Ephedra – A Small but Potent Plant

Ephedra – A Small but Potent Plant

Tweet   Ephedra are shrubs that grow not more than five feet, and usually they are leafless, in accordance with the variety. The shrubs commonly have multiple erect branches that make the plant look like a broom. The shrub has a scale like leaves and reddish seeds which are fleshy. It has delicate taproots growing from the base of the plant straight down. It has been a traditional Chinese remedy for bronchitis, allergies, asthma,...

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Echinacea – Information and Health Benefits

Echinacea – Information and Health Benefits

Tweet   What is Echinacea? Echinacea refers to an herbaceous flowering plant belonging to the Asteraceae, daisy family. According to research, Echinacea has North American continent as its native land, especially in the Northern prairie states and Pennsylvania, however, it’s also grown in the cooler northern parts of various US Southern states. Echinacea is characterized by unique features such as: bristly and stout stem...

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Dandelion Benefits – Surprisingly Medicinal Weed

Dandelion Benefits – Surprisingly Medicinal Weed

Tweet This article talks about the amazing dandelion and all its natural health benefits which have been used for centuries by various cultures around the world.     Taraxacum officinale or Dandelion as it is better known is basically a weed. However, it is considered as a valuable source of herb and many herbalists praise it because of its medicinal effects. Dandelion is also consumed as a food. It is also a rich source of...

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Coriander – Home Remedies and Benefits

Coriander – Home Remedies and Benefits

Tweet   What Is Coriander? Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum) is a herb that is used extensively in Asian and Western Cuisines. It is also known as cilantro or dhania or Chinese parsley. It is native to Southern Europe and North Africa to South Asia. It grows as a small green plant and every part of it is edible and find its use, especially the leaves and seeds. Because of its strong flavor, it is an integral part of many cuisines...

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Cinnamon – Wow… What a Super Medicinal Herb!

Cinnamon – Wow… What a Super Medicinal Herb!

Tweet   Age-old uses of cinnamon, as a culinary as well as medicinal accoutrement, are absolutely overwhelming and world renowned. This astounding natural element brings numerous health benefits along with it. A step by step description process can provide a clear picture about the various important and multidimensional aspects of cinnamon; for example, its origin, ingredients, healing properties, how does it work, ways of using,...

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Chamomile – Home Remedies, Usages, Benefits, and Side Effects

Chamomile – Home Remedies, Usages, Benefits, and Side Effects

Tweet   Chamomile home remedies have been used to provide relief from diseases and ailments. But not many people realize that this type of natural remedies have existed since the ancient times, where the Greek and Egyptian people had been using chamomile to treat medical issues and symptoms. The word chamomile comes from the word chamaimelon, which means on the ground apple in Greek. The name was taken because the smell of the...

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