The Picture of Health in the US – American Health Care Spending

The Picture of Health in the US – American Health Care Spending

Tweet   Governments and individuals together spend trillions of dollars for health care costs. The industry impact on the American people shows and grows everyday. It either shows in the bills they pay or it shows in the salary they receive.   Breakdown of American Health Care Spending 21% private business, 28% is individuals, 16% state and local government, 29% federal government.   American Health Spending...

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Understanding The Science Behind Health

Understanding The Science Behind Health

Tweet   If you are interested in staying healthy and ensuring that your body runs as well and as smoothly as possible, then it’s important to recognize that what this comes down to is science. Understanding how food, exercise and supplements affect your body basically comes down to a simple matter of biology and chemistry, and the better you understand these subjects, the more you will be able to choose between good changes...

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Advantages of Organic Skincare – Are Organic Products Really Better?

Advantages of Organic Skincare – Are Organic Products Really Better?

Tweet   Are Organic Products Really Better? Organic food is now a staple on the supermarket shelves and many consumers have been convinced of the health benefits of eating organic products. An increasing number of people are also opting to go for organics for their health and beauty products and have real reservations about the amount of chemicals we are all putting onto our skin and hair. But are there real benefits to using...

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What Are Home Remedies? – What is Holistic Health?

What Are Home Remedies? – What is Holistic Health?

Tweet   So what are home remedies exactly? Natural and holistic home remedies are cures and medicines which are prepared from things readily available in the home environment, such as fruits, vegetables, grasses, spices and herbs. These substances are common items that we normally encounter on a day to day basis. These types of remedies are easy to prepare in one’s kitchen to deal with common ailments.   What Are Home...

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The History of Holistic Home Remedies

The History of Holistic Home Remedies

Tweet   Natural or holistic health methods have become the main way to get rid of a certain illness or skin conditions, but these types of home remedies are not just popular in this generation, as there were natural remedies a long time ago. There are a huge amount of natural treatments out there such as homeopathic and herbal remedy options. All of these kinds of remedies are known for being natural cures to a variety of...

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