Drafty House – Causes of a Lifetime of Getting Coughs and Colds

Drafty House – Causes of a Lifetime of Getting Coughs and Colds

Tweet   One of the causes people get colds and coughs is a damp, cold and drafty house. When I was a kid we had an old blanket that we used to try and stop drafts getting into the living room. When the evening got chilly we would throw it into the gaping space which existed between the door and the floor. Cold Air Block? It never seemed to do a very good job blocking the cold air from entering (or the hot air from escaping) and I...

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Understanding the Importance of Sleep – Study of Sleep Infographic

Understanding the Importance of Sleep – Study of Sleep Infographic

Tweet   Sleep Study Info-graphic A good night’s sleep is necessary for optimum productivity and alertness, but many people shirk sleep for other engaging evening activities. Many people assume that getting five or six hours of sleep is sufficient and that the quality of sleep does not ultimately matter. But these folks unfortunately do not understand the importance of sleep or the structure of sleep cycles and how they...

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The Best Tools for Drifting Off to Sleep

The Best Tools for Drifting Off to Sleep

Tweet   How To Fall Asleep Sleep is a precious and essential commodity but we tend to realize this only when we do not get enough of it. The average person needs about eight hours of sleep every night in order to perform at his or her peak. Many people are tempted to turn to medication if their sleep is impaired, but there are many other things that might assist them in drifting off to sleep and keep them asleep for longer. Eat...

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The Final Word in Body Hair Removal

The Final Word in Body Hair Removal

Tweet Since forever women all around the world have looked for ways in which to rid body hair by means of all sorts of various removal techniques. This article explains the options available today for modern women seeking methods for removing unwanted hair.     Home Laser Systems The intake of the right vitamins for hair growth can help the hair on your head grow long and healthy, but it can also stimulate body hair to grow...

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Fixing Faulty Feet – The Causes and Cures of Common Foot Problems

Fixing Faulty Feet – The Causes and Cures of Common Foot Problems

Tweet   We depend upon our feet for so much in our daily lives, and yet quite often we take common foot problems for granted to the extent that sometimes we fail to realize that we’re mistreating them. It’s not until a painful or unsightly foot disease appears that we realize the importance of proper foot care. Foot problems can arise for a number of reasons, but the commonest are fairly easy to treat and can be avoided...

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Brain Hack – Seven Deadly Sins

Brain Hack – Seven Deadly Sins

Tweet   Remedies for a Better Future Everyone has a weakness, and often that weakness is one of the seven deadly sins. Whether gluttony has you stuffing your face or lust is causing problems in your relationship, there is a way to use the neuronal pathways established by these nasty habits to create new, pleasing habits. This re-purposing of a habitual neuronal activity is a Brain Hack, which is a way of using the existing...

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