Eucalyptus – Medicinal Plant With Health Benefits
Tweet When you hear the word eucalyptus, you probably think of the primary food source of koala bears. But, the oil extracted from Eucalyptus, which is a native Australian plant has been used medicinally for a long time and may help treat a range of conditions; research is somewhat limited on its benefits so it is not definitively recommended as a treatment for any one health issue, but it certainly cannot hurt to experiment....
Opium Poppy – An Essential Herb
Tweet There are many herbal remedies that promises effective alleviation of many sickness and conditions. However, they can also provide negative results and side effects when misused. It is important to understand that herbal remedies are encouraged as means of treatment that can offer a life-long sustenance. These alternative treatments can improve an individual’s health and well-being and are highly beneficial when...
Parsley – A Wonderful Culinary and Medicinal Herb
Tweet Parsley is an herb belonging to Apiaceae family, whose native origin are Eastern Mediterranean regions such as: Algeria, Lebanon, and De Candolle of Turkey; however it has spread to other parts including Germany, Hungary, California, France and Belgium. Parsley`s leaves, root and fruits have been used for several centuries in traditional medicines. The leaves of parsley have been described as pinnate decompound by the...
Passion Flower – Natural Remedy for Depression and Other Illnesses
Tweet Passion flower, what an extraordinary beautiful flower, don’t you think? If you will visit Central, North and South America, you will easily spot a passionflower growing along fence lines, thickets and edges of woodlands. It is a native of such territories however there are also places in Europe where it is cultivated. It is a climbing vine and its flowers are large with violet and white colors. The flower was so...
Health Benefits of Peppermint – The Menthol Plant
Tweet In this article we discuss the many health benefits of peppermint, where it comes from, what it comprises, what it’s used for and how to use it. Peppermint also known as Mentha Piperita is a popular flavoring for toothpaste, tea and gum among other products. It is widely used as a medicinal product to aid digestion and to ease stomach upsets. This is because it contains active ingredient menthol that not only...
Poison Ivy – Friend Or Foe?
Tweet Every gardener in the United States faces Toxicodendron Radicans each spring. They may better know this plague as Poison Ivy, but almost everyone knows the itchy rash that comes with unintentional and accidental contact with this plant. Poison Ivy can come in the form of a shrub, tree, bush, climbing vine, or a trailing ground cover. With its seemingly innocent shiny green leaves clustering in groups of three off of a...