Blackberry – How it is Used in the Home

Blackberry – How it is Used in the Home

Tweet   We all know that berries are one of the better fruits out there and there is proof that you will benefit a lot more by snacking on a handful on blackberries than on something like a banana. In particular, blackberries have really come to light in the last couple of years. Medical doctors, dieticians and fitness instructors are some of the people who encourage their clients to choose this type of berry over any other type...

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Black Tea Benefits – A Drink That is Good for You

Black Tea Benefits – A Drink That is Good for You

Tweet All you need to know about black tea, what it is, where it comes from and its many health benefits.     Black tea is a type of beverage that is made from the fully fermented leaves of a small tree; camella sinesis. Generally, there are four types of teas that come from this plant namely: black tea, oolong tea, white tea and green tea. Black tea is more oxidized than any of the other three types. Different Names For...

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Black Psyllium – Natural Remedy For Constipation And High Cholesterol

Black Psyllium – Natural Remedy For Constipation And High Cholesterol

Tweet   Black Psyllium is a herb that grows vigorously and occurs widespread across the globe. This is an annual plant and grows erect upto 60 centimeters in height.Black Psyllium is a native plant of Western Asia and the Mediterranean region. The seeds are narrow, elongated and dark brown in color with a shiny, lustrous coat. This weed is otherwise called as The Englishman’s foot by the North American Indians. The seeds of...

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Black Cohosh – Information and Medicinal Properties

Black Cohosh – Information and Medicinal Properties

Tweet   What is Black Cohosh? This is an herb that is sold as a dietary supplement in the US and other countries. It is a member of the buttercup family of plants. Scientifically, it is known as Actaea racemosa. Here, are some other names which it is known by: Black snakeroot Bugwort Rattlewort Rattleweed Bugbane Macrotys. It is mainly known and used as a treatment for hot flushes, a symptom of menopause. How Is It Prepared?...

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Bitter Orange – Herbal Extract with Super Medicinal Properties

Bitter Orange – Herbal Extract with Super Medicinal Properties

Tweet   Bitter Orange refers to an herb extracted from the bitter orange plant whose native origin is tropical Asia and Africa. Due to its popularity, this tree is also grown in Mediterranean regions such as Florida and California. Extracts are obtained from different parts of the tree including leaves, peels, fresh flowers and twigs. Other Names of Bitter Orange include; Green orange, Kijitsu, Bitter orange peel, Sour orange,...

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