Understanding which home remedies work for easing the pain of gout is super important. This is because gout pain can be incredibly excruciating. In this article we uncover the most effective natural remedies known about for curing this problem without harmful side effects.
Gout is an inflammatory disease in the joints caused due to the excessive uric acid. It is actually a form of arthritis and is also referred to as gouty arthritis. The kidneys are not able to eliminate the excessive uric acid which crystallizes and gets deposited in joints, especially in the big toes.It may also cause inflammation in toes, ankles, knees, elbows, wrists and ears.
It may be due to heredity, overweight, heavy alcohol consumption, exposure to lead or intake of very rich in purine. It is also called the ‘disease of the kings’. Gout, when left untreated may lead to damage in joints and disability.
Gout itself can be a painful and disruptive condition. Some people experience only a single episode of gout, and while the gout may become painful, once it goes away they’re left in generally the same health and condition as they were before the gout occurred.
But in some cases, that gout can become chronic, and when that gout becomes chronic it may start to create crystals that group and become what’s known as “tophi.” Once it does, you may have developed what’s known as tophaceous gout.
As explained earlier gout is a buildup of uric acid that then breaks up and causes pain in joints and cartilage. But in some people, the uric acid doesn’t break. Instead, it turns into a hard crystal that can get larger over time. These crystals may lodge in joints, cartilage, and bone, and while they may be painless they can eventually cause significant damage to the joints and bone. This is what’s known as tophaceous gout – gout that has become so chronic that it has created tophi.
Tophi can grow so large that they may be visible, and in some cases can break through the skin. They can affect anyone with chronic gout, but they are most likely to affect those that did not seek treatment for their initial gout. On average, tophi occur roughly ten years after gout has been diagnosed.
Generally the best ways to diagnose a tophi is to talk to your doctor. Tophi can often be confused with more dangerous diseases, such as certain types of cancers. Only a doctor can tell you with any certainty that you are suffering from tophaceous gout.
However, you can at least recognize the onset of tophaceous gout if:
Symptoms are the same as traditional gout, except that the tophi may also erode the bone and cause visual deformity. Once tophaceous gout occurs, it becomes very difficult to treat with traditional dietary changes.
It starts with prevention. If you experience gout symptoms, it’s important that you start immediately treating your gout using some of the dietary changes and natural supplements that appear to have an effect on gout formation. Make sure that you are drinking ample water and taking advantage of herbal remedies that can reduce uric acid buildup.
Once you already have tophaceous gout, it becomes a bit more complicated, but treatment is generally the same. If you can lower your uric acid levels, you should be able to help your body break down the tophi over time. However, since tophi developed because of extremely high uric acid levels it may be a bit more difficult – and possibly more painful – to break them down with any sort of speed. That’s why prevention should be your greatest consideration if you have chronic gout, and you should talk to your doctor about your tophi options if they have already formed.
Gout that’s been left untreated can be difficult to control, but tophaceous gout is treatable. Make sure that you’re following all of the dietary and natural tips for controlling gout, talk to your doctor, and your ability to stop tophaceous gout will improve. And also be sure to read the home remedies for gout further down this article.
Treatment may include many medications, home remedies and natural cures. The medications include NSAIDs like ibuprofen, corticosteroids like prednisone and other medicines prescribed by the doctor. Although, these medications help in pain relief and treating gout, there may be side effects like pain in the abdomen, ulcers and weakening of immune system etc. There are many natural methods for treating this disease that are effective and absolutely free of side effects. These are listed further down in this article.
There are many causes of gout and as much as you want to avoid it, it will be really hard if you do not know what you are doing. So if you are feeling intense pain in your toes, knees, elbows, wrists and other parts of your body that has joints and you eat a lot of foods with uric acid and go drinking often, there is a high possibility that you are dealing with gout.
People who are older are more prone to getting gout. There are many causes of gout and you will have to avoid these causes to avoid your condition from getting worse. The first thing that you should do is to avoid food that has high uric acid content. Uric acid is the main cause of arthritic gout and if you are not able to control your intake, you will be in for a long time of suffering.
Another way to avoid more suffering from gouty arthritis is to avoid eating too much. Eating too much makes the body produce more uric acid which will cause more pain to the parts with gout.
Gout happens when the uric acid turns into crystal like substances when they precipitate. It feels like needles poking your joints and it really hurts. The more uric acid the body produces, the bigger the chances of uric to precipitate which means that you are in for more pain.
You should be ready with home remedies just in case pain acts up when you are at home because dealing with gout can make you immobile because it will be too painful for you to move. You will not be able to do the things that you need to do if the pain persists.
There are plenty of natural and home remedies that you can do to ease the pain caused from gout. If you are stuck at home and it is too painful for you to get some medicine, you can try the following…
Prepare a mixture of water and tiny bits of ginger. Drop the ginger into the water and dip the affected area of your body into the water. This will take out the uric acid in the area but you have to make sure that you wash right after using this kind of remedy.
Natural methods also include some life style changes.
Gout remedies also include alternative therapies like acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy and herbal medicines. Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese therapy that treats many diseases by inserting thin needles in certain areas. The needles are not inserted directly on the affected area, but in other areas. Acupressure is also similar, but pressure is applied instead of needles. A professional homeopathy practitioner can treat gout and prevent further attacks through various homeopathy medicines. The medicines vary from one patient to another depending upon the severity, symptoms and other factors. The herbal remedies for gout include extracts from devil’s claw, gravel root and nettle root etc. It is a good idea to stock up your herbs at home and keep dry herbs sealed.
Click the bottle below for more info on Gout-Gone! This stuff really works wonders if you have gout!
It is better to prevent gout rather than treating it. Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. If you have gout, don’t worry. As you have read there are many remedies and you can choose one to suit your needs and requirements.
Above video: Professionals in the field of gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and various like illnesses are assembling for the yearly meet of scientific medicine and disease held at the American College of Rheumatology in Chicago, USA. The Chairman of rheumatology; Eric Matteson from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota., discusses the newest advancements made in treatment and research predominantly towards treatment of gout.
I hope you found these home remedies helpful and you can finally get some relief from that gout pain. If you enjoyed our article please leave a comment and share the post. Thanks.
Pick up this particular ebook immediately : Cure-Gout-Pain-Now-Free-eBook
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Hi there, I think I may be suffering from gout in my right foot. I read the advice above, and I am pretty sure that’s what I’ve got! I’d like to ask anyone what purine is, and also how you can get hold of charcoal powder? If anyone knows, I’d be grateful. I’m gonna take the advice of soaking my foot in apple cider (I won’t be drinking it after!), and also try the epsom salt soak. How much salt should I use in the water?
I’m also gonna buy that Gout-gone from the ready made herbal remedies and see how I go. It seems lots easier than doing lots of juicing as I don’t have a juicer!
Thanks very much for this helpful advice and all the tips. Great stuff!
Wow! What a great site you have here! I’ve been looking around for somewhere to find different natural things I can do to lessen the swelling in my legs, and I’m glad I’ve stopped here. So much useful information, I’ll be trying out a few of the suggestions here, I didn’t know half the stuff I shouldn’t be eating, like cauliflower and spinach. I always thought they would be good, but anyhow, now I have written a list from here of the veggies I will buy, and hope this will help me. I was thinking of trying a bit of yoga too as they just started a class at our community centre. Has anyone else tried yoga to help with gout?
I’m so glad to learn that gout can be treated with natural remedies, because the last thing I want is to have to live the rest of my life popping pills. I really dislike garlic, but I’ll happily eat them raw if it can make the pain would go away. Ginger I really dislike, but again, I don’t mind it at all if it helps reduce pain. All the home remedies seem very easy to follow, so hopefully they’ll help lessen the pain and make that happen fast.
The easiest, pleasant way to ingest raw garlic is to cut a clove into a tablet or pill size and simply swallow it and drink with water. Its pungent taste, or smell, is thereby avoided. Garlic also cures asthma. It helps to shrink prostate enlargement and it is said to prevent cancer. It likewise cures or prevents flu. It also reduces or take away bodily pains like that of a tylenol. So far, I have not experienced any side effect taking garlic. I take the sliced clove in the morning and before bedtime.
My uncle has gout and he tells me all the time how horrible the pain is and from what I know he takes two different medicines to keep his pain in check. I don’t think he even knows there are natural home remedies that he can use to ease his pain, so this should be good news for him. I think I also may have gout and I need to go see a doctor to confirm that. I’ve seen my uncle live through this from when he was only 40 years old, I’m a little afraid but I’m going to do my best to use all the natural remedies that I can to live a much more pain free life than my uncle. I’m worried, but I’m hopeful that things are going to be better for me.
Plants have been playing an important role to relieve human pains caused by different diseases for hundreds of years. In other words, plants or herbs are an integral part of both traditional and non-traditional medicines prescribed or available as over-the-counter drugs in different areas of the world. Like many other conditions, gout has also been reported to be helped with herbal preparations. Gout is an inflammatory disease related to high level of uric acid in the body, especially, affecting the joints. Garlic has been reported to decrease the substances (e.g. cytokine production in endothelial cells) that cause inflammation of the joints [1]. Also, garlic extract increases nitric oxide that decreases the activity of cytokines to cause joint inflammation [2]. Similarly, ginger also shows anti-inflammatory effects. Sabina et al reported that the active form of (6-shogaol) inhibits monosodium urate crystal deposition in joint [3]. However, not much evidence is available about using baking soda in gout. Drinking plenty of water keeps the body on lowering uric acid [4]. Healthy eating, having regular exercise, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking and reducing weight are other healthy activities to relieve gout pains.
1. Ide N, Lau BH. Garlic compounds minimize intracellular oxidative stress and inhibit nuclear factor-kappa b activation. J Nutr. 2001; 131(Suppl 3): S1020–S1026.
2. Williams MJ, Sutherland WH, McCormick MP, Yeoman DJ, de Jong SA. Aged garlic extract improves endothelial function in men with coronary artery disease. Phytother Res. 2005; 19(4): 314-9.
3. Sabina EP, Rasool M, Mathew L, Ezilrani P, Indu H.6-Shogaol inhibits monosodium urate crystal-induced inflammation–an in vivo and in vitro study. Food Chem Toxicol. 2010; 48(1): 229-35.
4. Ashtiyani SC, Golestanpour A, Shamsi M, Tabatabaei SM, Ramazani M. Rhazes’ Prescriptions in Treatment of Gout. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2012 February; 14(2): 108-12.
Dr. Muzammil Irshad, MBBS
Wow this is wonderful I am gonna try the garlic in milk for my gout in my knee try any think for it so I wanna say thank you so much for this Sammy Kind Regards Willa.
Hi Sam you have created a clear and comprehensive post.
The build up of uric acid is caused by our modern lifestyle of fast food.Using natural remedies is the best way deal with this problem and people need to be educated to eat right to prevent illness.
i need natural product regarding gout.
Some excellent tips here. I wonder if there’s a genetic component in terms of the likelihood of developing gout or are the risk factors primarily environmental? The reason i ask is because I have several family members who suffer from gout.