Feverfew – Wonder Herb for Migraine Headaches

Feverfew – Wonder Herb for Migraine Headaches

Tweet   Feverfew is a native plant found in Eurasia particulary in Anatolia, Balkan Peninsula and the Caucasus. It has a daisy like flowers and is grown for ornament but more importantly for medicinal purposes. This plant bears the scientific name of Tanacetum parthenium which belongs to the asteraceae or sunflower family. It is otherwise known as wild chamomile and featherfew. Today it has been grown in other parts of the globe...

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Fennel and Fennel Seeds – Facts and Home Remedies

Fennel and Fennel Seeds – Facts and Home Remedies

Tweet   What is all the fuss about Fennel and Fennel seeds; is it true that there are medicinal remedies surrounding these forgotten plants? It’s funny you should ask! Not too many people are acquainted with Foeniculumvulgare, its scientific name; or, in ordinary parlance, Fenel. This plant, which is considered by some to be an herb or a weed, is found in the wild regions of the Mediterranean. Fennels, including their...

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Ephedra – A Small but Potent Plant

Ephedra – A Small but Potent Plant

Tweet   Ephedra are shrubs that grow not more than five feet, and usually they are leafless, in accordance with the variety. The shrubs commonly have multiple erect branches that make the plant look like a broom. The shrub has a scale like leaves and reddish seeds which are fleshy. It has delicate taproots growing from the base of the plant straight down. It has been a traditional Chinese remedy for bronchitis, allergies, asthma,...

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Home Remedies for Nausea that Really do Work

Home Remedies for Nausea that Really do Work

Tweet Some of the best home remedies for an illness are already sitting in your kitchen cupboards and that is especially true for nausea problems. This article explains what nausea is and its causes, then it goes into all the natural remedies known to be effective so keep reading if you want to learn these awesome home remedies.     Most people experience nausea after eating from time to time, so the problem is quite common....

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Home Remedies for Burns – Natural First Aid Measures

Home Remedies for Burns – Natural First Aid Measures

Tweet Mother Nature has a lot of readily available home remedies to offer that are very effective first aid responses for the treatment of burns. Carry on reading this article to learn all these wonderful natural burn remedies.     Apart from third degree burns that might require immediate medical attention, small household burns are easy to take care of. The following are a few tips on how to treat burns using what is...

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