Mint – Herb that Keeps Your Breath Fresh and Your Body in Good Shape
Mint is usually known as a breath freshener all over the world. It is sometimes called by its scientific name Mentha. Little do people know but it actually does more than just freshen the breath. It actually has more health benefits that you think! Health Benefits of Mint This herb actually promotes proper digestion and is being used in many parts of the world as an appetizer because of its aroma. This...
Caraway – Health Benefits and Information
The Romans adored the Caraway plant for this reason – when you chew it, it disguises the alcohol smell in your breath! Amazing, isn’t it? However, there is more to this plant than just disguising a drinking session. Truth is, it has a lot of medicinal benefits. Even the seeds of this plant have a long list of benefits according to the UNP website. The Caraway plant has been present for 5,000 years and...
Elderberry – Medicinal Benefits and Side Effects
Though not so popular to the modern ear, however, Elderberry has been used for centuries by our ancestors from Europe, Western Asia, North America and Africa. This is a close relative of the honeysuckle. You would also be surprised to know that the victims of the great flu epidemic in Panama, 1995 were treated with elderberry juice. In What Forms Can You Take Elderberry? Well, to begin with, most elderberry...
Horsetail – Benefits and Information
Also known as shave grass, scouring rush and pewterwort, the horsetail plant has a strong history behind it. It is the sole survivor of the Equisetaceae family that dates back to 300 million years ago, the dinosaur era. That being said, you already know that horsetail is super plant! Both ancient Rome and China have used horsetail as one of their top remedies for bladder problems, arthritis, ulcer, tuberculosis and many more. ...
Chicory Plant – Benefits and Side Effects
Chicory is also known as coffeeweed . It is called coffeeweed because it is mostly known as a coffee substitute rather than a medicinal herb. This plant belongs to the daisy family and is native to Europe, Asia and North America. The first recorded use of chicory was way back in Ancient Egypt as a cure to liver and gallbladder problems. Today, this woody plant is still being utilized by many people all over the world...