Iodine and its Amazing Health Benefits

Iodine and its Amazing Health Benefits

Tweet   Iodine is a trace mineral that plays an essential role in producing thyroid hormones. In order for the body to ensure a regular and healthy thyroid function, it needs a sufficient amount of iodine. Natural sources of dietary iodine include seafood, such as fish, kelp and shellfish, dairy products such as milk, cheese and eggs and plants grown on iodine-rich soil. Most folk get enough daily iodine from iodized table salt...

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Guava – Medicinal Benefits

Guava – Medicinal Benefits

Tweet   Originally from the middle Americas, the guava fruit, or more scientifically known as Psidium Guajava, is not just another tropical fruit that you can taste and enjoy. They are popularly used when making desserts, fruit salads, jams and even sauces, while others prefer to eat it fresh and ripe. Just wash them in cold running water and you will have an instant dessert ready. You can either slice it into cubes or just eat...

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Calcium – Health Benefits, Risks and Sources of Calcium

Calcium – Health Benefits, Risks and Sources of Calcium

Tweet   Not everyone knows this but calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and it has a lot of benefits according to nutracalcium, a website dedicated in posting the latest researches regarding calcium. An adult has an average of 2 – 3 pounds of calcium which are mostly found in bones and teeth. Just 1% can be found in the blood.   What Are the Sources of Calcium? The most popular sources of calcium is milk...

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Oregano – Uses and Benefits

Oregano – Uses and Benefits

Tweet   Oregano is a plant that is considered as one of the most functional medicinal herbs. Its name is a Greek word that means “delight of the mountains” and the plant is a native to the Mediterranean region. The plant is a very small shrub and is also used in culinary arts most especially in Italian and Greek cuisines.     Health Benefits This medicinal herb contains Vitamin K which most people overlook...

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Periwinkle Plant and its Health Benefits

Periwinkle Plant and its Health Benefits

Tweet   Also known as the Lesser or Rosy Periwinkle and the Vinpocetine, Periwinkle is a plant that grows up to 2 feet long. It seldom grows larger and usually just stays put in the ground. It has lavender flowers and is a very nice ground cover for garden enthusiasts. Periwinkle goes way back when it comes to medicinal benefits. It has been used for a long time in China and some parts of America. Native Indians used the...

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