Black Cohosh – Information and Medicinal Properties

Black Cohosh – Information and Medicinal Properties

Tweet   What is Black Cohosh? This is an herb that is sold as a dietary supplement in the US and other countries. It is a member of the buttercup family of plants. Scientifically, it is known as Actaea racemosa. Here, are some other names which it is known by: Black snakeroot Bugwort Rattlewort Rattleweed Bugbane Macrotys. It is mainly known and used as a treatment for hot flushes, a symptom of menopause. How Is It Prepared?...

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Bitter Orange – Herbal Extract with Super Medicinal Properties

Bitter Orange – Herbal Extract with Super Medicinal Properties

Tweet   Bitter Orange refers to an herb extracted from the bitter orange plant whose native origin is tropical Asia and Africa. Due to its popularity, this tree is also grown in Mediterranean regions such as Florida and California. Extracts are obtained from different parts of the tree including leaves, peels, fresh flowers and twigs. Other Names of Bitter Orange include; Green orange, Kijitsu, Bitter orange peel, Sour orange,...

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Biotin – What is it and How is it Useful?

Biotin – What is it and How is it Useful?

Tweet   Biotin refers to water-soluble vitamins which contains sulfur compound. At times, Biotin is also called vitamin H. In the human body, this vitamin is excreted in the intestines by bacteria, while in foods it is found attached to protein or amino acid lysine known as biocytin. Degradation of biotin proteins typically occurs in the small intestines or digestive tract, thereby being released inform of biocytin, biotin or...

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Bilberry – A Highly Effective Medicinal Herb

Bilberry – A Highly Effective Medicinal Herb

Tweet   Nature is capable of curing us with its medicines in the form of herbs. Bilberry is one of the nature’s premium gifts to humankind. It is a shrub and produces berries. Its color ranges from dark purple to black. These berries have been in use for medicinal purposes for over 1000 years. This medicinal plant is known by different names: Huckleberry, European blueberry, Whortleberry, Myrtle Blueberry, Bleaberry, and...

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Bifidobacteria – Enhance Your Well-Being

Bifidobacteria – Enhance Your Well-Being

Tweet   Every day, there is constant battle going on between the healthy bacteria who try to create a healthy environment in the digestive tract and the bad bacteria who try to establish dominance. Healthy or beneficial bacteria contribute to healthy digestion and are necessary for optimal health. On the other hand, bad or harmful bacteria create an imbalance in the gut flora and affect your digestive health and results in many...

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