Passion Flower – Natural Remedy for Depression and Other Illnesses

Passion Flower – Natural Remedy for Depression and Other Illnesses

Tweet   Passion flower, what an extraordinary beautiful flower, don’t you think? If you will visit Central, North and South America, you will easily spot a passionflower growing along fence lines, thickets and edges of woodlands. It is a native of such territories however there are also places in Europe where it is cultivated. It is a climbing vine and its flowers are large with violet and white colors. The flower was so...

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Onion – A Natural Home Remedy

Onion – A Natural Home Remedy

Tweet     Whenever we slice an onion, we can’t help but get teary-eyed. We get teary-eyed because of the scent and once the scent evaporates into the air and as we chop them, the scent itself causes tears to flow as it affects the nerves in the nose and the nose is connected with the eyes.     Although it makes us cry, we don’t know what to do without it because it is very delicious and its scent is...

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Health Benefits of Peppermint – The Menthol Plant

Health Benefits of Peppermint – The Menthol Plant

Tweet In this article we discuss the many health benefits of peppermint, where it comes from, what it comprises, what it’s used for and how to use it.     Peppermint also known as Mentha Piperita is a popular flavoring for toothpaste, tea and gum among other products. It is widely used as a medicinal product to aid digestion and to ease stomach upsets. This is because it contains active ingredient menthol that not only...

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Poison Ivy – Friend Or Foe?

Poison Ivy – Friend Or Foe?

Tweet   Every gardener in the United States faces Toxicodendron Radicans each spring. They may better know this plague as Poison Ivy, but almost everyone knows the itchy rash that comes with unintentional and accidental contact with this plant. Poison Ivy can come in the form of a shrub, tree, bush, climbing vine, or a trailing ground cover. With its seemingly innocent shiny green leaves clustering in groups of three off of a...

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Neem – Uses And Benefits

Neem – Uses And Benefits

Tweet   Neem or Azadirachta Indica originates from Indian peninsula and it belongs to the mahogany family. Neem is an evergreen tree and a primary ingredient in many ayurvedic medicines. It has great anti-fungal, anti-septic, anti-viral and self-healing properties. Neem oil and extracts are used to treat several ailments like jaundice, stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, diabetes, ringworm and many skin related diseases. Neem extract...

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Shark Cartilage – Is it an Effective Alternative Cancer Treatment?

Shark Cartilage – Is it an Effective Alternative Cancer Treatment?

Tweet   Shark cartilage is cartilage that is extracted from the fins and heads of sharks. Many animals and humans too, have this connective tissue in their skeletal system, which is known as cartilage. The skeletons of sharks are almost entirely made up of cartilage. Calcium salts, glycoproteins, protein and proteoglycans are the main compounds shark cartilage contains. The cartilage of a shark is dried and powdered to prepare a...

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