5 Natural Tips for Staying Awake Throughout the Day

5 Natural Tips for Staying Awake Throughout the Day

Tweet   We all struggle to stay awake sometimes, especially when our bosses are boring us to death in a meeting, or our teachers are babbling away at the chalkboard, or even when our spouses or significant others won’t stop talking about the person at work that they don’t get along with. The truth is, it’s hard for our bodies and minds to stay awake and alert throughout the entire day, so if you experience any...

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Mouth Matters – Do You Know These Dental Facts?

Mouth Matters – Do You Know These Dental Facts?

Tweet Here are some interesting dental facts you might not know… Cheese is good for your teeth, some chocolate is too, and you won’t believe how many bacteria live in a single drop of spit–but wait, there’s more. Discover unusual dental facts on this new and fun infographic (but don’t forget to brush afterwards). Dentists are fond of saying, “You only need to brush the teeth you want to keep.” With a third of...

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Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy this Summer

Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy this Summer

Tweet     Dental Health Tips for the Kids As a parent, you undoubtedly work hard to instill positive habits in your children. By teaching them properly now, you will set them on the right path in life. Dental health is one very important piece of the puzzle. By emphasizing the importance of proper dental health while they’re young, you’ll lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. From paying regular visits to...

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How To Remove Cellulite The Natural Way

How To Remove Cellulite The Natural Way

Tweet   Technology provides for a lot of options for cellulite removal. But the problem is, these procedures can be expensive, may only work temporarily, and could be a waste of time and resources. If you do not adjust and make changes after a cellulite procedure, the bulges in your thighs and abdomen will return. A more effective and long term solution to cellulite removal is to do it naturally. In fact, you may not need to...

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Home Remedies for Sunburn – Helpful Tips

Home Remedies for Sunburn – Helpful Tips

Tweet We all know to cover up when out in the sun, but did you know there are actually many effective home remedies you can use for sunburn as well? Read on to discover what they are. Summer time is a season that a lot of us look forward to. Pleasant warm weather and plenty of outdoor activities are a welcome change from staying cooped indoors during the cooler months. However, excess exposure to the sun can have adverse effects....

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Exercise and Mood Disorder

Exercise and Mood Disorder

Tweet   Manage Your Mood Naturally: Go Out and Exercise! The two most common mood disorders that people suffer from are depression and anxiety. What makes mood disorder unique from other mental illnesses is that it is quite difficult to diagnose, and not everyone understands it. In the case of depression, most people would just dismiss it as a simple case of having the blues. But it’s not. It’s a feeling of intense sadness that...

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