Citrus Fruits Can Greatly Improve Heart Health

Citrus Fruits Can Greatly Improve Heart Health

Tweet An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a glass of orange juice or a half of a grapefruit every day will do more to keep you from having a heart attack, medical research indicates. Studies have repeatedly shown a link between certain foods and long-term heart health, and recent research has indicated that incorporating citrus fruits into a person’s routine diet can play a key role in reducing the risk factor of certain...

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5 Cool Ways To Snap Yourself Out Of A Mild Depression

5 Cool Ways To Snap Yourself Out Of A Mild Depression

Tweet How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you excited about your drive to work, or do you wish you could spend an extra few hours in bed? If you’re like most people there is no way you will be excited about going into the office, but you need to keep a closer eye on how you’re feeling when you get home. You should want to spend a few evenings per week doing fun things even if work has left you a little...

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How To Treat A Black Widow Spider Bite At Home

How To Treat A Black Widow Spider Bite At Home

Tweet Plump, black and flaunting a hour glass shaped red mark on their abdomens, the black widow spiders are dangerous creatures because of their bite. Note that these spiders are reclusive and not aggressive, however they do bite only when they are threatened as a form of self defense. Although the black widow is often found outdoors in gardens and yards, they can also be found indoors hiding in dark spaces such as shoes, underneath...

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Home Remedies For Food Poisoning – Tips, Tricks and Treatments

Home Remedies For Food Poisoning – Tips, Tricks and Treatments

Tweet Knowing what to do by having some simple home remedies up your sleeve will come in handy should you ever have to deal with food poisoning. Read on to learn more about this chronic health issue and how to treat it.     If you have never had food poisoning before then you are really lucky. It feels absolutely horrible. In this article we discuss signs of the food poisoning, the causes, prevention tips and effective food...

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Simple Steps For A Healthy Immune System

Simple Steps For A Healthy Immune System

Tweet   Many of us who are tired of being subject to the season’s worst viruses may turn to our local pharmacy when we need relief. But more people than ever are starting to wonder whether there is a better way to prevent these seasonal assaults. Our immune system is what protects our bodies from the onslaught of bacteria and viruses that can cause sickness and disease. But many say that pharmaceuticals don’t do our...

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Different Types of Food Addiction and Their Remedies

Different Types of Food Addiction and Their Remedies

Tweet   What is food addiction? Do you find it difficult to remain on a diet? Do you eat more than you should? Are you emotionally attached to food? Are you constantly thinking about your weight? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then chances are that you are a food addict! Food addiction or compulsive eating disorder is a condition which causes a person to become obsessed with food. A food addict...

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