5 Natural Mood Boosters

5 Natural Mood Boosters

    Waking up in the morning with a bad mood is certainly not the best way to start your day. Some people do feel cranky in the morning and continue to have this feeling all throughout the day. As a result, their day automatically becomes a mixture of negative things from having conflicts with their office mates to not being able to meet deadlines. These are just few of the consequences that you will be able to encounter if...

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Exercise and Mood Disorder

Exercise and Mood Disorder

  Manage Your Mood Naturally: Go Out and Exercise! The two most common mood disorders that people suffer from are depression and anxiety. What makes mood disorder unique from other mental illnesses is that it is quite difficult to diagnose, and not everyone understands it. In the case of depression, most people would just dismiss it as a simple case of having the blues. But it’s not. It’s a feeling of intense sadness that lasts...

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