Vaginal yeast infection
Home Remedies for Yeast Infections and Why it Occurs More Often in Women
October 23, 2012 Yeast Infection (Candida)

This article describes some of the best home remedies and natural cures for taking care of any unwanted yeast infections that you may find yourself afflicted by. It also explains what a yeast infection is, how it forms, what it’s caused by and why it is more prevalent in women than in men. After reading to the end you will know all you need to understand, recognize and deal to this unwanted but common health condition!


Vaginal yeast infection


What is a Yeast infection?

While talking about candida, vaginal yeast infection automatically comes into picture. No doubt it is a very annoying health problem, but unfortunately, it is a pretty common condition. Any unfavorable changes in your health condition can invite this problem, especially if you have a very weak immune system. The best advice to handle this situation is to notice the symptoms and take preventive measures immediately. Oral medicines are not preferable to fight this condition.Anyways, why go for the prescription medicines when so many alternative natural medicines are already here to manage your problem? Here is the best approach – first understand the situation and then pick the most efficient weaponries to control and end the problem.

Yeast infection in women is often referred to as Candida, Monilia, Vaginitis or simply Vaginal Yeast Infection.

It is caused by a type of fungus known as Candida albicans that normally resides in the human body without causing any harm. This fungus affects the moist areas of the body such as the vagina and the mouth. As the fungus resides in the body, sometimes changes may occur that cause it to grow to uncontrollable levels and attack the body, hence causing yeast infection. These yeast infection in women can often be cured using an easily accessible home remedy.


A Real Reason to Worry


distressed woman with yeast infection


Candida Albicans is the fungus which lives in harmony in your body. Usually, these fungi do not create any kind of skin reactions or problems to your health. However, certain conditions can definitely change their peaceful nature and help them to grow out of control.

Bacteria called Lactobacillus acidophilus also reside naturally in your body. These bacteria control the growth of other bad bacteria. Being driven by few special circumstances, these fungi become overly enthusiastic and create uncomfortable sensation particularly in the warm and moist parts of your body. Apparently, vaginal area becomes their favorite choice, and as an outcome, you start to suffer vaginal yeast infection.



What Causes Yeast Infection in Women?

Several factors may lead to the overgrowth of the fungus and these are:


  • Low immune system: This can be as a result of an existing condition such as diabetes or HIV/AIDS which are known to lower one’s immune system. Diabetes for example causes elevated sugar levels which is a substrate that yeast can feed on causing an increase in the population of the yeast. Whatever the reason, a low immune system can be what causes yeast infection in women. Your body’s immune system plays important role in this case. Weak immune system can’t control the excess growth of these microorganisms and spread of infection.
  • Blood Sugar Levels: A high level of blood sugar creates an ideal growing condition for these types of yeasts. So, a person, who has excess blood sugar problem, can easily develop this infection.
  • Hormones: An increased level of estrogen hormone during pregnancy can also cause this infection. Women often undergo various hormonal changes during their lifetime; when they strike puberty, during menstruation, when pregnant and when undergoing menopause. All these changes have an effect on the population of bacteria residing in the moist areas like the vagina. This can in turn cause an increase in the yeast population in women.
  • Acidity: Too much acidic environment inside your body kills the good bacteria which keep other bad microorganisms under control.


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  • Antibiotics: This is the leading cause of yeast infections in women. Some antibiotics if used for a prolonged period of time lower protective bacteria population in the body causing an overgrowth of the yeast fungus. Antibiotics destroy body’s immune power. Yes, if you are too addictive to the antibiotics, then you are simply inviting this problem.
  • Other pre-disposing factors: Things that can lead to a vaginal yeast infection in women include: humid weather, poor hygiene, injuries, allergies, poor nutrition and if you wear very tight jeans or trousers, you have a chance to develop this condition.


How to Know If you have Yeast Infection? – Symptoms

These symptoms can often be terrible and affect you negatively; hence eliminating them will help you to gain your normal lifestyle back. If you suddenly feel that the skin surrounding your vagina has become very sensitive, tender, reddish, or the skin has started to itch or burn, you might have developed this condition. You may also notice white, thick and odorless vaginal discharge sometimes. Burning sensation during urination is also a common symptom. Luckily there are simple home remedies that can treat symptoms of a yeast infection or candida.


Why Are Yeast Infections More Common In Women Than Men?


women more likely to get candida infection - meme

Both men and women have candida albicans, the yeast-like organism that causes candida when it goes out of balance, in their bodies. Studies have shown that women are up to 70% more likely to develop candida infections than men are. Unfortunately, there are both lifestyle and biological factors that make it far more likely women will suffer from candida.



Many women use oral contraceptives. Unfortunately, this can lead to different types of candida infections. Some birth control pills may cause thrush, a white coating on the tongue. In other cases, long-term birth control use may cause reoccurring vaginitis or yeast infections in women. Additionally, the hormone imbalances caused when they are pregnant also makes women more likely to develop candida infections in their vagina. Infections because of pregnancy may go away after the baby is born, or could become a reoccurring problem.



Progesterone is a hormone in the body that helps regulate a woman’s menstrual cycles. Men produce some progesterone too, but only in small amounts and it does not play a major role in their sexual reproductive system. If the levels of candida albicans in a woman’s body are normal, then estrogen and progesterone go through their monthly wax and wane cycle with no problem. However, when there is too much candida albicans, the higher levels of progesterone that a woman produces during the peak of her menstrual cycle acts an accelerant for the candida overgrowth. In other words, the candida overgrowth actually feeds off a woman’s high progesterone levels during her period.


Low Estrogen

The balance between estrogen and progesterone is delicate and, unfortunately, it fluctuates on a monthly basis. Estrogen naturally defends the body from candida overgrowth. However, as a woman’s progesterone levels rise, her estrogen levels fall. The lower amount of estrogen means the body has less of a defense against candida overgrowth. Additionally, women who have low estrogen levels for other reasons are more likely to suffer from frequent yeast infections or other types of candida infections.


Genital Candidiasis

More commonly referred to as a yeast infection, women are more prone to suffer from genital candidiasis than men are. Even though both men and woman take medications like antibiotics that can cause candida infections, women tend to suffer from more side effects because of the more sensitive nature of their sexual reproductive system. Most women, even those who never have children, have at least one yeast infection during the course of their lifetime.

Not all women develop candida problems and some will show no yeast symptoms, but it is important to remember that they are more naturally susceptible than men are. Many doctors suggest that women follow a balanced diet that is not too high on carbohydrates and sugars and avoid things that eliminate their body’s natural defense mechanisms or lower their immune system.


Watch this informative video for some more easy natural remedies to try for treating yeast infection in women.

Home Remedies

Alternative therapies are the best for treating this condition. Many people believe that the herbal remedies work best by addressing the root cause of any health problem.

If you are worried about the preventive measures, be sure not to repeat any actions mentioned in the infection causes section.

Practitioners of alternative medicine focus on all natural home remedies, aromatherapy methods to deal with the condition and also prescribe using nutritional supplements to treat this infection.

These home remedies are often simple preparations which one can prepare from natural substances within the home environment. Several of these are regular things that we use in our meals especially. If prepared in the right manner, they can also be used as natural ingredients in our meals for the treatment of yeast infections. These include:


no yeast icon

no yeast icon



The best natural way is regulating your diet. The role of diet in treating this condition is quite contradictory. Few people consider candida diet as a helpful cure, while others believe this diet has nothing to do with this condition. Dr. William Crook started to tout candida diet as an effective yeast infection cure in the early 1980’s. Despite several skepticisms and controversies, many patients reported good result after following this diet. This diet reduces carbohydrates in your foods. You should restrict the consumption of sugary products, grains and alcoholic beverages.



Garlic cures the infection by killing the yeast. Garlic can be applied topically, eaten fresh or as a supplement. Garlic taken orally or as supplement is often used to cure infections in the stomach and gut. A fresh clove of garlic can be used by injecting into the affected area; usually the vagina. This is done by placing the garlic clove into the area for every few hours. If this remedy is used early enough, it can catch the infection readily. This type of yeast infection in women can especially benefit from the garlic treatment because they can tell when the infection is about to start, by experiencing a tickle of itchiness. At this point the garlic clove can be inserted. Before insertion, the garlic is peeled by taking off the white paper shell. Then during bedtime, the garlic clove is inserted into the vagina. This is then removed in the morning and thrown away. For the best results, this remedy should be continued for at least three days or until the itching stops. Cutting the garlic or slicing it makes its activity stronger, and thus increases the dosage; therefore care should be taken to avoid burning the skin. Douching is not allowed during treatment of yeast infection because yeast loves water and will grow faster. Sometimes you may not be comfortable inserting the garlic into the vagina, in such cases the alternative is garlic tablets. The garlic tablets are readily available in the market and can definitely be used to treat yeast infections.



This is another effective natural remedy. Before using this cure you should make sure you have washed the affected area well. The preparation is made by mixing about one glass of vinegar in bath water. Then you remain in the bath water for about twenty minutes. After that, clean the private area properly to make sure they are dry enough. Vinegar is also used by dipping cotton balls into vinegar solution and these are used to pat the affected areas. In place of the cotton ball, a clean cloth can also be used which is then thrown away. Vinegar home remedy for yeast infection is also used for cure of oral yeast infections. The vinegar, usually white vinegar, is gargled for ten to fifteen minutes. When treating it antibacterial mouthwashes should not be used until the treatment is over. Apple Cider Vinegar treatment can be used in bath water for about twenty to thirty minutes. Drops of the solution can also be used by rubbing them on the affected area with a cotton wool or gargled.


Tea Tree Oil

This remedy has multiple benefits, and also offers good results. To use tea tree oil as a remedy, it should be combined with some alcohol and then kept in a dropper. This mixed solution is used to wash or clean the affected area for a number of days. Tea tree oil has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help in easing the discomfort in the affected area. The tea tree oil can also be mixed with water, and then using a cotton ball to apply to the affected area. The oil can also be added to bath water. You can prepare a mixture using 1 drop of tea tree essential oil, 1 drop of lavender essential oil and cider vinegar and apply it on the affected area. A 2006 study “BMC Infectious Diseases” showed that tea tree oil was very effective against the vaginal yeast infection in rats.



Yogurt contains Acidophilus and Lactobacilli bacteria, which fight fungi in the body. These bacteria are friendly and apart from fighting fungi they also help in strengthening the immune system. It prevents harmful bacteria and fungi from entering the body or prevents their multiplication once in the body.  The type of yogurt normally used is the probiotic yogurt. Yogurt is considered the best because it can successfully cure and prevent many other conditions if used correctly. The friendly bacteria ingest and destroy the harmful microorganisms and yeast infection is ultimately cured. It is also a safe option to use since it is not an anti-fungal treatment, hence will not result in fungal mutations that cause resistance. The yogurt is used topically on the affected area and can as well be eaten. Eating the unsweetened yogurt everyday keeps the body healthy thought the population of healthy bacteria. It can also be put in the vagina by dipping in a tampon which is then removed after about an hour. Another option is to freeze it and then insert it into the vagina. Be sure to wear a sanitary pad to prevent any mess.



Perhaps the most common and readily available remedies to use for a yeast infection is water. Water is a powerful cure which only requires being drunk to reduce getting yeast infections. Our bodies require the right amount of water every day, which is estimated to be about eight glasses. Drinking more water makes you urinate more frequently, a process that helps the body flush off sugars which the yeast feed on. However, the water should be free from toxins so as to be beneficial.



Echinacea acts as an immune stimulator. University of Maryland Medical Centre supports consumption of Echinacea to combat yeast infection. According to a study published in ”Medical Mycology” in 2009, Echinacea attacked the cell wall of the fungus. This herb can be consumed in the form of tea by adding 2 g of dried root to 1 g hot water.



Some practitioners use acupuncture to boost body’s immune system and treat vaginal yeast infection.



Many alternative therapy practitioners suggest detoxification as a preferred treatment method.


Boric Acid


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Boric acid is a white, crystal, odorless powder that has anti-fungal and anti-septic properties. It’s very effective against treating fungal infections, as it interferes with its reproduction and curbs its spread. Many medical treatments for yeast infections, such as capsules and vaginal creams that may come with or without a prescription, actually contain boric acid. But you can use this in its purest form and make your own boric acid suppository at home.

Caution; Be advised that pregnant women are not supposed to use a boric acid treatment. Also, amounts must be carefully and sparingly measured; follow directions well, as boric acid can be harmful. While clinical studies have proven that it works effectively as a suppository, this should also never be ingested orally or used to threat thrush in children, or even be applied to open wounds. Poisoning through boric acid can result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and acute problems in the circulatory system.


Homemade Boric Acid Suppository: In doing this treatment, prepare the following in your kitchen:

  • Boric acid powder, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or health food store
  • Organic coconut oil, which is available at the supermarket or grocery
  • Probiotics, which you can buy at drugstores in capsule form
  • Ice stick tray
  • Bowl
  • Whisk



  1. Melt at coconut oil in the stove or microwave. You should have at least half a cup of it. The coconut oil works to soothe the itching and inflammation, as it provides a lubricating effect in the affected part. It also has anti-fungal properties that work together with the boric acid.
  2. In a bowl, pour the coconut oil, and then add 2 teaspoons of boric acid. Mix these together.
  3. Empty the contents of the probiotic capsules into the bowl. This works to restore the pH levels of the area down there.
  4. Mix using a whisk or a fork so that there are no clumps. The solution should at least be paste-like in consistency and should not be powdery.
  5. Pour this in the ice tray and keep in the freezer.


How To Apply

  • Take the boric acid suppository out of the freezer only when you are ready to use it, as the solution actually melts fast.
  • When you’re ready, insert this in the vaginal opening, as you would any tampon and leave it there for the better part of the day.
  • Do not forget to wear unscented panty liners when you do this because the leaks can be messy.

It is recommended that any home remedies for yeat infections using boric acid be administered for two weeks or 14 days. While generally safe, discontinue using the treatment when the conditions do not seem to improve, as it may only cause complications. Do refer to the doctor to be better guided.


Special Homeopathic Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infection


VagiClear - Natural remedy for yeast infection in women

Preventative Measures

Certain preventive measures to avoid yeast infection include:

  • Avoid soaps, sprays and lotions that are perfumed and with strong ingredients
  • Make sure to wipe well after using the toilet
  • Avoid junk food
  • Wear well ventilated clothing
  • Maintain a well balanced diet
  • Maintain good sanitary conditions and proper hygiene.


This videos has some tips, information and home remedies for yeast infections specifically that are recurring.



Free Ebook related to Yeast Infections


how to get rid of yeast infections ebook

In this book, you are going to discover:
• Exactly what a yeast infection is;
• Why it happens;
• Why it is so often difficult to stop it coming back again time after time – this is something that you absolutely have to know;
• What you can do to prevent the condition occurring in the first place; and
• How to treat the condition when it does arise.

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"1" Comment
  1. You can also find the boric acid capsules very inexpensively on Etsy.

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