Beta-Carotene – A Concise Overview

Beta-Carotene – A Concise Overview

Tweet   Beta-carotene is one of the natural chemicals present in carotenes or carotenoids. This carotene gives the orange color to fruits and vegetables like carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes. It derives the name beta-carotene from the Latin name for carrot. Beta-carotene is an effective and abundant form of provitamin A found in food. It can also be made in a laboratory and it is used as a coloring agent for foods....

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Belladonna – A Wonderful Multi-Utility Herb

Belladonna – A Wonderful Multi-Utility Herb

Tweet   Belladonna is a tough perennial shrub. It is not a common garden plant. In fact, it is considered one of the most toxic plants that are available in the western hemisphere. The roots of this plant are thick and plump and look whitish. They can be as long as 6 inches and are branched. The leaves are of dull green color with the size of the leaves ranging from 3-10 inches. It has bell-shaped flowers in dull purple color....

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The Buzz about Bee Balm and Bees Wax

The Buzz about Bee Balm and Bees Wax

Tweet   We are all aware of how hard bees work to produce bees wax and manipulate bee balm. If we were only as industrious as the bees, we would also bear good fruit. Usually, it is honey that is attributed to bees. Although they are interrelated, it is important to step back and distinguish between the two terms in order to appreciate the bigger picture. Mind Your Bees Wax The term, itself, has evolved from the vernacular and...

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Basil – A Star Among Herbal Home Remedies

Basil – A Star Among Herbal Home Remedies

Tweet   I love Italian food; I grow basil in my garden and use it, along with pine nuts and parmesan cheese to make the greatest pesto. I do not like processed foods, for myself and my family; our day is not complete without either rice or pasta. With an herb that does so much to our cooking, it’s hard to believe it has properties often found in traditional home remedies. Basil contains health protecting and enhancing...

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Barberry Herb – A Beautiful Shrub With Plenty Of Health Benefits

Barberry Herb – A Beautiful Shrub With Plenty Of Health Benefits

Tweet     Barberry, scientifically called Berberis Vulgaris is also known with other names like barberry herb, berberry, mountain grape, berberis, jaundice berry, common grape, pepperidge and sowberry. It is a beautiful evergreen thorny shrub with vibrant red colors, especially in autumn and summer. Although it is a medicinal herb, it is of no wonder that it is grown as a decorative plant in gardens and homes. It is native...

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