Asparagus – Using it in Home Remedies

Asparagus – Using it in Home Remedies

Tweet   From as far back as the mid 1700s it was thought that taking asparagus was considered one of the top home remedies for treating kidney stones; natural remedies at the time being the only medicine available to the masses. Asparagus is an early spring vegetable; it is a member of the lily family as is onion and garlic. The first evidence of asparagus cultivation dates back to Egypt, at that time it was used as a common...

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Artichoke – The Mediterranean Wonder

Artichoke – The Mediterranean Wonder

Tweet   Artichoke, scientific name Cynara cardunculus, a plant noted for its bizarrely-shaped but beautiful violet-purple flowers and is commonly known as globe artichoke. Found throughout Southern Europe, some parts of Africa and other places around the Mediterranean, the artichoke is also most notable for its many uses from being used as ingredients for various forms of food, tea, a form of liquor and some medicinal and folk...

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Arnica – An Effective Medicinal Herb

Arnica – An Effective Medicinal Herb

Tweet   Arnica is a perennial herb that originates from Europe, eastern Asia, Canada and the northern United States. Herbal medicines are often prepared with the daisy-like flower, rhizome or root of this herb. Infections, inflammation and wounds can be relieved or healed by using Arnica herbal home remedies. Even homeopathic medicines are also prepared with it. A majority of the claims regarding the effectiveness of this plant...

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Aristolochic Acids – All You Have Wanted To Know

Aristolochic Acids – All You Have Wanted To Know

Tweet   Aristolochic Acids are herbal remedies that belong to a family of mutagenic, nephrotoxic and carcinogenic compounds. They are common in Aristolochiaceae plants family. Such plants include Asarum and Aristolochia. These plants are very popular among the expert of traditional Chinese medicine. For many years, Aristolochic acids have been used in the manufacture of Chinese medicine. Among the mostly used acid in the...

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Alternative Medicine – CAM Versus Conventional Medicine

Alternative Medicine – CAM Versus Conventional Medicine

Tweet   Let’s talk about alternative medicine and how it affects or contributes to the medical industry and, of course, our society.   What is Alternative Medicine? So what exactly is alternative medicine? Alternative medicine is a general term used for, basically, other methods or techniques for treating different health conditions that is not related to or is not the same as conventional medicine. Or as Wikipedia...

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