Knowing the appropriate home remedies and prevention measures for tackling hemorrhoids is a skill those suffering from the condition need to learn. In this article we discuss what they are, how they got there and how to get rid of them and we do so by using natural home remedies that are safe bit also extremely effective.
For those of us who do not know, Hemorrhoids are a group of veins in the anal area that have broken and are often bleeding, but there is no need for fear because we have some great tips and natural remedies for piles as they are sometimes called. Read on…
These veins are usually swollen and red which causes inflammation something that is quite painful. There are internal and external hemorrhoids. The internal ones mainly shrink back into the anus but in case they do not, one will need to seek help.
The external variety are also known as thrombosed hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoids are quite common when one is aging and it is one thing that many pregnant women will complain of always.
Blood clots usually occur as a result of the damage to the wall of the blood vessels and changes in the blood composition. Hemorrhoids can occur in the internal or external part of the body and more often than not, they are painful and unsightly.
Hemorrhoids can be aggravated by other conditions such as pregnancy and constipation. Surgeries are now available but many victims prefer home remedies for hemorrhoids because they are non-invasive and more convenient.
thrombosed hemorrhoid diagram
If you spot bright blood on the tissue you have used in the toilet or in the stool itself then you could possibly be having internal hemorrhoids. You will also feel some discomfort and itching. The external ones are hard lumps which sometimes bleed when irritated and they are the most painful.
Internal hemorrhoids occur when the vein in the passageway of the anus becomes enlarged. More often than not, this type of hemorrhoid is painless. Meanwhile, thrombosed external hemorrhoid usually occurs when the vein bulges near the opening of the anus. (See thrombosed hemorrhoid picture to right) This type of hemorrhoid can really be painful and irritating to the victim.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids actually bring a number of distressing symptoms to the victim. The most common symptom of the hemorrhoid is the presence of blue area around the base of the anus. When the condition is aggravated the blue part usually turns into red. This type of hemorrhoids is not serious and they can go unnoticed after a couple of months. However, for cases where hemorrhoids continue to grow, surgical procedures might be advised.
Warm baths or sitz baths alternated with ice cube compress also proves to be an effective alternative home treatment for the hemorrhoid. Other home treatments for these hemorrhoids include proper hydration, sustained physical activity and healthy diet. Victims are also advised to refrain from sitting for a longer period of time to relieve the pain which the condition brings. Some doctors recommend an increased intake of fiber and fluid daily for easier bowel movements.
Now that you have discovered that you have hemorrhoids you might be wondering where they came from and if you are directly responsible for the painful experience in your bottom area.
Well there are several things that bring about hemorrhoids that when one knows them they will be able to avoid them or understand them since not all factors which cause them can be controlled.
Lack of enough fiber in one’s food can bring about this condition but one recommendation of home remedies for hemorrhoids is that one should have enough fiber in their daily food intake because fiber makes bowel activity easier thus not irritating the anus.
Staying in the toilet for a long period of time is another causing factor but this is also brought about with another factor which is prolonged constipation or diarrhea. You cannot help over staying in the toilet when suffering from diarrhea and your anal area will definitely get sore with hemorrhoids.
Pressure increase in the abdomen due to pregnancy will also cause hemorrhoids but these will disappear as soon as the woman delivers.
Aging is unstoppable and so are its effects like the weakening of the connective tissues in the anus and the rectum which also bring about hemorrhoids.
The last causing factor is straining during the big call of nature.
Before one decides on treatment they should first of all get the right diagnosis done on them because there are other serious diseases which have the same symptoms as hemorrhoids for example fissures or colorectal cancer. The diagnosis will also go a long way in helping you decide what kind of treatment you should have that is whether you should go for natural remedies for hemorrhoids or something more complex depending on your condition.
Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment actually depends upon the intensity of the pain which the victim experiences. If the victim’s capacity to walk, sleep, run, work or exercise is greatly affected by the pain which hemorrhoids can bring about, surgical procedures may be the best treatment option which medical professionals would advised.
Many treatments for this type of hemorrhoid such as over the counter creams and ointments are designed to reduce the intensity of the pain and shrink the hemorrhoid. Others also use herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory and pain medications such as ibuprofen, motrin, aleve and Tylenol for temporary pain relief.
If your condition is not that serious then home remedies for dealing with your hemorrhoids will be the thing for you.
Increase Your Fiber Intake: You will have to implement whole grains, vegetables and fruits into your diet because they will provide you with fiber which is a necessary ingredient in preventing constipation while making it easier to pass stool thus preventing straining and relieving you from pain.
Drink More Water: Another thing that one should do under home remedies is increasing their water intake. Experts advice that ten glasses of water per day can work wonders for our bodies. Alcohol is not advised when you have hemorrhoids.
Avoid Straining: You should also avoid straining while in the toilet. For the irritation one can sit in warm water in the bathroom tub for at least fifteen minutes.
Exercise: Moving your body that is exercise is a powerful weapon against constipation.
Using Herbs for Hemorrhoids: There are some herbs which can be used as remedies for hemorrhoids such as horse chestnut which help in blood circulation in the veins. Witch hazel is great for those who are bleeding and all they have to do is apply it gently on the rectum using a soft cloth. The hemorrhoids will shrink back due to this. One cannot mention herbal treatment without talking about Aloe vera which one can also apply on the affected area for a cool, soothing effect which takes away the irritation. Garlic and onions are also in this pack of home remedies. You simply cut them into very little pieces then put them inside the rectum thus heating the hemorrhoids which is a catalyst necessary for a fast healing reaction.
Everyone loves to have something considered safe or effective before they themselves jump into it. Health experts have nothing but praise for these home remedies. They believe the more fluids one takes, the better their bowel movement.
Coffee or anything that contains caffeine is not good for anyone who is trying to treat hemorrhoids.
Intake of grape seed extract is highly recommended by experts. This is because this extract maintains the blood vessels ensuring that they are in good health thus there is no leaking that occurs.
The butcher’s broom is known for the shrinking effect that it has on hemorrhoids and experts include it in their list of effective hemorrhoids home remedies.
With this entire information one cannot sit and complain about hemorrhoids. Many of the home remedies for hemorrhoids have been proven to be very effective. Our bodies have been designed to get rid of solid waste through the anus, a process that is quite automatic but hemorrhoids make it so painfully difficult thus no sooner one treats them the better.
The home remedies for this condition have made life easier for many people and they also saved lots of money but this does not rule out going to the doctor. First of all visit a doctor and be diagnosed correctly then if the hemorrhoids are not serious, the home treatment will be recommended. Knowledge is power so if you ever get hemorrhoids just make use of what you know and dispel your fears as you enjoy partaking in the natural processes of your body.
Watch this informative video for treating your external hemorrhoids with herbs. This is quite an original and fascinating method really.
Hemorrhoid surgeries such as hemorrhoidectomy, rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy can also be employed to remove hemorrhoids. However, these methods are only advised when home remedies and alternative treatments are not working properly and effectively. Hemorrhoidectomy can fully remove the hemorrhoid however full recovery may take a longer period of time. Meanwhile, sclerotherapy involves the process of injecting a chemical or a shrinking agent into the hemorrhoid which would shrink the hemorrhoid in just a few days. Rubber band ligation involves a procedure wherein an elastic and resistant rubber band is bound around the base of the hemorrhoidal blood vessel. Just like any medical condition, treatment must immediately be administered the moment thrombosed hemorrhoid is diagnosed to prevent the condition from getting worst.
Download this particular book instantly here: Hemorrhoids Cures Home Remedies
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I have suffered from internal hemorrhoid for over a year. Someone told me to try Newton homeopathic hemorrhoid I bought a bottle and starting taking it each morning. I started noticing a difference. After about 6 weeks of taking it I am hemorrhoid free. I had tried everything known to man but nothing helped.
I tried every remedy mentioned in this article over the past couple of years, but none of them worked. Recently I found a website describing how to make your own garlic + coconut oil suppositories for hemorrhoid treatment and this helped me finally get rid of mine! At first I wasn’t sure that this isn’t as ineffective as every other home remedy I tried, but turns out it’s not. I want to share my experience with everyone who suffers from hemorrhoids too, so more people are aware that there’s a simple home remedy that actually works. Detailed instructions can be found here:
Hemorrhoid is very common. It is also called piles. These can be extremely painful. My relative suffered from hemorrhoid and he was undergone into surgery. But the best way is to use natural products. Very informative thanks a ton.
I’d suggest first seeing a doctor since there are many forms of the hemorrhoids and each of them has several stages, some of which may require serios medical treatment or even surgery.
But at early stages there are plenty of non-surgical ways to cure.