Ginger – Culinary and Health Benefits of Nature’s Medicine

Ginger – Culinary and Health Benefits of Nature’s Medicine

Tweet   Ginger is one of the most ancient spices in the worldwide cuisine. Due to its pungent and spicy flavor, it is used in Asian stir fries and many fruit and vegetable dishes. Apart from its use in different varieties of cuisine, extensive research has been done to find out the health benefits of this powerful herb. The healing benefits of ginger are mainly due to its volatile oils and oleoresin content. Short Audio Clip:...

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Garlic – Culinary and Super Medicinal Wonder Herb

Garlic – Culinary and Super Medicinal Wonder Herb

Tweet   Garlic (Allium sativum) is a common bulbous plant that is popular for its culinary and medicinal uses. It is endemic to central Asia, but can also be found in the cuisine in the Mediterranean region, and is also used extensively in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Because of this, you can find garlic cultivated all over the world. You can also find garlic in many forms. Apart from fresh garlic, you can find it frozen, pre-cut,...

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Folate – Ascertaining The Scientific Facts

Folate – Ascertaining The Scientific Facts

Tweet   Folate is one of the most important water soluble vitamin B that occurs naturally in some food varieties such as spinach, turnip greens, asparagus, parsley, lentils, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, calf’s liver and collard greens. In its synthetic form which is usually found in fortified foods and supplements it’s referred to as folic acid. The name was initially generated from a Latin word “folium”...

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Fish Oil – The Facts, The Benefits, and The Side Effects

Fish Oil – The Facts, The Benefits, and The Side Effects

Tweet   Medical experts and scientists have always mentioned about the great benefits of consuming fish oil. This oil can be consumed from supplements or from eating the marine products. As the name suggests, this fishy oil is the natural oil production that is derived from fish. Like other marine creatures that contain healthy substances and contents, fish oil is believed to help people getting rid of severe diseases and serious...

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Feverfew – Wonder Herb for Migraine Headaches

Feverfew – Wonder Herb for Migraine Headaches

Tweet   Feverfew is a native plant found in Eurasia particulary in Anatolia, Balkan Peninsula and the Caucasus. It has a daisy like flowers and is grown for ornament but more importantly for medicinal purposes. This plant bears the scientific name of Tanacetum parthenium which belongs to the asteraceae or sunflower family. It is otherwise known as wild chamomile and featherfew. Today it has been grown in other parts of the globe...

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Fennel and Fennel Seeds – Facts and Home Remedies

Fennel and Fennel Seeds – Facts and Home Remedies

Tweet   What is all the fuss about Fennel and Fennel seeds; is it true that there are medicinal remedies surrounding these forgotten plants? It’s funny you should ask! Not too many people are acquainted with Foeniculumvulgare, its scientific name; or, in ordinary parlance, Fenel. This plant, which is considered by some to be an herb or a weed, is found in the wild regions of the Mediterranean. Fennels, including their...

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