Lemon – Good for the Kitchen and the Health!

Lemon – Good for the Kitchen and the Health!

Tweet   Lemon, or citrus limon, has got to be the most popular home remedy for every parent and caregiver! It is inexpensive, you can find it almost everywhere in the world and some people even have lemon plants in their very own backyard.     Preparations and Benefits The health benefits of lemon that you are about to read are those that you probably did not hear of yet but you will surely find them very beneficial and...

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Flaxseed Oil Benefits – New Health Wonder!

Flaxseed Oil Benefits – New Health Wonder!

Tweet   Flaxseed oil comes from tiny seeds but ironically with huge benefits! It has been cultivated as early as 3000 BC and is still present in abundant amounts in the present. Today, this small but very powerful seed can be found in many types of food such as crackers and oatmeal – food that people consume on a regular basis.   What Makes Flaxseed so Healthy? Good fats are present in this seed which are referred to...

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Mistletoe – More than Just Your Christmas Plant!

Mistletoe – More than Just Your Christmas Plant!

Tweet Mistletoe is one plant that has a great history behind it. According to European folklore, a mistletoe is considered a magical symbol of fertility and an aphrodisiac. In today’s time, mistletoe is still considered magical because of the fact of the many benefits it can offer!   Health Benefits of Mistletoe As a medicinal plant, this is considered as an antispasmodic, it stimulate the immune system and makes it...

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Comfrey- Medicinal Perennial Herb

Comfrey- Medicinal Perennial Herb

Tweet   Comfrey is believed to have originated from Asia or Europe. This plant can grow up to 5 feet. The leaves of the plant are hairy just like that of an oregano leaf but they are much bigger. However, caution is required when making comfrey an option for curing illness because some species of this plant is considered dangerous. Better let experts choose the right leaves for you.   What Makes Comfrey A Medicinal Herb?...

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Mint – Herb that Keeps Your Breath Fresh and Your Body in Good Shape

Mint – Herb that Keeps Your Breath Fresh and Your Body in Good Shape

Tweet   Mint is usually known as a breath freshener all over the world. It is sometimes called by its scientific name Mentha. Little do people know but it actually does more than just freshen the breath. It actually has more health benefits that you think!   Health Benefits of Mint     This herb actually promotes proper digestion and is being used in many parts of the world as an appetizer because of its aroma....

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