surgeries, this provides a natural solution to excessive sweating. This comes in the form of unconventional and herbal sweating treatments.
Natural Sweating Control GuideControl Your Sweating Naturally
The whole point of this book is not to show you how to stop sweating per se, but to share with you methods on how to control your sweating, naturally and how to minimise your sweating using natural means.

Insects & Bugs

How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-Bed-BugsHow To Win Your War Against Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can be incredibly annoying; getting rid of them can be even more frustrating. This little eBook will tell you exactly how to both seek and destroy them.
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Win the War Against Termites
How To Win Your War Against Termites
Even the mention of a termite can send terror into the heart of a homeowner. Many people know that a termite can cause huge damage to a home and when you take one termite and add it to another termite and then another and another and another, you might find yourself with a home that is not only unsound but extremely difficult to sell and live in. Many people know about the termite, but not many people know specifics about this pesky insect.
Home Remedies For Head LiceHome Remedies For Head Lice
There is help for the dilemma of Head Lice. And now you have the information in front of you to guide you towards an affordable, and most importantly, a natural, effective solution for getting rid of head lice!
Natural Flea RemediesNatural Flea Remedies
Natural Flea Remedies Fleas can be one of the most annoying aspects of owning a pet. They aggravate both you and your pet - dog fleas and cat fleas can and will bite people as well, and flea bites are itchy and a pain. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to deal with the problem of fleas - both preventative measures you should take to avoid them in the first place and ways to get rid of them once your house is filled up with these unwelcome guests.

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

How to Beat Insomnia NaturallyHow to Beat Insomnia Naturally
Overcoming insomnia may not be easy, but there is hope. Inside this book, we are going to explore the subject in depth to help you get a good night's sleep!
Natural Cures For InsomniaNatural Cures For Insomnia
Let’s get a better understanding of the definition and type of insomnia you actually have. Clinically, two types of insomnia have been identified. The world we live in and the stress that comes as part of it often brings on ‘secondary insomnia’. This is the most common type of insomnia and based on research done by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, it can affect as many as 8 out of 10 people.
Sleep Apnea ebook coverSleep Apnea
Your health should be one of your top priorities as you are solely accountable for it. The answers you are looking for may be quite straightforward and they could play a critical role in your overall well-being. Take a couple minutes to download and read this ebook to find out some causes and solutions to sleep disorders.
Sleep Well ebook coverSleep Well
When you don’t get enough sleep for an extended period of time your tiredness will begin to impact every part of your life. For example:
* Physically, you might notice a decrease in your productivity and daily activities.
* Emotionally, you may experience relationship problems or a change in your personality.
* Mentally, a chronic sleep problem can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.
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Win the War Against Insomnia
How To Win Your War Against Insomnia And Sleep Disorders
If you don’t remember the last time you had a really good night’s sleep, you are most probably suffering from a sleep disorder, and the eBook “How To Win Your War Against Insomnia And Other Sleep Disorders” is a must read for you. In its 110 pages, it explains clearly how to get rid of insomnia and other sleep disorders. There is no medical jargon to confuse you, just tips on how to sleep well.

Kidney Stones

51 ways to deal with kidney stones51 Tips for Dealing Kidney Stones
Do you have kidney stones? Do you think you do, but aren’t sure? Do you get them often, and need some preventative advice? 51 Tips for Dealing with Kidney Stones can help!
Natural Remedies for Kidney StonesNatural Remedies for Kidney Stones
The human body is structured in such a way that the urinary system is highly dependent on the digestive system. The Kidneys process the waste materials passed on from the digestive system. Any minor problem in the digestive system like diarrhea or constipation could trigger off the formation of kidney stone.Hence, the medical experts always insist that we need to be aware of what we eat and we drink, as a small change in that may go a long way.

Mental Health

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Mental Health
A guide to understanding various diagnoses and mental health problems...In this guide we will inform you of the many types of disorders and mental illnesses that cause millions to suffer every day. We will also inform you of remedies that can help you find support, as well as support those suffering mental illnesses.
Understanding AUTISMUnderstanding And Treating Autism
Whenever a doctor informs the parents that their child is suffering with Autism, the first & foremost question that is thrown over him is - How did it happen? How did my child get this disease?
Understanding ADHDUnderstanding And Treating ADHD
With both ADHD and ADD, making a diagnosis early on is very essential. Even though troubles with schools are the most apparent indications, some victims do not have major problems with getting school work completed. Keep track of your children, not just academically, but generally and psychologically as well.
Cure-Chronic-Anxiety-DepressionTao Cycle Therapy Natural Happiness via Self-Directed Cure for Chronic Anxiety & Depression
Discovering, realizing, or becoming aware of, unconscious realities can be, and often is, extremely emotional and upsetting. Discovering your true animal nature and unconscious desires is something not to be embarked upon lightly. Denial is a very powerful defense and the resulting emotional reactions vary widely from person to person, making them highly unpredictable.
Unraveling Alzheimer's DiseaseUnraveling alzheimers Disease
Is a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s? Do you fear developing this dreadful disease and being unable to remember your own loved ones?
Advanced Memory TechniquesAdvanced Memory Techniques
Combine the techniques learnt in this e-book for memory techniques, with properly applied study techniques and you will have skills you never believed possible which will get you the grades you need to reach both your academic and career goals.

Men's Problems

Alternative Cures for Erectile DysfunctionAlternative Cures for Erectile Dysfunction
In this book, we are going to talk about:
• What ED is and what it isn't
• Possible risk factors
• Potential causes
• How to get tested
• Treatments and therapies that can help
• How to prevent ED in the first place
Dealing With Impotence NaturallyDealing with Impotence Naturally
For the purposes of presenting as complete and comprehensive picture as possible, we will also consider some of the more popular pharmaceutical impotency preparations in his book. However, I am going to focus attention on some of the known possible side-effects of the drugs, because the purpose of this book is to draw attention to the benefits of using natural impotency treatments rather than chemicals.

Pain Relief

Dealing With Backpain The Natural WayNatural Back Pain Remedies
As with any medical condition, it is safer and therefore preferable to deal with back pain in a natural manner if possible, and that is the primary topic of this book.
Natural Pain Management GuideNatural Pain Management Guide
This manual is going to present you with many different natural pain management options so that if you choose to follow the natural route to get rid of your pain, you are aware of the options and the possible disadvantages of various different ways of managing pain.
Cure Tennis Elbow Without SurgeryCure Tennis Elbow Without Surgery
This will teach you everything you need to learn about what it is like to have tennis elbow and how you can get it. If you think that only tennis players get tennis elbow, think again. Anyone can get tennis elbow.
How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-Back-PainHow to Win the War Against Back Pain
Back pain will inhibit millions of Americans this year, and an estimated 80% of us will experience back pain sometime in our lives. For some, the pain can be excruciating. Discover all you need to know about back pain and natural ways to cure it now!

Personal Development

BigBookPersonalAffirmations ebook coverThe Big Book Of Personal Affirmations and Mantras
The Big Book Of Personal Affirmations and Mantras Empower Your Lives Daily With Words From The Greatest Collection Of Affirmations And Mantras.
How to Build a Good Relationship10 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship
Every couple is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for a good relationship. But people who’ve stayed together for a long time tend to have some of the same things in common. Here are ten tips based on the conclusions experts have drawn from studying successful relationships.
How to boost your self esteemHow To Boost Your Self Esteem
As children are growing up, parents find that one thing they are mainly concerned about is addressing the development of their child's Self-Esteem. We use Self-Esteem to judge how much we respect ourselves and more importantly, to love ourselves just the way we are.
Boost your Memory powerHow To Boost Your Memory Power
75 pages of information, remedies, tools, vitamins, foods, and exercises for boosting your memory. Awesome!
404 self improvement tips404 Self Improvement Tips
"Just One of These 404 Tips Will Help YOU To Save More Money, Make A Better Relationship, Have A Healthier Body and Create Huge Success In Life and Business!" 404 Self Improvement Tips is divided into four powerful sections... Part 1 - 101 Money Saving Tips Part 2 - 101 Success Tips Part 3 - 101 Health & Fitness Tips Part 4 - 101 Love & Relationship Tips
How to be the creator of your own lifeHow To Be The Creator Of Your Own Life
Certainly by now you have heard of the Law of Attraction even if you aren't that interested in new age ideas. The theory behind the whole idea is people can have the desire they wish for as long as they think very long and hard about it. All up to the point where they can feel it and see it although it is not there yet. It must be said though even if you develop into what you like, you take the bad with the good.
How To Develop Your Power of ConcentrationHow To Develop Your Power of Concentration
Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end. Both natures are trying to gain control.
How To Effectively Control Your AngerHow To Effectively Control Your Anger
Anger Management has become highly publicized, and statistics show that one of the most insidious forms of violence, domestic violence, is on the rise, and the old adage that you hurt the ones you love proves, all too often, to be true. Men commit 95% of all violent crimes.
EvergreenMotivation-softbackWebFREE DOWNLOAD
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Evergreen Motivation
Evergreen Motivation
Biofeedback and neuro-feedback have let us comprehend and control the workings of our brains and minds. Self improvement is fast moving from the old hat to the space age of mind machines, PC software and virtual reality. Evergreen Motivation The top 10 best selling personal development concepts of all time.
EvolutionaryGrowthPatternsSoftbackWebEvolutionary Growth Patterns
Genuine passion is among the most powerful feelings one may feel in their lifetime. One can grow so passionate about something that they believe they'd die for it. It may be among the most powerful of all human emotions.
Art Of Positive Thinking
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The Art Of Positive Thinking
The Art Of Positive Thinking
We talk a great deal about self-worth without utilizing it really. Seldom do we make a real judgment of ourselves and consider ourselves as we really are. If we were to get more hard-nosed about ourselves, our lives would absolutely become much more fruitful and productive. Learn how you can tune your mind and attract a positive lifestyle!
The Big Book Of Inspiring StoriesThe Big Book Of Inspiring Stories
A Powerful Collection Of Tales Of Courage that Inspires and Strengthens The SoulFeatured in this massive book are tales of people overcoming extraordinary hardship and achieving breakthroughs in their lives. Their strength and courage serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for us all.
How To Become A Highly Effective Time Manager ©How To Become A Highly Effective Time Manager
The very process in which time constructs itself is a mysterious factor. The bone of contention in the intelligentsia has always been whether it’s linear or circulative. But practically speaking, we hardly realize things before it’s time. So what matters to us in this ultra-sophisticated world is how to ‘manage’ time.
Letting Go Moving OnLetting Go, Moving On!
What would you enjoy changing in your personal life? What ambitions are you aspiring to, but restrain from doing because of a preceding notion or set of conditions which cause damaging thinking for you? Don't be held back by the past - face your guilt and fears and move on!
Life Coaching and motivation 150Life coaching and motivation for happy successful life
This book is all about „you‟ and how you can change dimensions in order to look ahead to a better future. The upcoming chapters are a complete guide so that you can set yourself in a new direction. After all, success is all about having the right paradigm shift!
Positive Attitude For Unlimited SuccessPositive Attitude For Unlimited Success
What does having a positive attitude then really boil down to, our thoughts, actions, patterns, habits, and behavior have us using, targeting and utilizing our energy and enthusiasm in a particular way. We think, act and do…If you are mainly positive, you will be focused on good things, happy thoughts, and successful outcomes, seeing the glass half-full to an extent.
101 titps for avoiding procrastination101 TIPS FOR AVOIDING PROCRASTINATION
These tips are ideas that have come from our heads and from other people’s heads. And it’s up to you to apply them in every segment of your daily routine. Avoiding procrastination is more effective when we start with little steps. It does not mean having to change our lives drastically.
Everyone does it, including you. You have things to do, important things or mundane things, and you put off doing them until the last minute. If Procrastination were an Olympic event you might be in the running for a gold medal, you’re that good at it.
SelfEsteemEbookBoosting Self Esteem Guide
There are many ways in which you can develop a more positive outlook and begin to change how you think and feel about many situations that you encounter in day-to-day living. Changing your attitude and not slipping back into negative thinking will take time but eventually the new outlook will become second nature.
How To Overcome ProcrastinationHow To Overcome Procrastination
Always remember that enthusiasm is a choice. Mark Twain said, "Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain."
Self Improvement Made Easy!Self Improvement Made Easy!
When it comes to changing your life, it can seem like it will take years before you actually make substantial changes. You might feel like giving up before you even get started. What you need is a way to kick start the changes that you want to make in your life – and here are ten ways to get started today.


Natural Cures for PsoriasisNatural Cures for Psoriasis
The purpose of this book is to examine what psoriasis is and what causes it in greater detail, before looking at the various different ways of treating the condition.
Natural Remedies for Psoriatic ArthritisNatural Remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis
The bottom line is, if you do nothing about psoriatic arthritis, it is perfectly feasible that you’re going to end up being able to do nothing about anything owing to your condition. It is therefore imperative that if you have any reason to suspect that you might have a problem, you consult a dermatologist or other recognized medical professional as quickly as possible.


How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-Snoring-And-Sleep-Apnea How To Win Your War Against Snoring And Sleep Apnea
There are actually two different types of sleep apnea that you may be experiencing. Central and Obstructive are the two differences. In Central, you will find that the problem is caused by a lack of effort by your body. With Obstructive sleep apnea, there is something that is blocking or obstructive your ability to breathe properly. If you are experiencing problems with breathing and you think that you may have sleep apnea, there is help out there for you.
Natural Solutions for your Snoring NightmareFREE DOWNLOAD
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Natural Solutions for your Snoring Nightmare
Natural Ways to Stop Snoring
The purpose of this manual is to introduce you to as many natural snoring ‘cures’ as possible, in the hope that, firstly, there will be some ideas and concepts here that you have not come across before, and secondly, that some of these new concepts will work for you and your loved ones.

Stomach Problems

How-To-Win-Your-War-Against-Irritable-Bowel-SyndromeHow To Win Your War Against Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is not something that has a 100 percent cure rate. In most cases, you and your doctor will work at determining how best to tackle and handle the symptoms. Without the cause being known, there is little that can be done to remove the pain and discomfort forever once and for all.
Natural Cures for Irritable Bowel SyndromeNatural Cures for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Whilst I will highlight some medicines that your doctor is likely to prescribe for IBS and the possible adverse consequences of using them, the main focus of this book is very firmly fixed on giving you all the information you could ever need about dealing with IBS 100% naturally.


Natural Remedies for ToothacheNatural Remedies for Toothache
These remedies have proven effective for thousands of toothache sufferers the world over but may not work for everyone. The result ranges anywhere from a decrease in pain to the complete elimination of it.


Get Rid Of Warts - ebookGet Rid Of Warts, Moles And Skin Tags The Natural Way
I wrote this book to help you avoid making the medical mistakes that I did! It includes as many different natural treatments for moles and warts as possible!
Natural Cures for Genital WartsNatural Remedies for Genital Warts
The contents of this book should be taken as a guide to what causes genital warts, how to prevent genital warts and some of the treatments which are available to help get rid of genital warts.
Removing Warts and Moles Naturally!Removing Warts and Moles Naturally!
The purpose of this e-book is to educate you about moles and warts and provide many different natural methods you can perform at home. These methods are completely natural and safe to perform on any skin irregularity you might have. They are also known to improve the appearance of other skin problems people often suffer from.
Wart Removal Strategies That Work!!Wart Removal Strategies That Work!!
In reading this book, you will discover the various approaches you may take to remove your warts. This work will consider both those prescribed by the doctor and alternatives. It will note the over-the-counter remedies as well as household remedies. In doing so, it hopes to provide you with the information to sensibly deal with warts. It will provide you with everything you need to know about getting that ugly wart removed.

Weight Loss

Spiritual Weight LossSpiritual Weight Loss Mentality
In attending to our bodies and minds, and having a complimentary life-style, we'll live longer...Do you want to live more, happier, and fitter? If you genuinely wish to, reading this e-Book can help you attain your goals........
Truth About Detoxification And Weight LossDetoxification and Weight Loss
Detoxification is something that is very important to the body, but it is something that isn’t understood well. Centuries ago, health masters in the East understood the importance of balancing and detoxifying the body. It’s something that Western medicine is only beginning to understand.
Diet And Weight LossFREE DOWNLOAD
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Diet And Weight Loss
Diet and Weight Loss
Although some people find themselves dealing with more serious weight problems, most people who want to lose a little weight are relatively healthy. If you want to lose 10 pounds, there's a good chance that those pounds were gained very slowly of the course of many months - the weight doesn't represent a problem as much as a few times during the past year where you overindulged (usually the holidays) and failed to make up for it.
How To Lose 10 Pounds NaturallyHow To Lose 10 Pounds Naturally
Are you ready to drop those extra pounds you've been carrying around?Awesome. Let's start off with a couple positive don'ts. You don't need to jump on a diet craze and you don't need to start exercising for hours each day. Just ask your physician. It's not about dieting, it's about reshaping your lifestyle.
Losing Weight Natures Way - ebookLosing Weight Natures Way
Are you sick to death of being lied to by the weight loss industry and sick of being sold products and devices that may even harm your health? ARE YOU READY FOR PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS? Try a permanent revolutionary lifestyle change! "Losing Weight Nature’s Way"
Natural Weight Loss - ebook coverNatural Weight Loss
Whether you need to lose 10 pounds or 100, this 40-page Ebook will help you. Learn the best ways to burn more calories than you consume while avoiding the dangerous side effects of diet pills and surgery. Learn how different foods regulate your metabolism, how many calories you need to stay healthy while losing the pounds, the best ways to have support networks, and 12 great strategies to help you stick to your plan and lose weight naturally.
How to lose weight with the right foodFREE DOWNLOAD
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How to Lose Weight with the Right Food
How To Lose Weight ... With The Right Food!
You’ve decided that a low calorie diet is the right thing for you. Now, how will you make this work for you? There are several things that you will want to take into consideration when it comes to these diet plans. First off, realize that you are committing yourself to a lifestyle change, one that will take practice and dedication to pull off. No diet is easy. But, remember this. For this sacrifice you gain added years on your life, health, and more energy as most people who lose weight will do all of these things and more.
Natural Weight Loss Miracle Natural Weight Loss Miracle
If you are seriously overweight or obese, grabbing your copy of ‘Losing weight nature’s way’ is important, because this represents a significant step forward in a couple of very important ways. Firstly, it indicates that you or somebody that is close to you – perhaps a family member or other loved one – has a weight problem. Furthermore, if the individual with the problem is you rather than someone else, this also indicates that you have acknowledged your problem, which is often the first and hardest step.
177 ways to burn calories177 Ways to Reduce and Burn Calories
In this guide you will learn ways to reduce the amount of calories you ingest as well as tips and techniques to help you burn off unnecessary calories.
Lose Weight by burning more CaloriesLose Weight by burning more Calories
Your metabolism is the amount of energy in calories that your body burns in order to maintain its weight. Whether you’re sleeping, running, sitting, standing, riding in a car or eating a bowl of chocolate fudge ice cream, your body is constantly burning calories in order to keep you going. Think of it as a fire within you, burning your fat and food away. No, sorry but you won’t burn enough calories chewing your chocolate fudge ice cream to cancel out the calories you just took in by eating that bowl of ice cream. It would be nice if it worked that way, but it doesn’t.
Busy Women's Guide for Natural Weight LossBusy Women’s Guide for Natural Weight Loss
There are two things a woman needs to come to terms with before she can lose weight and keep it off permanently.

Women's Problems

CuringPremenstrualTensionNaturally-Ringbinder-1Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally
Premenstrual tension can be a baffling for other people to watch and emotionally painful for the woman who is experiencing. Many women find themselves emotionally confused by the process and at the mercy of many different distressing symptoms at once. It can be excruciating!
After Pregnacy Weight Loss RemediesAfter Pregnancy Weight Loss Remedies
Shedding pounds from your body is never easy at any point in time, at least for most people. For some lucky people, it comes to them as naturally as breathing, and for some even luckier people, they don’t even have to worry about gaining any weight. What about the rest of the population though? Those of us who gain pounds at the drop of a hat (or rather a cheeseburger, or a slab of chocolate!), what do we do?
Understanding Pregnancy
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Understanding Pregnancy
Understanding Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most exciting and beautiful period of woman's life. This is also one very emotional phase a woman goes through in her life time. Just imagine how amazing it is to realize that another life is growing inside you?
Natural Cures For MenopauseNatural Cures For Menopause
This eBook will show you the best possible ways to combat the common symptoms of menopause naturally and help you live a healthy and happy life post menopause.
Natural Cures for PMSNatural Cures for PMS
In truth, there are plenty of entirely natural things that women can do to limit the worst symptoms associated with PMT or even get rid of them altogether and of course, because we are talking of completely natural solutions here, there is very little possibility of adverse side-effects either.

Yeast Infections

Yeast Infection RemediesYeast Infection Remedies
In this book, you are going to discover:
• Exactly what a yeast infection is;
• Why it happens;
• Why it is so often difficult to stop it coming back again time after time – this is something that you absolutely have to know;
• What you can do to prevent the condition occurring in the first place
• How to treat the condition when it does arise.
Natural Yeast Infection RemediesNatural Yeast Infection Remedies
If you started reading this book to gain all the knowledge and help that you can get about yeast infections, then I can tell you right from the outset that you’re in the right place.

Other Topics

10 commandmentsTen Commandments
1 Thou shalt not kill.
2 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
3 Thou shalt not steal.
4 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
5 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.
Endocrine-system-ebook-coverThe Endocrine System
A plethora of hormones regulate many of the body’s functions, including growth and development, metabolism, electrolyte balances, and reproduction. Numerous glands throughout the body produce hormones.
cancer-coverFREE DOWNLOAD
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Understanding Cancer
What is Cancer?
This tutorial will help you find answers to many of your questions about the nature, causes, and prevention of cancer. You may use the program from start to finish or visit sections of particular interest one at a time. Learn about the following:
· What is cancer?
· How is cancer detected and diagnosed?
· What causes cancer?
· Links between genes and cancer?
· What is cancer prevention?
epilepsy ebook coverUnderstanding Epilepsy
Sometimes called a seizure disorder,epilepsy is a chronic medical condition produced by temporary changes in the electrical function of the brain,causing seizures which affect awareness,movement,or sensation.
LibraryofHealth-ebook-coverLibrary of Health
This is a health journal from 1921. This ebook is 47.2MB and has 826 pages covering a wide range of illnesses and disease with detailed illustrations and diagrams and has documentation and reports from leading doctors, scientists and researchers of the time. Very interesting concise library of health with fantastic detailed illustrations.
Poems that Inspire - motivational poetry - ebook coverPoems That Inspire
Inspiration Words: Poems That Inspire is our largest archive of motivational and inspirational poems, which you can use to empower your followers and brand yourself as an expert in the personal development niche.
romantic ideas - ebook cover101 Romantic Ideas
IDEA # 1 - If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear.
101 ways to change the world101 WAYS TO CHANGE THE WORLD
I am so glad you are reading my E-book. I have a passion to change the world, and believe that every single person has the power to make a tremendous difference. Too often you’re just not sure what to do, or how you can help. I hope these 101 Ideas will propel you to get started, and then guide you as you move forward.
SaveThePlanetCover101 Ways to Help Planet Earth
Taking care of our Earth is no longer an option – it is a necessity. At times the challenge feels so overwhelmingly complicated that we give up before we even get started. Have you ever felt that way?
support our volunteers101 Ways to Show Appreciation to Volunteers
This book offers you 101 ways to show appreciation to your volunteers – that's part of keeping them. We also offer tips on recruitment, placement, management, and retention of these very special people.
101 Ways to Support Our Troops101 Ways to Support Our Troops
Whether or not you agree with our current foreign policy, it is important we all support the brave men and women serving in the U.S. Military. Too often you’re just not sure what to do, or how you can help. I hope these 101 Ideas will propel you to get started, and then guide you as you move forward.
101 Ways Women Can Change the World101 Ways Women Can Change the World
Women are powerful. Whether their influence is felt in the corporate world, the classroom, or the home – it is real and it makes a difference. This e-book is a celebration of women and we offer 101 ways they can use to change their corner of the world.
101 ways business can change the world101 Ways Your Business Can Change the World
I hope you will use this book as a "launching pad" for ways you and your business can "give back." Perhaps you can use some of the ideas, or perhaps they will trigger new ideas that fit your situation better.
101WaysYourChurch101 Ways Your Church can Change The World
Our company's name is Together We Can Change the World because we want to make a difference, too! And so we offer this e-book in a spirit of working together to effect change in this world we share.
101WaysYourSchoolCanChangetheWorld101 Ways Your School Can Change the World
After 35+ years in education as a teacher and administrator, I have a passion for involving our schools in being an active force to change the world. Many of the ideas involve community action – the first step we can all take in changing our world. Teaching our students to have caring hearts will expand to the rest of the world.
How youth can change the world101 Ways Youth Can Change the World
I've scoured the Internet looking for what youth are already doing to make a difference in their communities and around the world. This little book has been written to give you some of those ideas. It's my hope that you will look through this book and choose and/or adapt one or more of these ideas for you and your friends to take on in your own community. If nothing here gets you excited, I hope that at least these ideas will get your own "creative juices flowing" and you'll come up with your own project(s).
Adam and EveThe First Book of Adam and Eve
The First Book of Adam and Eve details the life and times of Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the garden to the time that Cain kills his brother Abel. It tells of Adam and Eve's first dwelling - the Cave of Treasures; their trials and temptations; Satan's many apparitions to them; the birth of Cain, Abel, and their twin sisters; and Cain's love for his beautiful twin sister, Luluwa, whom Adam and Eve wished to join to Abel.
Adoption Made EasyAdoption Made Easy
Times have changed, although we still want the best for our children, although it is still sometimes difficult to know what that is. Adoption is one of the best things to have happened over the centuries, to give children without a home a good chance to find one.
Advantages of being VegetarianThe Advantages Of Being A Vegetarian
There are three basic reasons why you should become a vegetarian. Firstly, a vegetarian diet is good for your health. Secondly, it is a contribution to the welfare of animals. Thirdly, becoming a vegetarian is good for the environment.
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Bible Foods That Heal
Bible Foods That Heal
It's true. Scientists at universities have found that certain foods referenced in the Bible...have everything we need to be healthy. And this is scientifically proven. But you have to trick your brain into telling your body when you're full so you don't overeat. That's done with potent foods that make you feel full while burning fat and tasting great.
Candle MakingCandle Making Made Easy!
Along with light, candles are also a great source of aroma and fragrances these days. Vanilla, jasmine, chocolate cake, cinnamon rolls…….. the fragrances are endless. Similarly there is a never ending list of the shapes, sizes, deigns, shades and looks of the candles.
This article will show you how to build a crystal radio set using a Cigar box in a novel way. The plans that are presented here are based upon a design that was found in a Radio/TV magazine from the early 1950's. This original design has been updated with modern parts that are easy to locate.
Daily Power BoostersDaily Power Boosters!
In our many years of working with people we have watched as person after person falters when they reach the "Real World". They start out with such great dreams. They are full of energy and hope - determined to make their mark on the world. Then they face the reality of unkind people; cruel words; failed attempts; unforeseen obstacles; and a myriad of other "Real Life" situations. Their dreams crumble before the onslaught. It doesn't have to be that way! If they are prepared; equipped; and strengthened by the SECRETS OF SUCCESS learned by people who have come before, they can conquer everything that comes their way - making their dreams come true!
The first and chief need of our Christian life is, Fellowship with God. The Divine life within us comes from God, and is entirely dependent upon Him.
The Dramatic Romances, . . . enriched by some of the poems originally printed in Men and Women, and a few from Dramatic Lyrics as first printed, include some of Browning's finest and most characteristic work.
drying fruits and vegetablesDrying Fruits and Vegetables
Drying foods yourself allows you to choose the best, tastiest varieties you can buy or pick fresh from the garden. Home drying also lets you enjoy dried fruits and vegetables the grocery stores don’t carry.
Easter Activity CollectionEaster Activity Collection
Easter Recipes-Breads & Meats, Easter Recipes-Desserts & Snacks, Easter Crafts, EASTER GAMES, Puzzles & Coloring Pages
Energy Conservation And Alternative FuelEnergy Conservation And Alternative Fuel
In the simplest form, an alternative fuel is one that is not produced by using crude oil. They are simply fuels that replace conventional gasoline as a means of powering vehicles. Alternative fuels have desirable energy efficiency and pollution reduction features. The 1990 Clean Air Act encourages development and sale of alternative fuels.
Family Budget … DemystifiedFamily Budget … Demystified
In this ebook we will look at the reasons for putting money aside and discuss some methods in to get started. We will also look at clever ways to reduce spending in several areas of your life. By following the advice given in this article, you will be well on your way to cutting your expenditures and having more in your bank account.
How to Get Free Traffic from PinterestHow to Get Free Traffic from Pinterest
In this book entitled “How to Get Free Traffic from Pinterest”, you will be taught on the tips and strategies to be successful. There are a lot of things that you should do but there are also things that you should avoid doing. You should be aware of the right things to do to avoid the hassle.
fun craft projectsFun Craft Projects
Keep the kids entertained while they are out of school with the Fun Craft Projects eBook.
62 Ways to Save Money at the Gas Pump62 Ways to Save Money at the Gas Pump
With the rising cost of gas prices…and no end in sight…everyone wants to save as much money at the gas pump as they possibly can. You may not be able to control the price of gas but you can change certain habits and follow some basic guidelines to help you save as much money as possible.
Let’s Get OrganizedLet’s Get Organized
Your work can be too difficult or unsuitable, or you may not be making full use of your hours during your day or evening. A good balance of your time is needed for work, goals, recreation, and relaxation. Take a close look at your daily routine, examine your findings and come up with a plan. Be prepared to follow your plan and with this, you can become better organized.
Begin GuitarLearn How To Play Guitar
The method is intended for any mature learner fifteen years old or older who has not had any prior exposure to the classical guitar. The only prerequisite that is obligatory is your desire to learn, and the patience to understand that everything being taught in this method is important in learning how to play the guitar. This method can be used in a class situation or for individual instruction.
Holiday MayhemHoliday Mayhem - How Not to Kill Your Family During the Holidays
You know how it is. The Holiday season brings out the best in all of us. We all become solicitous of one another’s feelings; everyone develops more tolerance for one another’s foibles; there is plenty of time for everything that needs to be done; traffic is usually light; the other folks always patiently wait their turn. Isn’t that right?
How To Attract Anything You Want In LifeFREE DOWNLOAD
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How To Attract Anything You Want In Life
How To Attract Anything You Want In Life
The Law of Attraction is very simply defined as that which attracts towards your life anything that you pay attention to, focus on, or spend energy on, whether you actually want it or not. You can use the Law of Attraction to build your business. The principles of the Law of Attraction can get you more clients, contracts, referrals, business partners, and of course money.
How To Create Great Gift BasketsHow To Create Great Gift Baskets!
Food kits and food gift baskets, sets and boxes all say a lot about sender, recipient, their relationship, the purpose, process and outcome. They all matter! Food basics, kits, cooking solutions, special treats, themed baskets, gourmet, celebration-type baskets, all holidays, occasions, events and special days/people can be celebrated with a thoughtful food gift basket.
How To Date The Hottest Women… Online And OfflineHow To Date The Hottest Women… Online And Offline
Online dating is something that anyone can do, but not everyone will do it in a successful manner. Let’s think of this as building a business. If you want to be successful at your business, you have to work with it from the beginning, nourish it throughout its hard moments and then know how to make your mark.
How To Develop Your Psychic Abilities-HRLHow To Develop Your Psychic Abilities-HRL
Everyone is psychic. Some people are more so than others and every one of us possesses this ability. You do. I do. And we can further develop, train, and direct, what we already possess. . . expand our psychic potential until every measure of our lives is vastly improved.
How to get the truth out of anyoneHow to Get the Truth Out of Anyone
In an ideal society there would be no need for lies. But we live in a world of deception. And whether you want to play or not, you’re in the game. The question is, do you want to win?
How To Make Your Own Spooky Halloween CraftsHow To Make Your Own Spooky Halloween Crafts
Even if you’ve never been much of a crafter, you can still make some great Halloween crafts that you can use to decorate your home and make the holiday festive. Halloween evokes images of spooky ghosts, black cats, evil witches, and flying bats. You can recreate many of these images with fun and easy crafts.
How To Manage Life Before And After DivorceHow To Manage Life Before And After Divorce
You have invested a lot of time and energy in your marriage. For some reason, you just can’t seem to make things work. You and your mate aren’t talking to each other like you used to; you have started to sleep separately; or perhaps you or your mate have been unfaithful. There are a million reasons why a married couple might consider divorce, and sometimes it just doesn’t feel like the right thing to do. Sometimes, one or both spouses still have enough feelings for the other to want to prevent a divorce.
How To Successfully Home School Your ChildHow To Successfully Home School Your Child
Before you decide to go in for home schooling, there are certain important matters for consideration. First off, meet with parents of other homeschoolers. Find out the pros and cons of home schooling. Then ask yourself why you would want to adopt this method. This is a very important aspect, as the success of the program depends on the clarity and sincerity of your purpose.
How To Survive Any Natural CalamityHow To Survive Any Natural Calamity
The first step in constructing an effective emergency preparedness plan is to assess current conditions and capabilities, including documenting the organization's current preparedness assets (for example, describe what the company has available today to address power failures and how it handles them when they occur). A complete inventory of equipment, supplies, and personnel would be included, as would a review of the facilities involved.
How To Uncover Your GenealogyHow To Uncover Your Genealogy
Whether you believe in a Higher Power or not, there is still the question of what could have happened to those that are in your past. After all, don’t you want to know who was in your family tree?
How to PrayHow to Pray with Power
Prayer is God's way for getting things, and the great secret of all lack in our experience, in our life and in our work is neglect of prayer.
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The Joke Book
The Joke Book
Q: What's black and crispy and hangs from the ceiling?
A: A blond electrician
Learn to Throw KnivesKnife Throwing Techniques of The Ninja
Do you want to learn the art of throwing knives? Ever wondered how it is done to perfection every time? Well here is your chance. This ebook contains well over 50 pages of detailed information and illustrations all about the art of knife throwing. This intriguing Ebook focuses on the ninja's techniques and training. This is a must for all martial artists and anyone wanting to learn the knife throwing techniques of the ninja.
Learn2Read-Music-CoverLearn to Read Music
A lot of people think music is difficult to read--but it's not. It's actually the simplest written language there is. And once you get the basics down, the rewards will last a lifetime.
Mind_Power_Seduction_ManualMind Power Seduction Manual
The techniques and instructions that you are about to learn in this book will change your life forever! The idea that you have the power within you to change your reality is not a far fetched concept. People have be doing it for eons. Some non mainstream religions preach this, and even some species of animals are able to manipulate their reality (but that is a whole other story).
Missing HomeMissing Home
Feeling homesick is an absolutely normal experience. When you're away from home, life is full of unexpected experiences and hardships. You might be living away from home for the first time, feel anxious about meeting new individuals, or be worrying about finding a line of work. When you're in a new place and feeling a little anxious, panic may quickly kick in.
Parental Control – How To Check Your KidsParental Control – How To Check Your Kids
Parental control is a term that is used to describe the watchful eye that you can have on your child while they are online when you are not around. These controls allow the parent, who holds a master account with their internet service provider, to take control over their specific allowances to the child. For many parents, this allows them some level of protection for when the child is online. Since more and more children at younger ages are getting online, the need is growing and very important is this control.
Ultimate Party GamesUltimate Party Games
Whistling Crackers - You give every child 3 soda crackers. When you say "GO" every child puts all the crackers at once in his/her mouth. The first one to whistle wins. (You can also substitute the soda crackers with peanut butter but make sure there are no Allergies).
How To Make Your OWN PerfumeHow To Make Your OWN Perfume
In this book, we will be looking at ways of how to make your own perfume so that you can produce a scent which is particular to you, and unlike any of those that you can buy either in store or over the internet.
Perfumes! Understanding, Buying And Making PerfumesPerfumes! Understanding, Buying And Making Perfumes
Never pay full price for designer perfume. You can buy the best brands of perfume cheap, if you know the right places to look.
Rising Above The TurmoilRising Above The Turmoil
The turmoil of the world we cannot avoid, but the disturbances of mind we can overcome. The duties and difficulties of life claim our attention, but we can rise above all anxiety concerning them.
Scrapbooking Made EasyScrapbooking Made Easy
Creating your first scrapbook can seem very overwhelming; however, with these helpful tips it can become a very rewarding experience.
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Scrapbooking Tips
101 Scrapbooking Tips
Do you remember those days as a kid pasting newspaper clippings onto paper and bundling dozens of papers together with some fancy ribbon or a string? Do you also remember all of your hard work falling apart two months later? Now there's a grown up way to save and preserve your treasures: Scrapbooking.
The_Complete_Works_of_William_ShakespeareThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Over 2700 pages. This ebook has everything that Shakespeare wrote. Simply a must for any literary enthusiast.
Single Parenting – Becoming the Best Parent For Your ChildSingle Parenting – Becoming the Best Parent For Your Child
Together with your kids you are embarking on reclaiming and building your life together. You are embracing your future with a positive attitude, hope and a plan of action. Renewed connection, deepening love and caring relationship with your kids.
Myths and Legends of the SiouxMyths and Legends of the Sioux
To the children of any race these stories can not fail to give pleasure by their vivid imaging of the simple things and creatures of the great out-of-doors and the epics of their doings. They will also give an intimate insight into the mentality of an interesting race at a most interesting stage of development, which is now fast receding into the mists of the past.
Tattoo DesignsTattoo Designs
You will find over 700 tattoo designs in this amazing ebook. They are really awesome and special. Here you will find every kind of tattoo designs from tribal to fairy, from lower back to foot tattoo ideas.
Telling Fortunes with Tea leavesTelling Fortunes with Tea leaves
Any person after a study of this book Tea-Cup Reading and Fortune Telling by Tea Leaves and by carefully following the principles here laid down may with practice quickly learn to read the fortunes that the tea-leaves foretell.
Time TravelTime Travel
Physicists have long puzzled over the fact that two distinct "arrows of time" both point in the same direction. In the everyday world, things wear out -- cups fall from tables and break, but broken cups never re- assemble themselves spontaneously. In the expanding Universe at large, the future is the direction of time in which galaxies are further apart.
Trees and how to paint themTrees and How to Paint Them
Having now settled on the tools and paints we need, the first tree to which we shall turn our attention will be the Oak. We have selected it because it is capable of bolder treatment than any of the others of which we give examples, as its foliage is not so delicate a character as that of the others. It is a great tree for the pupil to begin with.
Witchcraft and Bible ContradictionsWitchcraft and Bible Contradictions
"The fact is that the instincts of ignorant people invariably find expression in some form of witchcraft. It matters little what the metaphysician or the moralist may inculcate; the animal sticks to his subconscious ideas..."
Aleister Crowley - The Confessions
1.Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?
(a) God did (2 Samuel 24: 1)
(b) Satan did (I Chronicles 2 1:1)
Working With LeatherFREE DOWNLOAD
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Working With Leather Ebook
Working With Leather
Instructions for making several leather items from bags to belts, how to preserver, cut, stitch and all other considerations regarding working with leather.
Your Guide to Green LivingYour Guide to Green Living
Want to do your part to reduce energy consumption, waste, and pollution; clean up the environment, and save the planet? Your Guide to Green Living is packed with practical suggestions you can follow to make your lifestyle greener by doing as little damage as possible to the planet and the animal and plant life that depend on it.
10 Love Poems10 Love Poems
We do not need thoroughfares
when love seeks the heart
Such is the way of love—
always destined, never sought
We do not need gold coins
when love comes without cost
Such is the value of love—
always priceless, never bought
A Poets HeartA Poets Heart
This book is not just sheets of paper combined with words. It is a force of creativity, pain, and laughter. This book defines different, but real life situations in which individuals go through daily.
All For Love All For Love
Set in ancient Egypt, Cleopatra attempts to win back the love of Antony who is torn between his love for Cleopatra and his true wife, Octavia.
Body Language Secrets for Power and LoveBody Language Secrets for Power and Love
Body language is the unspoken or non-verbal mode of communication that we do in every single aspect of our interaction with another person. It is like a mirror that tells us what the other person thinks and feels in response to our words or actions. Body language involves gestures, mannerisms, and other bodily signs.
‘Carlene’ is an easy to read romantic, sensitive and light-hearted story that heavily borrows from the truths and emotions of the author’s real life. Carlene Wong, a Chinese-Malaysian beauty that Tobi Vaughan met on a normal train journey stole his heart at a speed he could not have prepared for. Then he lost her as she followed a dream to America. The story spans Tobi’s early years in Nigeria across to England, America, Malaysia, Thailand, and Dubai.
Finding the Love You WantFinding the Love You Want
“I believe that we are created to share life with that special someone who awakens our soul and makes us reach for more, who plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, to learn from each other and grow in love.”
For My WifeFor My Wife
When you think of romance, of love at first sight, you remember the blond you ran into in front of the elevator or that long legged brunette secretary that would give you silent smiles every morning when you asked her if you had any new messages. Well, this is my love story. I didn’t meet her at a bar scene, toss her my best pick-up line at a friends party, or even get stuck with her on one of those oh so awaited blind dates.
Gifts with No Giver a love affair with truth Poems by NirmalaGifts with No Giver a love affair with truth Poems
Nirmala offers these poems in gratitude for the love and grace that flow through his teacher, Neelam, and in gratitude for the blessings of truth brought to this world by Ramana Maharshi and H.W.L. Poonja.
I Love You But I'm Not In Love With YouI Love You, But I'm Not In Love With You
"15 Step by Step Marriage Tips to Understanding Your Mate" Do You Know What Your Spouse Is Thinking? Have You Both Fallen Out of Love? What Can You Do?...
Le Grand AmourLe Grand Amour
Even an immovable rock will be shifted by the caress of a gentle wind" –Metha Metharom. This is the story of love, a love which cannot be broken by any sort of intervention.
Love LettersLove Letters
One woman’s experience of God. My name isn‟t important, because I didn‟t write this book. I wrote down words that came into my mind too fast to be my own words, usually very early in the morning, before my thoughts could start spinning on their own. So I have signed my name with the initial “S”, which stands for “scribe”, (or maybe “scribbler” better describes the action of writing rapidly in semi darkness before being fully awake).
Love Breaks UpLoves Break Up
Section #1 - Just Answer Me This... What Do You Want?
Section #2 - So You Want Your Love Back… Let’s Get Started!
Section #3 – The Secret to Attracting True Love
Spells-Rituals-for-Love-and-LustSpells Rituals for Love and Lust
White magick, black magick. Throughout the ages controversy has raged about evil witches and good witches, bad spells and beneficial spells. Let's start with the fact that there is no such thing as white or black magick. Witchcraft isn't good or evil, it is only the intention behind the magick that is dark or light. If you choose to use magick to better yourself, improve your lifestyle or to bring good fortune to others, then your intentions are good. If you wish to bring someone harm then it is your intention that is evil. In the long run, those who use magick for beneficial purposes usually reap the positive rewards. Those that stray into the dark side eventually lose out.
Hot Tips and Treats to Light Up Valentines Day
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Tips and Treats Valentines Day
Hot Tips and Treats to Light Up Valentines Day
This information is intended to help you jump start the spark of love for the very first time or for the hundred and fiftieth time in your life long pursuit of the affairs of the heart.
Love is so important to our well-being; and yet, contacting that which is within us that is naturally and spontaneously loving is often difficult. This book is intended to help you do that.
You die; I die- Love PoemsYou Die; I Die- Love Poems
Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart.


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