Detoxification is a natural process and that’s the best method for implementing a colon cleanse which is periodically needed every now and then for optimum functioning. This is because the colon is that organ of the body that eliminates waste material and bacteria from the body and some bits stick. Read on to learn more about cleansing the colon using herbs and other natural methods.

omg – colon cleanse
Without a regular cleansing, all the toxic waste that reaches here accumulates and becomes more toxic. Moreover, this toxic waste does not remain in the colon, but spreads through the body through body fluids.
Accumulated toxic waste that remains in the colon for months only ends up poisoning the body to eventually lead to constipation. Besides constipation, toxic waste buildup in the colon leads to other health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and in extreme cases, can also lead to colon cancer.
So to ensure the colon maintains its functioning at optimum levels, it needs a colon cleanse every now and then. This is quite easy to perform as there are many colon cleansing products you can naturally introduce to your lifestyle available in the market now.
A herbal colon cleanse is the most effective colon cleansing remedy that can help your body combat various health-related problems related to your digestive system like the effects of bad toxin and bloating among others. This kind of colon cleanse is necessary for you to achieve some goals like weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.
Cleaning the Colon Naturally
You can tell you need a cleansing by your bloated tummy, a lethargic feeling, irregularities in bowel movements, joint pain, bad skin, headaches and even body sluggishness. Toxins generally accumulate from the food you eat on a daily basis like coffee, meat, soda, deep fried foods, white sugar and flour and alcohol. Currently many individuals suffer from flatulence, constipation and the irritable bowel syndrome because of the toxins they consume in their diets. Various unhealthy food stuffs like caffeine, preservatives, saturated fats and artificial sweeteners take a huge toll on the colon. At the same time we do not consume enough fibers or drink enough water to help with the digestion. Natural colon cleansing is the best option to help aid your digestive system and improve it.
How Does it Work?

clean healthy tummy with herbal flower
This colon cleanser acts by stimulating the body’s peristaltic movement which helps the colon get rid of the toxins and all the food waste that might have gotten lodged within the colons lining. This cleanser also helps soften the stool thus lessening constipation and also increase the rate of the bowel activity.
Why Cleanse Your Colon?
An unhealthy colon is very hard to diagnose for diseases like the colon cancer which is the second deadliest type of cancer after lung cancer. An unhealthy colon is associated with low libido, fatigue, acne, poor circulation, depression, swollen legs, obesity, high blood pressure, wrinkled skin and back pain among other symptoms which might be caused by the toxin build up and also constipation.
Herbal colon cleansing is considered a long lasting solution for the colon problems by many doctors. Simply because this cleanser does more than just improving the colons health, they help improve the health of the major body organs like the gall bladder, kidney and the liver.
No cleansing kit can be effective overnight and herbal colon cleanse is no exception. Cleaning a dirty colon is a series of steps which can take up to 2 weeks for the effect to be felt. For a successful treatment a change in your diet is necessary. You should increase your fiber intake by adding vegetables and fruits to the diet to help with bowel movement. You should also increase the amount of water you drink daily up to half your body weight daily. This is very important because some of the cleansing herbs can lead to dehydration of the body. This means that a person weighing 150 pounds needs 75 ounces of water, which is about 2 liters of water.
A colon cleansing diet should include a lot of fruits and various vegetables. The general diet of most people is to consume cooked and not fresh or natural food. By switching to a diet that comprises more of fresh fruits and vegetables and grains, you find your colon starting its cleansing naturally.
The perfect herbal colon cleanse remedy involves using the natural plant ingredient psyllium in seed or husk state. When ingested, the psyllium absorbs water and expands the colon, making it easy to eliminate toxins. The natural herbal remedies used for colon cleanses have natural disinfectant qualities that help remove worms and parasites from the intestine and colon.
A colon cleanse done naturally is always a better cleanse as its ingredients consist of 100% natural herbs, which is always better than synthetics. Consequently, the body reacts better and faster with natural herbs found in these supplements. Moreover, you have to stop eating any junk food, smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks and even stop drinking sodas or juice for effective colon cleansing.
Try a Colon Cleanse Smoothie
You have to however ingest some calories every day, and the best foods to eat during a cleanse are smoothies. There are various recipes you can try out for a smoothie, which includes using ingredients like lemon juice, ginger and papaya. A very popular smoothie that works as an effective cleanse is the cayenne pepper smoothie.
All you need to make the colon cleanse smoothie is a cup of water, two tablespoons each of lemon juice and maple syrup and a pinch of cayenne pepper. You just have to drink this and carry on with your normal work. At the end of the day, you have to start the second part of the cleanse that involves removal of impurities from the body.
To do this, you need to do a natural enema by drinking a liter of water to which 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt is added. This induces bowel movements, wherein you eliminate all the toxic waste from your body. Do this every day for one week, and you will definitely end up feeling healthier and more energetic at the end of the week.
Foods to Eat During a Colon Cleanse
The best colon cleansing involves going on a fast, where you have to go on a diet of only juices for a week. If you can manage your daily activities only on juices, you can continue the fast for an additional 1-2 weeks.
This is not only an effective detox technique for the body, but also helps you lose unwanted body weight. While you can go on a fruit or vegetable juice diet, if you are a diabetic, it’s better to add water to fruit juices as they do have high amounts of natural sugar.
However, not everyone will be able to go on a fast for a week or so without any solid food. They need to fill their stomach, and the best food to eat is food that is high in fiber as they gently but naturally help with the cleansing of your colon.
Examples are whole grain and bran cereals and perhaps adding of flax seed to your breakfast. You can also add anything green and leafy like broccoli, spinach and salad greens to fill your stomach, and which will also help with the cleanse.
Regarding fruits, they are also very helpful in colon cleansing. Blackberries have 8 grams of fiber per cup, and this fiber greatly helps as a nature colon cleanse. Besides blackberries, prunes and prune juices are also great to use while on a cleanse. Generally, any type of fruit or fruit juices help induce good bowel movements, and promote natural cleansing of the colon.
Generally, the idea of cleansing the colon naturally using food is to increase the body’s process of waste elimination for at least a few days. While flushing out solid waste materials, all the toxic waste and bacteria in the intestines and colon are also eliminated from the body.
Avoid the white foods:
Natural Colon Cleanse Products
In addition to all these dietary changes, there are various colon cleansing products in the market you can take for a complete colon cleanse. Examples are Super Colon Cleanse and Bowtrol, which when taken as per instructions ensures all the toxic waste in your body is eliminated to make you feel much more energetic and fresh than ever before.
These cleansing products can also be considered to be a natural colon cleanse as they are generally made from natural herbs and fibers that help in inducing bowel movements and in adding bulk or fiber to your daily diet.
Special Herbal Colon Cleanse Remedy
CLICK on the BOTTLE Image below to learn about ColoFlush for a natural colon cleanse!
Warning: This video contains graphic pictures of the insides of patients colons. I am sure after watching this that you will see how beneficial a natural colon cleanse can actually be.
Closing Thoughts
This colon cleanse formula can include various herbs, each meant for a distinct purpose within your body. The formula can include some laxative which helps promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder and the liver. Herbs that promote colon peristalsis include cascara, ginger and Senna while the garlic and fennel help alleviate the harmful parasites and bacteria which might be present in your colon. Garlic helps prevent flatulence and the discomfort caused by it. This herbal colon cleanse can help cleanse the colon, but if you are suffering from a serious digestive problem it is always better to consult your physician before using this natural remedy.
Ebooks About Colon Cleansing
Pick up this particular e-book right now here: colon-health
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November 24, 2014
Every now and then your body needs to be cleansed of all the nasty environmental toxins we ingest through the water
supply, inhaled air pollution, processed foods, pesticides,
herbicides, and all the other things out there
we might not even know is poisoning our bodies.
Most medical doctors do not recommend colon cleansing for detoxification. Reverend Claudia Mc – Neely’s Feelings Prayer helps to relieve
negative emotions like fear and worry.
March 10, 2017
Its true that detoxifying is a natural process and it is important to cleanse colon. There are so many supplements in the market or home remedies which help in cleansing colon. Very informative article really very helpful.