Bromelain – All You Want to Know About this Wonder Enzyme

Bromelain – All You Want to Know About this Wonder Enzyme

Tweet   Bromelain is mixture of various enzymes that are found in stems and juice of pineapples. Also referred to as proteolytic enzyme, it aids the digestion of protein in the body. Some of the bromelain is absorbed directly by the body, therefore, it also has several effects on the body besides the digestive system. In fact, now bromelain is also marketed as a natural anti-inflammatory supplement for various types of arthritis....

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Boron or Boric Acid – An In-Depth Overview

Boron or Boric Acid – An In-Depth Overview

Tweet   What Is it? Boron is a chemical element and mineral, which naturally exists in food and the environment. Boron supplements are used for medicinal purposes. Boron helps to build muscles, strong bones, increase testosterone levels, improve muscle coordination, thinking skills and treat osteoarthritis. The most common form of boron is boric acid, which is contained in capsules that are used by women for the treatment of...

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Boneset – What is this Strange Medicinal Herb?

Boneset – What is this Strange Medicinal Herb?

Tweet   Boneset is a healing herb in the borage family. Its botanical name is symphytum officinale, and it’s also known as comfrey, knitbone, bruisewort and healing herb. As its name indicates, it was used often for healing wounds and broken bones. The name comfrey comes from confirmare, which means “to strengthen.” Boneset can grow to about three feet tall. It has long, oval, deep green basal leaves that are...

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Blueberry – Rich in Minerals and Antioxidants

Blueberry – Rich in Minerals and Antioxidants

Tweet   What are Blueberries? Blueberries are fruits of a flowering perennial shrub. They belong to the Cyanococcus family which includes cranberries and bilberries as well. The fruits are pale greenish when they are unripe and turn into deep blue or purple or indigo when they are ripe. They are small in size. Their size may be as small as a pea. The biggest of blueberries are of the size of a marble. They are also called star...

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Blue-Green Algae – Effectiveness of this Wonderful Medicinal Algae

Blue-Green Algae – Effectiveness of this Wonderful Medicinal Algae

Tweet   Blue-green algae can be described as the plant organisms that are commonly found in volcanic lakes. It survives well in environments with a sunny climate. They are mostly in the form of phylum of bacteria that energizes itself through photosynthesis. It is known for its application as natural cures and home remedies for most of the common ailments and disorders. It contains high levels of chlorophyll and phycocyanin...

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