How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally with the Right Foods
Tweet Do you know how to lower cholesterol levels in your system naturally and safely? If the cholesterol levels are too high in your blood, you’re at a higher risk of coronary heart disease. People suffering from diabetes are at a much higher risk as well. Fortunately, there are various natural remedies that can help you lower cholesterol levels without experiencing any side effects. When you make sincere efforts to...
Home Remedies for Hiccups That Really Work
Tweet There are all kinds of weird and wonderful home remedies for treating hiccups and many are just ridiculous like standing on your head and counting backwards from 100 to 1. However there are also many natural remedies for hiccups that have been proven time and time again to be effective. What Are Hiccups? Hiccups are an uncontrolled reaction in the human body caused by sudden, involuntary contractions of the...
Spiritual Remedies and Why They Are So Effective In Healing Normal Life Problems
Tweet What is spiritual healing? According to spiritual research, more than 80% of problems that affect us have a spiritual dimension to them. Spiritual healing is thus defined as using spiritual means to overcome spiritual causes of problems. Spiritual healing treats the root cause of a problem and not just symptoms. For example, a spiritual reason (like a ghost attack) could cause a life problem like heart attack. And since...
Home Remedies for Skin Tags – A Definitive Guide
Tweet This article talks about what the condition is and offers some helpful home remedies that are effective for removing skin tags. Keep reading to learn all you need to know about what skin tags are and how to remove them safely. Skin tags, also know as acrochordon or papillomas are benign skin growths that resemble small balloons of hanging skin. They grow on the skin surface mostly on the face, nose,...
Overcome Emotional Addiction While Preventing Relapse After Treatment
Tweet Rehab facilities allow one to recover from a physical dependence, but the mental addiction needs to be overcome as well. Stress is linked to the urge to relapse. Strategies for relieving stress without drugs include exercise, playing with pets and listening to calming music. Addiction happens to the best of us, whether it’s gambling, shopping, alcohol or drugs. Many of us become addicted to something at some point in our...